Minutes – October 2018

Subject: Meeting Minutes of October 2, 2018

The October meeting was called to order by President Mike, WB8BZK at 7:01 p.m. on October 2, 2018 in the Crystal Lake Bank meeting room.

The Pledge of Allegiance kicked off the meeting, led by Dave K9RUF.

President Mike thanked the nominating committee for their work for last month’s elections.
He extended a thank you to the previous board, and especially Jack Hudson W9MU for his extended service as a club director.
Gary Dembski KD9FML was welcomed to the board as the new incoming director.

President Mike, WB8BZK extended a welcome and asked if there were visitors or guests present. We had 3 guests: Joe KD9LQQ, Tom KC9JYF, and Tom KC9HPV.

President Mike, WB8BZK asked for any License Upgrades, New awards etc. issued since Last meeting. None noted.

Introductions around the room followed. 39 members + 3 guests were in attendance for the meeting.

Minutes from the September meeting were posted on the mcwa.org website for review at the meeting by Secretary Dan, KD9M. John K9JK moved to accept the minutes, and the motion was seconded by Pierre K9EYE. The motion passed by voice vote.

Treasurer Joe N9OK read the Treasurer’s September report: Started with $4611.75, Deposits ($1122.00): Dues $45, Auction proceeds $927, KB9I donated equip sales $150; Expenses ($109.78): 40th Anniv. cake/supplies $109.78; Interest $0.62. Ending balance: $5624.59. Member count is now 97 Voting members, and 9 family members. Dave NT9E moved to accept the Treasurer report, and the motion was seconded by Dennis KA9PUC. The motion passed by voice vote.

President Mike WB8BZK gave the highlights of the 40th anniversary celebration at last month’s meeting.

It was announced that the donated equipment auction raised $927 for the club, far exceeding expectations.

It was announced that Paul Dumdie W9DWP became an SK recently, a moment of silence was held in observance.

The November social dinner was discussed and reservations were being taken by signup. Please contact Jim N7US by October 28th. More details found on mcwa.org site.

Several Ham Fests/Gatherings recently and upcoming.

    • W9DXCC Convention – Schaumburg, IL September 14th, lots of attendees, with positive reports.
    • Peoria Superfest, Peoria, IL September 15th
    • CFMC Radio Expo – Belvidere, IL September 22nd
    • HRO Superfest September 28th
    • Microwave Update 2018 Convention October 11th
    • MRC91 Milwaukee Rpt Club November 3rd


    • 432 MHz Fall Sprint Oct. 3
    • Makrothen RTTY Contest Oct. 13-14
    • ARRL School Club Roundup Oct. 15-19
    • 10-10 INt. Fall Contest, CW Oct. 20-21
    • Stew Perry Topband Challenge Oct. 20-21
    • Illinois QSO Party Oct. 21-22
    • CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB Oct. 27-28
    • ARRL EME Contest Oct. 27-28
    • ARRL Swepstakes, CW Nov. 3-5
    • See the contest calendar for more…

President Mike WB8BZK asked for people to think about presentations for Feb and March 2019. Planned presentations are as follows: December (Dan KD9M) Intro to Software Defined Radios, January (John N9DJ) Tower Grounding, February (Kermit W9XA) ARRL Update (pending ARRL election results).

Other Announcements
President Mike WB8BZK and Director Gary KD9FML provided an update on the Boy Scout merit badge program for October 20th.

It was noted that the quarterly ham breakfast in Algonquin is on the same day as the Boy Scout event, it was encouraged that members try to help with the event.

The business meeting was adjourned at 7:53 PM.

Following a short break, Jack W9MU gave a presentation on using software to model antennas. The program wrapped up at 9:02 PM.

Minutes recorded by Vice President Mike, ND9G

Minutes – September 2018

Subject: Meeting Minutes of September 4, 2018

The September meeting was called to order by President Mike, WB8BZK at 7:11 p.m. on September 4, 2018 in the Crystal Lake Bank meeting room.

The Pledge of Allegiance kicked off the meeting, led by Dave K9RUF.

President Mike, WB8BZK extended a welcome and asked if there were visitors or guests present. We had 5 guests Dave K9ZIB, Dale W9SZY, Dwayne Interested, Carl K0CHW, Jack KD9JLG.

President Mike, WB8BZK asked for any License Upgrades, New awards etc. issued since Last meeting. Desmond (KB3LKM) received the International Friendship award.

Introductions around the room followed. 41 members + 5 guests were in attendance for the meeting.

Minutes from the August meeting were posted on the mcwa.org website for review at the meeting by Secretary Dan, KD9M. David N9BSA moved to accept the minutes, and the motion was seconded by John KA9CAR. The motion passed by voice vote.

Treasurer Joe N9OK read the Treasurer’s June report: Started with $4743.59, had $105 of dues and deposits, Expenses 237.44, and $0.60 interest. Ended with $4611.75.
Member count is now 97 Voting members, and 9 family members.
Ken KB9I moved to accept the Treasurer report, and the motion was seconded by Dave NT9E. The motion passed by voice vote.


Several Ham Fests/Gatherings/Contest over the next couple months.

    • Ozaukee RC’s Fall Swapfest – Cedarburg, WI September 8th
    • W9DXCC Convention – Schaumburg September 14th
    • Peoria Superfest – Peoria September 15th
    • CFMC Radio Expo – Belvidere September 22th
    • See the contest calendar for more…

President Mike WB8BZK announced the Dinner Social at Village Squire in Crystal Lake on Nov 6th. Spouse / Guest are invited. Will be individual checks 6PM starts social and 7PM dinner.

President Mike WB8BZK asked for people to think about presentations for Feb and March 2019. October (Jack W9MU) Antenna Analysis Software, December (Dan KD9M) Intro to Software Defined Radios.

Other Announcements

We passed around cards to sign for Paul WD9DWP and asked if you have a way send some QSL cards his way.

Jack W9MU asked to get feedback on his new to HAM class and how many would be interested if something was to be run again.

President Mike WB8BZK informed everyone the Boy Scout Radio Merit Badge Project is on. The District is planning a STEM day for October 20th. Part of this will include the Merit Badge. There will be 2 sessions one from 8:~11:30 and the 2nd from 1 ~ 4:40 will be about 30 scouts. Looking for stations that will be able to be on the air to make contacts with the scouts.


There we no nominations for officers so all officers remain for 1 more year.

Roger (KF9D) anounced Gary KD9FML was nominated for New director.
After vote Ken (KB9I) and Roger (KF9D) counted the votes with Gary KD9FML winning the election.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:07 PM.

Following a short break, President Mike (WB8BZK) performed an auction on equipment donated to the club
The program wrapped up at 9:20 PM.

Minutes recorded by Secretary Dan, KD9M

Minutes – August 2018

Subject: Meeting Minutes of August 7, 2018

The August meeting was called to order by President Mike, WB8BZK at 7:01 p.m. on August 7, 2018 in the Crystal Lake Bank meeting room.

The Pledge of Allegiance kicked off the meeting, led by Dave K9RUF.

President Mike, WB8BZK extended a welcome and asked if there were visitors or guests present. We had 5 guests 2 of which became memebers: Tim KD9LEX, Bob KD9KZW, Tom KD6KHK, Dale KD9LBY, Jen KD9FMJ.

President Mike, WB8BZK asked for any License Upgrades, New awards etc. issued since Last meeting. Mike ND9G completed triple Play All states CW/Phone/Digital, LOTW confirmed.

Introductions around the room followed. 41 members + 3 guests were in attendance for the meeting.

Minutes from the June meeting were posted on the mcwa.org website for review at the meeting by Vice President Mike, ND9G. David N9BSA moved to accept the minutes, and the motion was seconded by Roger KF9D. The motion passed by voice vote.

Treasurer Joe N9OK read the Treasurer’s June report: Started with $5032.70, had $40 of dues, Field Day expenses 330.41, and $1.26 interest. Ended with $4743.55. Member count is now 96 Voting members, and 9 family members. John K9JK moved to accept the Treasurer report, and the motion was seconded by Mike ND9G. The motion passed by voice vote.

President Mike WB8BZK Gave the highlights of the Board of Directors meeting highlights.

Approved maintaining MCWA dues at $10 for 2019
Approved non-Field Day K9RN callsign usage (with Trustee permission)
Approved MCWA 40th Anniversary Celebration
Approved the auction of Donated Equipment with proceeds going to the club
Approved planning of a December Social / Diner
Approved MCWA Members Only Reflector starting Jan 1st 2019
Approved the shifting of our January 1st Meeting to January 8th

mcwa.org getting some fresh updates from the Webmasters: Ken Farver KB9I and Mike Ricketts ND9G.

Several Ham Fests/Gatherings over the next couple months.

    • Quincy IL Hamfest – Paloma, IL August 11th
    • Racine Megacycle Freefest – Racing, WI August 11th
    • Ozaukee RC’s Fall Swapfest – Cedarburg, WI September 8th
    • W9DXCC Convention – Schaumburg September 14th


    • WAE DX Contest, CW August 11-12
    • ARRL 10 GHz and Up Contest August 18 – 19
    • North American QSO Party, SSB August 18-19
    • ARRL Rookie Roundup, RTTY August 19
    • Hawaii QSO Party August 25-26
    • 50 MHz Fall Sprint August 25-26
    • See the contest calendar for more…

President Mike WB8BZK anounced the September MCWA Auction with some of the items with a full list to be released on the reflector.
President Mike WB8BZK anounced the Dinner Social at Village Squire Nov 6th. Will be individual checks 6PM starts social and 7PM dinner.
President Mike WB8BZK asked for people to think about presentations for Feb and March 2019. Planned presentations are as follows: September – Auction, October (Jack W9MU) Antenna Analysis Software, December (Dan KD9M) Intro to Software Defined Radios.

September will also be Officer & Director Elections, and the MCWA 40th Anniversary.
Please talk to Jim N7US if you are interested in serving on the board. Jim is chairing the nomination committee.
Please make plans to attend the meeting, and inform your fellow members that may have missed the announcement.

Other Announcements
President Mike WB8BZK informed everyone the Boy Scout Radio Merit Badge Project is on. The District is planning a STEM day for October 20th. Part of this will include the Merit Badge. MCWA will develop a program to ensure that the scouts meet the requirements in an achievable way.

Field Day Update
President Mike WB8BZK gave a quick presentation on Field Day for K9RN.
Kent K9KMD and Wendell N9REP did a great job cooking food for the weekend!
Great turn out for setup operating and tear down.
K9RN totals for Field day were 1369 CW, 0 Digital, 818 Phone, 1160 Bonus Points, total points 8272!
Excellent Teamwork by all!

John K9JK Visited several Field day sites made 67 contacts and had fun!
Gary KD9FML gave results from W9VB Field Day. They performed 2A CW they did old school no macros Used N3FJP for Logging, Worked in pairs to encourage all to participate.
Made 108 CW, 505 Phone for 2458 Pts total. All had Fun!

The meeting was adjourned at 8:01 PM.

Following a short break, Ralph WB9ICF gave a presentation on “An introduction to the Raspberry Pi”. The program wrapped up at 9:20 PM.

Minutes recorded by Secretary Dan, KD9M

Minutes – June 2018

Subject: Meeting Minutes of June 5, 2018

The June meeting was called to order by President Mike, WB8BZK at 7:01 p.m. on June 5, 2018 in the Crystal Lake Bank meeting room.

The Pledge of Allegiance kicked off the meeting, led by Dave K9RUF.

President Mike, WB8BZK extended a welcome and asked if there were visitors or guests present. We had 5 guests: David N9BSA (joined during meeting), Dave K9UWB, Chris AC9GN, Warren KC9IL, and Al KB9EQ.

President Mike, WB8BZK asked for any License Upgrades, New awards etc. issued since Last meeting. David N9BSA recently passed General. John K9JK received an award from last year’s VHF contest. Joe N9OK and Mike ND9G completed CW Academy level 1 and level 2 respectively.

Introductions around the room followed. 41 members + 5 guests were in attendance for the meeting.

Minutes from the May meeting were posted on the mcwa.org website for review at the meeting by Secretary Dan, KD9M. David N9BSA moved to accept the minutes, and the motion was seconded by Kent K9KMD. The motion passed by voice vote.

Treasurer Joe N9OK read the Treasurer’s May report: Started with $4982.11, had $50 of dues, no expenditures, and $0.63 interest. Ended with $5032.74. Member count is now 89 Voting members, and 7 family members. John K9JK moved to accept the Treasurer report, and the motion was seconded by Roger KF9D. The motion passed by voice vote.

Gov. Rauner has proclaimed June 2018 as Amateur Radio Month in Illinois.

Participant and Logistics support help with the Woodstock Triathlon was requested. Sunday, August 5th. Please contact Ken Farver KB9I.

mcwa.org getting some fresh updates from the Webmasters: Ken Farver KB9I and Mike Ricketts ND9G.

A brief recap of MCWA presence at Hamvention was discussed with pictures. There was a fairly large contingent of MCWA members at Hamvention. John K9JK did a presentation on VHF. Overall attendance seemed to be up from last year, perhaps due to the fantastic pork chop sandwiches.

Several Ham Fests/Gatherings over the next couple months.

    • Six Meter Club of Chicago, Antique Radio Club of Illinois, & Midwest Classic Radio Net June 17th
    • John K9JK had advanced tickets for sale.
    • South Milwaukee ARC Hamfest July 7th
    • Hamfesters Hamfest – Peotone, IL August 5th


    • 10-10 Int. Open Season PSK June 2-3
    • DigiFest June 2-3
    • ARRL June VHF Contest June 9-11
    • Stew Perry TopBand Challenge June 16-17
    • ARRL Field Day June 23-24
    • See the contest calendar for more…

President Mike WB8BZK asked for people to think about presentations for October through December. Planned presentations are as follows: July – Field Day (Join us for weekend fun!), August (Ralph WB9ICF) An Introduction to Raspberry Pi, September (John N9DJ) Tower Grounding Techniques. A brief discussion was had about a program devoted to Show & Tell, as well as a possible equipment auction. These ideas are being entertained for a possible late year program.

September will also be Officer & Director Elections, and the MCWA 40th Anniversary.
Please talk to Jim N7US if you are interested in serving on the board. Jim is charing the nomination committee.
Please make plans to attend the meeting, and inform your fellow members that may have missed the announcement.

Other Announcements
John K9JK announced that CQWW VHF contest is held in July.

John KA9CAR announced that the monthly ham breakfast is moving from the first Saturday of the month to the third.

Wendell N9REP gave a report on the Udder Century Bike Run. There were over 1300 riders. This was the largest turnout of MCWA members for helping. Thanks to Noel KE9AU, April N9GYG, George KD9JBS, John N9SPG, Donna KD9SKY, Robert K9RXC, John KA9CAR, Mike KC9Q for volunteering.

Dave K9RUF announced the passing of Dan WA9WVX.

President Mike WB8BZK informed everyone the Boy Scout Radio Merit Badge Project is on. The District is planning a STEM day for October 20th. Part of this will include the Merit Badge. MCWA will develop a program to ensure that the scouts meet the requirements in an achievable way. The following have volunteered to help, in addition to those that previously volunteered: Ralph WB9ICF, David N9BSA, Dennis KA9PUC.

Field Day Update
Roger KF9D gave an update of plans for Field Day. We have a food captain. More members indicated an interest in attending.
Wendell N9REP advised that the county does not treat for mosquitoes, so be prepared and bring your own repellent.

Show & Tell
Pierre K9EYE showed his Super Antenna.
John KA9CAR showed his home brew cup holder radio mount.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:03 PM. Joe N9OK moved to close and the motion was seconded by Dave K9RUF.

Following a short break, Mike WB8BZK gave a presentation on his 80m Inverted-L installation. The program wrapped up at 9:13 PM.

Minutes recorded by Vice President Mike, ND9G