Subject: McHenry County Wireless Association
Regular Meeting minutes – May 5th, 2015
The May meeting was called to order by President Kent, K9KMD, at 7:00 pm on May 5, 2015 in the Crystal Lake Bank meeting room.
The Pledge of Allegiance kicked off the meeting, led by John, K9JK.
Introductions around the room followed. Thirty-nine people were in attendance for the meeting.
Minutes from the April meeting were published for review on the club website by Secretary Roger, KF9D. Mike, KC9Q, moved to accept the minutes as published, seconded by Larry, KB9DIP. The motion passed by voice vote.
Treasurer Dave, N9ITE, passed around a monthly treasurer’s report showing $130 deposits for the month and a balance of $5095.29. John, K9JK, made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Dave, NT9E. The motion passed by voice vote.
Dave, NT9E had nothing new to report on the website.
Jerry, N9AVY was not present for a newsletter report.
Under old business, it was reported that a VE testing session would be held in 2 weeks, May 19th at the Free Methodist Church in Woodstock. Following the summer, the testing sessions will resume in the month of September.
John, K9JK had tickets for sale for the 6 Meter Club hamfest to be held at the DuPage Co. Fairgrounds on June 21.
Dave, N9ITE, will be participating in a ham radio demonstration at the Westwood grade school on the morning of May 8, and hopes members will be available on 2 meter simplex and the local repeater for contacts.
Several members are reported to be planning to attend the Dayton Hamvention on May 15-17.
VP Dave, KA9OZP indicated that propagation had been down a bit hampering DX availability, but conditions seem to be improving.
A brief Field Day update was given by Chairman Roger, KF9D, along with the station chairmen, KA9CAR, N7US, W9MU, and WB8BZK.
Wendell N9REP is looking for volunteers to provide communications and SAG support for the Udder Century Bike Ride on June 7th beginning at Donley’s Wild West Museum. Contact him at if available to help. Additionally, the Woodstock Road Challenge is June 14 and volunteers are sought for this event also.
Jack, W9MU informs the group that the program for the June meeting will be on the topic of “How to” at Field Day.
Jack, W9MU lead a discussion centering on whether the club should consider repeating the MCC class on Introduction to Amateur Radio next February. The main discussion centered on how to better advertise the class to increase attendance. Consensus of the group seemed to be that the class was worthwhile repeating.
John, KA9TCX, stated that he writes a column for the Woodstock Independent and could aid in getting a field day article published.
The business meeting was adjourned at 7:93 pm. Following a break, Mike WB8BZK provided the club with an excellent program on amateur operation on the VHF/UHF and Microwave bands.
Respectfully Submitted,
Roger Scott, KF9D, MCWA Secretary