The February meeting was canceled due to weather.
Minutes – January 2019
Subject: Meeting Minutes of January 8, 2019
The January meeting was called to order by President Mike, WB8BZK at 7:00 p.m. on January 8, 2019 in the Crystal Lake Bank meeting room.
The Pledge of Allegiance kicked off the meeting, led by Dave K9RUF.
President Mike, WB8BZK extended a welcome and asked if there were visitors or guests present. We had 0 guests:
President Mike, WB8BZK asked for any License Upgrades, New awards etc. issued since Last meeting. President President Mike WB8BZK received Worked All States FT8 for 160 Meters.
Introductions around the room followed. 45 members were in attendance for the meeting.
Minutes from the December meeting were posted on the website for review at the meeting by Secretary Dan KD9M. Kent K9KMD KA9CAR moved to accept the minutes, and the motion was seconded by Roger KF9D. The motion passed by voice vote.
Treasurer Joe N9OK read the Treasurer’s January report:
Started with $5573.70, December Deposits ($412.50): Dues $412.50;
December Expenses ($0.0); December Interest $0.74..
Ending balance: $5986.94
Member count is now 112 Voting members, and 10 family members. John K9JK moved to accept the Treasurer report, and the motion was seconded by Dave NT9E. The motion passed by voice vote.
President Mike WB8BZK Reminded that dues for 2019 of $10 are due to Joe N9OK
President Mike WB8BZK Reminded that the MCWA K9RN Reflector will be members only starting this year.
President Mike WB8BZK showed Field Day QSL that was received.
Several Ham Fests/Gatherings recently and upcoming.
- 47th Annual Midwinter Swapfest (Waukesha) January 5th, It was well attended litter bigger crowd than last year.
- WCRA 2019 Mid-Winter Hamfest (Wheaton) January 20th
- ARRL RTTY Roundup (w/ FT8) Jan, 5-6
- Kid’s Day Jan, 5
- North American QSO Party, CW Jan, 12-13
- North American QSO Party, SSB Jan, 19-20
- ARRL January VHF Contest Jan. 19-21
- CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW Jan, 25-26
- Winter Field Day Jan, 26-27
- 10-10 Int. Winter Contest, SSB Feb, 2-3
- See the contest calendar for more…
Other Announcements
Breakfast Algonquin the Last Saturday in January
Dave K9RUF posted his EMI issue to Facebook and will send it out on the reflector as well.
Piere K9EYE will be hosting 2M SSB and 220 Nets on Tuesday.
President Mike WB8BZK anounced a Board of Directors Meeting will be coming soon. The date will be announced through the reflector.
President Mike WB8BZK announced the February meeting will be a show and tell Bring in something to share.
The business meeting was adjourned at 7:38 PM.
Joe N9OK W9FY moved to adjourn, and the motion was seconded by Mike ND9G. The motion passed by voice vote.
Following a short break, John N9DJ gave a presentation on Tower Grounding. The program wrapped up at 9:08 PM.
Minutes recorded by Secretary Dan, KD9M
Minutes – December 2018
Subject: Meeting Minutes of December 4, 2018
The December meeting was called to order by President Mike, WB8BZK at 7:00 p.m. on December 4, 2018 in the Crystal Lake Bank meeting room.
The Pledge of Allegiance kicked off the meeting, led by Dave K9RUF.
President Mike, WB8BZK extended a welcome and asked if there were visitors or guests present. We had 4 guests: Al Hill KD9MCC, Jeff Pennoyer KD9LNH, Doug Mather KD9PK, Jeanne Garman K9JEG.
President Mike, WB8BZK asked for any License Upgrades, New awards etc. issued since Last meeting. Al Hill KD9MCC, and Jeff Pennoyer KD9LNH both are new Hams, Dave Holmgren K9RUF passed Extra Class.
Vice President Mike ND9G received Digital DXCC for 17 Meters.
President Mike WB8BZK received Worked all states on 160 after getting Alaska confirmed.
Introductions around the room followed. 41 members + 4 guests were in attendance for the meeting.
Minutes from the October meeting were posted on the website for review at the meeting by Vice President Mike ND9G. John KA9CAR moved to accept the minutes, and the motion was seconded by John N9GUU. The motion passed by voice vote.
Treasurer Joe N9OK read the Treasurer’s combined November and December report:
Started with $5624.59, October Deposits ($110.00): Dues $110 November Deposits ($1052.50) Dues $52.50, MCWA Dinner $1000.00;
October Expenses ($0.0), November Expenses ($1214.94): Scouting Event $50.73, MCWA Dinner $1164.21; October Interest $0.77. November Interest $0.78.
Ending balance: $5735.70.
Member count is now 100 Voting members, and 10 family members. Olaf W9FY moved to accept the Treasurer report, and the motion was seconded by Kent K9KMD. The motion passed by voice vote.
President Mike WB8BZK Reminded that dues for 2019 of $10 are due to Joe N9OK.
Several Ham Fests/Gatherings recently and upcoming.
- MRC91 Milwaukee Repeater Club, no attendees from MCWA.
- Antique Radio League December 10th
- 47th Annual Midwinter Swapfest (Waukesha) January 5th
- WCRA 2019 Mid-Winter Hamfest (Wheaton) January 20th
- ARRL 160M Contest (CW only), several got in.
- ARRL 10M Contest Dec, 8-9
- OK DX RTTY Contest Dec. 15
- ARRL Rookie Roundup CW Dec. 16
- Stew Perry Topband Challenge Dec. 29-30
- Straight Key / Green Key Night Jan, 1
- ARRL RTTY Roundup (w/FT8) Jan, 5-6
- See the contest calendar for more…
Other Announcements
Pierre K9EYE doing a 220 Net from 7:00-7:30pm Tuesday night and 2m Sideband from 7:30 – 8:00pm.
President Mike WB8BZK gave a thank you for all the support and those who attended the November Dinner.
President Mike WB8BZK gave a special thanks to the following: Jim N7US for setting up the venue and event finances, and Fred AC9RQ for creating the Personalized Name Badges.
President Mike WB8BZK gave wrap up of The Boy Scout Merit Badge Project.
44 Scouts signed up for the Merit Badge. 24+ MCWA members helped out with the program. The Project was a resounding success
The afternoon Cub Scouts were able to get on the air for Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) and all had a great time.
President Mike WB8BZK Gave the field day results from June 23-24.
MCWA placed 1st in 2A for Illinois
MCWA placed 3rd in Illinois for all classes
MCWA placed 2nd in Central Division 2A
MCWA placed 11th overall 2A Class
The business meeting was adjourned at 7:46 PM.
Olaf W9FY moved to adjourn, and the motion was seconded by Keith N9QDS. The motion passed by voice vote.
Following a short break, Secretary Dan KD9M gave a presentation on Software Defined Radio. The program wrapped up at 8:45 PM.
Minutes recorded by Secretary Dan, KD9M
Minutes – November 2018
No meeting due to Dinner Social.
Minutes – October 2018
Subject: Meeting Minutes of October 2, 2018
The October meeting was called to order by President Mike, WB8BZK at 7:01 p.m. on October 2, 2018 in the Crystal Lake Bank meeting room.
The Pledge of Allegiance kicked off the meeting, led by Dave K9RUF.
President Mike thanked the nominating committee for their work for last month’s elections.
He extended a thank you to the previous board, and especially Jack Hudson W9MU for his extended service as a club director.
Gary Dembski KD9FML was welcomed to the board as the new incoming director.
President Mike, WB8BZK extended a welcome and asked if there were visitors or guests present. We had 3 guests: Joe KD9LQQ, Tom KC9JYF, and Tom KC9HPV.
President Mike, WB8BZK asked for any License Upgrades, New awards etc. issued since Last meeting. None noted.
Introductions around the room followed. 39 members + 3 guests were in attendance for the meeting.
Minutes from the September meeting were posted on the website for review at the meeting by Secretary Dan, KD9M. John K9JK moved to accept the minutes, and the motion was seconded by Pierre K9EYE. The motion passed by voice vote.
Treasurer Joe N9OK read the Treasurer’s September report: Started with $4611.75, Deposits ($1122.00): Dues $45, Auction proceeds $927, KB9I donated equip sales $150; Expenses ($109.78): 40th Anniv. cake/supplies $109.78; Interest $0.62. Ending balance: $5624.59. Member count is now 97 Voting members, and 9 family members. Dave NT9E moved to accept the Treasurer report, and the motion was seconded by Dennis KA9PUC. The motion passed by voice vote.
President Mike WB8BZK gave the highlights of the 40th anniversary celebration at last month’s meeting.
It was announced that the donated equipment auction raised $927 for the club, far exceeding expectations.
It was announced that Paul Dumdie W9DWP became an SK recently, a moment of silence was held in observance.
The November social dinner was discussed and reservations were being taken by signup. Please contact Jim N7US by October 28th. More details found on site.
Several Ham Fests/Gatherings recently and upcoming.
- W9DXCC Convention – Schaumburg, IL September 14th, lots of attendees, with positive reports.
- Peoria Superfest, Peoria, IL September 15th
- CFMC Radio Expo – Belvidere, IL September 22nd
- HRO Superfest September 28th
- Microwave Update 2018 Convention October 11th
- MRC91 Milwaukee Rpt Club November 3rd
- 432 MHz Fall Sprint Oct. 3
- Makrothen RTTY Contest Oct. 13-14
- ARRL School Club Roundup Oct. 15-19
- 10-10 INt. Fall Contest, CW Oct. 20-21
- Stew Perry Topband Challenge Oct. 20-21
- Illinois QSO Party Oct. 21-22
- CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB Oct. 27-28
- ARRL EME Contest Oct. 27-28
- ARRL Swepstakes, CW Nov. 3-5
- See the contest calendar for more…
President Mike WB8BZK asked for people to think about presentations for Feb and March 2019. Planned presentations are as follows: December (Dan KD9M) Intro to Software Defined Radios, January (John N9DJ) Tower Grounding, February (Kermit W9XA) ARRL Update (pending ARRL election results).
Other Announcements
President Mike WB8BZK and Director Gary KD9FML provided an update on the Boy Scout merit badge program for October 20th.
It was noted that the quarterly ham breakfast in Algonquin is on the same day as the Boy Scout event, it was encouraged that members try to help with the event.
The business meeting was adjourned at 7:53 PM.
Following a short break, Jack W9MU gave a presentation on using software to model antennas. The program wrapped up at 9:02 PM.
Minutes recorded by Vice President Mike, ND9G