Minutes – January 2020

Meeting Minutes of January 7, 2020

President Mike Metroka WB8BZK called the January 2020 meeting to order at 7:00 PM in the Crystal Lake Bank meeting room. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Dave Holmgren K9AT.

Board members present were John Dewey KA9CAR, Gary Dembski W9GD, Dean Hettel WD9FOO, Ralph Iden WB9ICF, Dan Larson KD9M, Mike Metroka WB8BZK, and Mike Salak KC9Q.

A total of 51 people were in attendance including four guests, Laura Dendor – McHenry, Mark Jordan K9MS – Twin Lakes, WI.,  Paul Philip AC9O – LITH, and Richard Quaas NQ9R – Sharon, WI.

Approval of Minutes

The meeting minutes from the December 2019 meeting were previously posted to the MCWA website for review. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Mike Pecorini KD2RPE with a second by Dave Whaley NT9E. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.

Membership and Financial Reports

Treasurer Dean Hettel WD9FOO presented the membership and financial reports as of December 31, 2019. MCWA has a membership of 120 full members and 10 family members for a total of 130.

Opening Balance 6,523.52  
Deposits 289.41 Dues
  10.00 New memberships
  150.00 Motorola Solutions donation (N9OK)
  1.00 PayPal fee reimbursement
Expenditures 0.00  
Interest 0.05  
Final Balance 6,973.98  

Doug Mather KD9PK motioned to approve the financial report and was seconded by Joe Robin N9OK. The motion was approved by voice vote.

Annual Membership Dues

Membership dues for the upcoming year are $10 and are now payable. If you haven’t yet renewed your membership, please contact our treasurer Dean Hettel WD9FOO to remit the $10 or send the $10 via PayPal. If you would like to pay via PayPal, contact Dean for the details.


MCWA is sad to report the passing of Henry “Hank” Schumacher KB9ASC on January 2, 2020. Hank was a decorated Vietnam veteran, devoted family man, and long-time member. A moment of silence was offered in remembrance.


Mike Seedman AA6DY donated an Icom IC-R8500 receiver with power supply and an Icom IC-718 100 watt, all mode, 160m – 10m transceiver to the club. Thank you, Mike, for your generosity.

The Motorola Solutions Foundation, in recognition of the volunteer work performed by Joe Robin N9OK on behalf of the foundation, made a $150 donation to an organization of Joe’s choosing.

Harold Burt W9HB brought several CW keys and offered them free for the taking for anyone attending the meeting that night.


Congratulations to the following for receiving these recent awards:

      • Mike Metroka WB8BZK, DXCC Challenge award – 1000 band-points 
      • Olaf Nurmepuu W9FY, ARRL Triple Play WAS
      • Olaf Nurmepuu W9FY, Five Band DXCC
      • Joe Robin N9OK, 200th DXCC country


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in December has formally adopted its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would remove the existing non-federal allocations in the 3.3-3.55 GHz band, which includes the entire amateur radio allocation. The FCC cited the need to make this spectrum available to support the next generation of wireless networks (5G). The loss of this allocation will be most felt by amateurs who have invested a great deal of money in equipment and antennas and wide-area mesh networks.

Youth Project

Building upon the success of the recent scouting activities, especially the Morse sending stations at last fall’s scout camporee, JoAnne Maenpaa K9JKM presented her thoughts on attracting youth to amateur radio. Amateur radio is competing for attention with other activities. Ways to present the hobby in an exciting and engaging manner will be required for success.

Observing the scouts engaged with the Morse CW sending station shows that presenting our hobby in a novel way will engage and hold their interest. Taking elements of technology already familiar (e.g., computer games, color graphics, mouse, etc.) and applying them in a low cost Amateur radio context could appeal to them.

JoAnne and other interested members will continue to explore and discuss this idea with the goal to developing follow-up activities for future scouting events.

Hamfest/Conference Reports

The WARAC Midwinter Swapfest was held on Saturday, January 4, 2020 in Waukesha, WI. Several members attended and reported that it was well attended but crowded and too many stairs. There was a nice selection of equipment for sale or trade.

WCRA will host their Mid-Winter Hamfest in St. Charles at the Kane County Fairgrounds Expo Center on Sunday, January 19, 2020.

Winterfest 2020 will be held on January 25, 2020 from 8 AM – 4 PM at the Gateway Convention Center, Collinsville, IL (near St. Louis). Reports are that this is a good hamfest and a few members may carpool or caravan to attend.

Upcoming MCWA Presentations

Our members have a wealth of knowledge and experience that other members are eager to receive. There are some great programs coming up the first part of the year. Would you consider sharing your knowledge and present a talk at an upcoming meeting later this year? 

  • February 4th, 2020 – Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network, by Robert Langsfeld WB9TZC
  • March 3rd, 2020 – ARRL Update by Kermit Carlson W9XA
  • April 7th, 2020 – Show-and-Tell (tentative)
  • May 5th, 2020 – Building & Testing the SATNOGS Rotor by Mike Pecorini KD2RPE & Ralph Iden WB9ICF
  • June 2nd, 2020 – Inexpensive Test Equipment for Hams by Gary Kaatz W9TD
  • July 7th, 2020 – QSLing by John Cankar W9JM

Old Business

Website News

Ralph Iden WB9ICF gave a brief report on the status of the MCWA website.

Ken Farver KB9I and Mike Ricketts ND9G have been serving as webmasters. Mike has been performing most of the day-to-day updates (announcements, posting of minutes, etc.) and he contacted the Board and said that he will be stepping down from that role due to other commitments.

Ralph expressed his thanks to Mike, explaining that maintaining a website is not easy and all present extended their appreciation by giving Mike a round of applause. For the interim, Ralph will be assuming the day-to-day updating of the website. Ken will remain in his role as webmaster.

Last month, Mike Pecorini KD2RPE raised the point that the website really could use an update. During the holiday break, Mike (KD2RPE) and Ralph developed a prototype of a new website that could replace the existing one. The new site, based on WordPress, would incorporate many elements that would be difficult and time-consuming to implement on the existing static HTML website.

Mike and Ralph presented the prototype to the Board for review on January 6th. It was favorabily received and a green light was given to continue work on the project. Several good suggestions were offered during the meeting and Mike is giving consideration to them during the development phase. The new website is planned for release in the first quarter of this year. More detailed information will be shared with the club at the February meeting.

New Business

Ken Field KO9H raised his concerns about the low number of people responding to last year’s call for Field Day participation and having two Field Day operations the past two years. When he asked where everyone was, someone said that they were “with the other group.”

He apologized for the tone of his remarks on the reflector explaining that he doesn’t like divisions in the club and would like to see everyone get along with each other. If someone is rubbing people the wrong way, life is too short for it to be the cause for a rift in the organization. Coming together will provide a fair chance for everyone.

In the discussion that followed, a member thought that this might be some type of misunderstanding and another thought it was more of a timing issue as the club started its FD preparations late. It was noted that in the Field Day recap, there were six (?) groups reporting, and all had a good experience. MCWA has performed very well the past two years finishing near the top even with a shorter operating window due to the bad weather last year.

It is generally agreed that the “other group” is not an exclusive secret society at odds with MCWA and everyone, regardless of where they operate FD (or not operate at all) is committed to the continued success of MCWA as an organization. A member who joined MCWA last year confirmed that this has been his experience.

The Board of Directors approved the formation of a Field Day committee with a budget contingent upon a chairperson stepping up. As of this meeting, no one has stepped up, but the request for a chairperson and volunteers for the other approved committees will be repeated at the February meeting.

Ken said that he would volunteer to be the Field Day chairperson if there was enough interest to form a committee. He asked for a showing of hands of those who would be interested in a MCWA Field Day and it was estimated that a third of those in room raised their hands. With a FD chairperson and a good showing of hands, Ken will be following up with planning.

The discussion concluded with President Mike Metroka WB8BZK saying that if there a disagreement or conflict between a member or members, reach out directly to them to discuss the issue. Often the conflict can be resolved by clearing up any misunderstandings and intent.

Wrap up

An invitation to interested parties to gather later at The Cottage to enjoy eyeball QSOs and 1/2 price pizza was offered.

Jack Hudson W9MU will be presenting “History of Electricity and Electrical Technology” following the adjournment of tonight’s meeting.

The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, February 4th. 2020 in the Crystal Lake Bank meeting room. Doors open at 6:30 PM, with the meeting starting at 7:00 PM.

A motion to adjourn was made by Doug Mather KD9PK and seconded by Joe Szczubelek K9DMV. The motion was approved by voice vote and the meeting was adjourned at 8:03 PM.

Prepared by Ralph Iden WB9ICF, MCWA Secretary

Minutes – December 2019

Meeting Minutes of December 3, 2019

President Mike Metroka WB8BZK called the December 2019 meeting to order at 7:00 PM in the Crystal Lake Bank meeting room. The Pledge of Allegiance followed led by Dave Holmgren K9AT.

Board members present were John Dewey KA9CAR, Gary Dembski W9GD, Dean Hettel WD9FOO, Ralph Iden WB9ICF, Mike Metroka WB8BZK, and Mike Salak KC9Q.

A total of 42 people were in attendance including one guest, Joel Nelson W9NXM from Lake Zurich.

Approval of Minutes

The meeting minutes from the October 2019 meeting were previously posted to the MCWA website for review. Joe Jaxx W9JCS motioned to approve the minutes with Joe Szczubelek K9DMV seconding the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.

Membership and Financial Reports

Dean Hettel WD9FOO presented the membership and financial reports as of November 30, 2019. MCWA has a membership of 118 full members and 10 family members for a total of 128.

Opening Balance 7,986.28  
Deposits 290.00 Dues
  9.41 Dues (less Paypal service charge)
Expenditures 1,358.00 2019 Dinner
  241.31 2019 Dinner Raffle Prizes
  162.92 2019 Dinner Appetizers
Interest 0.06  
Final Balance 6,523.52  

A motion to approve the financial report was made by Dave Whaley NT9E with a second by Joe Robin N9OK. The motion was approved by voice vote.


The ARRL has pubished the results of the 2019 Field Day and our club station turned in a very respectable score despite having to teardown early in anticipation of severe weather. K9RN and the seventeen operators and support crew operated 2A and finished 2nd in Illinois (out of 15), 7th in the Central Division (out of 36), and 43rd overall (out of 360).

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that proposes to remove the existing non-federal allocations in the 3.3-3.55 GHz band, which includes the entire amateur radio allocation. The FCC cites the need to make this spectrum potentially available to support the next generation of wireless networks (5G). John Kalenowsky K9JK may be the only MCWA member that currently uses this band, but the loss of this allocation will be felt by the whole amateur radio community especially those who have invested a great deal of money in equipment and antennas. Proponents of 5G technology are activity seeking out bands where there is little or no activity and amateurs are encouranged to use our bands or lose them.

Dave MacLennan W9DAV announced that he recently upgraded his license to General.

John Canker reported that he was issued a new vanity call sign, W9JM, to replace his old call, N9GUU.

Joe Robin N9OK was awarded the ARRL Triple Play WAS (Worked All States on Voice, CW, and Digital) award.

Mike Metroka WB8BZK has earned FT4 WAS.

Joe Witkins KD9KTA brought in several back issues of QST magazine that were given to him by Joel Nelson W9NXM. He invited those in attendance to take one or more of the issues and to read them and/or give them to a new or prospective ham.

It was reported by Fred Soop AC9RQ that Ham Radio Outlet (HRO) is now charging sales tax on orders shipped to Illinois.

Ken Field KO9H announced that his 220 MHz repeater (KO9H 224.96, -1.6, 110.0 CTCSS) is operational from Cary and he invites people to stop by and use the machine. The EN52 net uses Ken’s repeater for its monthly 220 net on the second Tuesday of each month unless otherwise noted.

Hamfest/Conference Reports

There were a few hamfests held in November, but none were attended by anyone in the room. There are no local hamfests scheduled in December.

The WARAC Midwinter Swapfest will be held Saturday, January 4, 2020 at the Waukesha County Expo Center Area in Waukesha, WI.

WCRA will host their Mid-Winter Hamfest in St. Charles at the Kane County Fairgrounds Expo Center on Sunday, January 19, 2020.

Upcoming MCWA Presentations

Our members have a wealth of knowledge and experience that other members are eager to receive. Everyone has something to share that will benefit others. Would you consider sharing your knowledge and present a talk at an upcoming meeting?

January 7th, 2020 – History of Electricity and Electrical Technology by Jack Hudson W9MU
February 4th, 2020 – TBD
March 3rd, 2020 – ARRL Update by Kermit Carlson W9XA

Old Business

Board of Directors Meeting

The MCWA Board of Directors met on October 22, 2019 at 6:30 PM in the Crystal Lake Bank meeting room.

President Mike Metroka WB8BZK began the meeting welcoming the incoming BOD members and thanking the outgoing ones. This was followed by a review of the roles and responsibilities of each Board member as specified by the MCWA Constitution and Bylaws.

A detailed presentation of the organization’s metrics over time (e.g., membership, meeting attendance, finances, project participation, etc.) indicate a consistent positive upward trend. The BOD discussed the organization’s growth and challenges such as meeting room capacity and maintaining a comfortable temperature in the meeting room with so many attendees. The Board will be exploring ideas to address these issues.

The Board agreed that the organization’s interest and participation at the three scouting events over the past two years was overwhelmingly positive.

The club is encouraged to continue these activities in the future if opportunities are presented. The organization should consider strengthening its outreach by reaching out to other youth organizations such as 4H, Girl Scouts, etc., and exploring follow-up activities such as “get on the air nights”, licensing classes, and other activities to keep the excitement alive.
Approved a 2020 MCWA budget which is in line with the last two year’s income and expenses. The amount of the 2020 budget is $1,349.00.
Approved the formation of a committee to explore future activities with the scouts and funding such activities at last year’s level.
Approved the formation of a committee to explore follow-up activities and funding requirements for those who may have an interest in amateur radio to encourage them in becoming active, licensed amateurs.
Approved the formation of a committee to organize a 2020 club social event and funding at last year’s levels.
Approved the formation of a 2020 Field Day committee and the selection of a chairperson with funding at last year’s level.
Approved looking into obtaining a copy of OpenOffice or LibreOffice tools for the donated Windows 10 laptop and if those tools would not work out well, approved the purchase of a copy of Microsoft Office Home and Business so that the laptop could be used at MCWA meetings. The Office purchase would be a one-time purchase and not a yearly subscription.

After receiving comments from the membership about the lack of time to consider the Nominating Committee’s candidates before voting for new Officers and Directors, the Board unanimously approved directing the Nominating Committee to present its list of candidates at the August membership meeting. At the September membership meeting, the Nominating Committee will formally present its candidates and additional nominations from the floor will be accepted. The election of new Officers and Directors will then occur at the September meeting in accordance with the Constitution.

The Board is still seeking a Program Chairperson.

The next scheduled Board of Directors meeting is set for October 20th, 2020 with interim meetings called as needed.

MCWA Dinner Social

The dinner social held on November 5th at the Village Squire in Crystal Lake was a great success. The fifty-four participants filling the private room reserved for the event enjoyed good food and conversation. MCWA President Mike Metroka WB8BZK extended a warm welcome to all and presented a program showcasing the club’s recent Scout Camporee project. A prize raffle of ARRL books and chocolates was held following the program.

There were more attendees than the year before and the room was full. If the event gets any larger, a bigger venue may be required. Although things generally went well, there was a mix-up with the chicken dinner not being as described on the menu that the Village Squire had provided MCWA and the wait staff was unable to rectify the situation.

The dinner would not have been possible without the support of the Board of Directors and the dedication of the dinner committee and greeters. Thank you!

      • Dean Hettel WD9FOO
      • Jim McDonald N7US
      • Mike Metroka WB8BZK
      • Joe Robin N9OK
      • Fred Soop AC9RQ (personal name badges)

Scout Camporee Project

MCWA once again participated in the Sycamore District’s Scout Camporee (Jurassic Luau) which was held on October 5th, 2019 at Veteran Acres in Crystal Lake. The club goal was to expose youth to Amateur Radio and to provide a fun experience on the air or sending Morse code. The Sycamore District covers all of the greater McHenry County area and hundreds of scouts attended the Camporee, which offered many activities that the scouts could choose from including Amateur Radio.

The club operated out of the Nature Center which kept the scouts and equipment safe and dry. Two stations were in operation one on 6 meter SSB and one on 2 meter FM. In addition, another table containing two Morse code practice “transmitters” were available. After watching an excellent video, “Amateur Radio: A hobby for the 21st Century”, produced by the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB), the scouts were given the choice of making an on-the-air contact or learning to send a message using Morse code.

It was expected that the Amateur Radio activity would appeal to the older scouts, but most of the scouts visiting our activity were in their early teens or younger. Several participants attended last year’s Scout STEM Day at McHenry County College. Some of them took another turn at the microphone while others chose to visit the CW table to give others a chance to make a QSO.

There were many more female scouts or young ladies interested in becoming scouts than have been seen in the past. They seemed to really enjoy getting on the air and having QSO’s, especially if another YL was on the other end. Thank you to Sue Iden KA9EUW for being that YL.

A Leader/Parent follow up brochure was provided that contained information on how to become an Amateur Radio operator, MCWA contact and meeting information, and license exam dates and times. There was interest by some in taking the next steps towards getting a ticket including a series of classes.

Over twenty people were involved (on air and off) in making this event a success. Thank you! Your contributions are appreciated, and you have made a difference in many scout’s lives.

MCWA On-Site Volunteers

Gary Dembski W9GD
Dave Holmgren K9AT
Ralph Iden WB9ICF
Dan Larson KD9M
Sean McKinney KD9HVX
Mike Metroka WB8BZK
Mike Murtz KC9LDU
Desmond Sharpe KB3LKM
Wendell Smith N9REP
David Whiteside N9BSA
Laura Whiteside N6JLT

Field Radio Support Team

Pierre Berube K9EYE
Loren Burkett K3RFC
John Dewey KA9CAR
Dean Hettel WD9FOO
Sue Iden KA9EUW
Dennis Ryan KA9PUC (was also on-site)
Mike Salak KC9Q
Dale Szymkowski KU9G
Dave Whaley NT9E

New Business

Mike Pecorini KD2RPE brought up that the current MCWA website could benefit from a little updating to provide an improved user experience, especially to those with tablets and cell phones. Although it was agreed that this would be a worthwhile project and one that has been in the works for a period of time, it is not an easy task and could be potentially expensive if outside resources were required. Ralph Iden WB9ICF said that he was already in contact with Mike Ricketts ND9G to discuss ways of streamlining the updating of information such as the meeting minutes. Ralph will be coordinating a discussion about how the website could be improved and will report back to the Board of Directors and the membership.

Wrap up

An invitation to interested parties to gather later at The Cottage to enjoy eyeball QSOs and 1/2 price pizza was offered.

Tom Pusateri W9NBG will be presenting “Ham Radio in the mid-1950’s” following the adjournment of tonight’s meeting.

The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, January 7th. 2020 in the Crystal Lake Bank meeting room. Doors open at 6:30 PM, with the meeting starting at 7:00 PM.

A motion to adjourn was made by John Cankar W9JM and seconded by Gary Dembski W9GD. The motion was approved by voice vote and the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM.

Prepared by Ralph Iden WB9ICF, MCWA Secretary

Minutes – October 2019

Meeting Minutes of October 1, 2019

President Mike Metroka WB8BZK called the October 2019 meeting to order at 7:00 PM in the Crystal Lake Bank meeting room. The Pledge of Allegiance followed led by Dave Holmgren K9AT.

Board members present were John Dewey KA9CAR, Gary Dembski KD9FML, Dean Hettel WD9FOO, Ralph Iden WB9ICF, Dan Larson KD9M, Mike Metroka WB8BZK, and Mike Salak KC9Q.

A total of 38 people were in attendance including one guest, Bill Graf K9RR from Hoffman Estates. After the attendees introduced themselves, Mike WB8BZK asked if there were any recent license upgrades or awards. Steve Butski stated he was just issued the new vanity callsign WO0DEN (Whisky-Oscar-Zero-Delta-Echo-November) to replace his old call, KD9NMF.

Approval of Minutes

The meeting minutes from the September 2019 meeting were previously posted to the MCWA website for review. Doug Mather KD9PK motioned to approve the minutes with Fred Soop AC9RQ seconding the motion. The motion was approved by voice vote.

Membership and Financial Reports

Joe Robin N9OK presented the membership and financial reports as of September 30, 2019. MCWA has a membership of 115 full members and 9 family members for a total of 124.

Opening Balance 5,406.94  
Deposits 1,092.00 Auction proceeds
  1,296.00 Banquet reservations
  20.00 Dues (via Check)
  10.00 Dues (via PayPal)
Expenditures 0.00  
Interest 0.28  
Final Balance 7,825.22  

A motion to approve the financial report was made by Ed Finnegan K9ECF with a second by Joe Jaax W9JCS. The motion was approved by voice vote.

2019-2020 Officers and Board of Directors

The officers elected at the September 3rd, 2019 meeting were installed and the club thanked the Nominating Committee (Chairperson Kent Dulaney K9KMD and Directors-at-Large Gary Dembski KD9FML and Roger Scott KF9D) for their work selecting the nominees.

A round of thanks was given to the 2018-2019 Officers and Board of Directors:

Mike Metroka WB8BZK – President
Mike Ricketts ND9G – Vice President
Joe Robin N9OK – Treasurer
Dan Larson KD9M – Secretary
Roger Scott KF9D – Director
Gary Dembski KD9FML – Director
John Dewey KA9CAR – Director/Past President

The 2019-2020 Officers and Board of Directors were installed and welcomed:

Mike Metroka WB8BZK – President
Dan Larson KD9M – Vice President
Dean Hettel WD9FOO – Treasurer
Ralph Iden WB9ICF – Secretary
Mike Salak KC9Q – Director (two-year term)
Gary Dembski KD9FML – Director
John Dewey KA9CAR – Director/Past President


There will be a meeting of the MCWA Board of Directors on October 22, 2019 at the Crystal Lake Bank meeting room from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM. The agenda will include discussion of the Board of Director Roles and Responsibilities and planning for 2020. The meeting is open to all members.

The MCWA Donated Equipment Auction was a success with $1,092 being raised.

MCWA VE Testing is held quarterly on the third Tuesday of the months of February, May, August, and November. Testing sessions are by appointment on those days between 7 PM and 8 PM at the Free Methodist Church, 934 N. Seminary, Woodstock, IL 60098. Contact Steve Maresso KB9OLD at 847-477-3518 to make an appointment. See the MCWA website for additional details.

The MCWA Dinner/Social will take the place of the November meeting and will be held at the Village Squire in Crystal Lake. There are a handful of seats left and members who are interested in attending should see Joe Robin N9OK as soon as possible.

The McHenry Monthly Ham Breakfast normally held on the first Saturday of the month at Kim & Patty’s Cafe, 731 Ridgeview Dr, McHenry has been rescheduled for October 12th for this month only due to the Scout Camporee that will be held on October 5th.

The fall Algonquin Ham Breakfast will be held on Saturday, October 26, 2019 at the Golden Corral located at 1591 S Randall Rd, Algonquin, Illinois. The event is open to all amateurs, their families, and anyone with an interest in radio. The breakfast starts at 8 AM.

Hamfest/Conference Reports

W9DXCC Convention was great, as usual. The new venue was good with a great speaker and many prizes. Attendance was estimated to be around 200.

CFMC’s Radio Expo in Belvidere was hampered by rain. Those who had indoor tables did well.

The HRO Superfest was “okay” with many of the same vendors.

Upcoming MCWA Presentations

Our members have a wealth of knowledge and experience that other members are eager to receive. Everyone has something to share that will benefit others. Would you consider sharing your knowledge and present a talk at an upcoming meeting?

November 5th, 2019 – MCWA Dinner/Social, program TBD
December 3rd, 2019 – Ham Radio in the mid-1950’s by Tom Pusateri W9NBG
January 7th, 2020 – Jack Hudson W9MU
February 4th, 2020 – TBD
March 3rd, 2020 – ARRL Update by Kermit Carlson W9XA

Old Business

Plans are in place for the Scout Camporee (Jurassic Luau) on Saturday, October 5th. SSB and FM stations as well as a CW sending activity area will be set up in the Crystal Lake Park District Nature Center. It is estimated that between 250-400 scouts between the ages of 6 to 18 years old, boys and girls will be at the Camporee. Nine MCWA members will be on-site and another eight to ten will be operating mobile or at home for the scouts to contact. Members are encouraged to check in and listen for scouts calling CQ. The frequencies in use will be 50.180 MHz USB and 146.415 MHz FM.

New Business

There was no new business.

Wrap up

An invitation to interested parties to gather later at The Cottage to enjoy eyeball QSOs and 1/2 price pizza was offered.

The attendees were reminded that there will not be a November meeting because of the MCWA dinner social. The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, December 3rd, 2019 in the Crystal Lake Bank meeting room. Doors open at 6:30 PM, with the meeting starting at 7:00 PM.

Ralph Iden WB9ICF will be presenting “Arduino and ESP-8266 in the Ham Shack” following meeting adjournment.

A motion to adjourn was made by John Cankar N9GUU and seconded by Dennis Ryan, KA9PUC. The motion was carried by voice vote and the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM.

Prepared by Ralph Iden WB9ICF, MCWA Secretary

Minutes – September 2019

Meeting Minutes of September 3, 2019

The September meeting was called to order by President Mike, WB8BZK at 7:00 p.m. on Sep 3, 2019 in the Crystal Lake Bank meeting room.

The Pledge of Allegiance kicked off the meeting, led by Dave K9AT.

President Mike, WB8BZK extended a welcome and asked if there were visitors or guests present. We had 2 guests: Gary W9TD, and Karen KB9DGN.

President Mike, WB8BZK asked for any License Upgrades, New awards etc. issued since Last meeting. None noted.

Introductions around the room followed. 43 members and 2 guests were in attendance for the meeting.

Minutes from the August meeting were posted on the mcwa.org website for review by Secretary Dan KD9M. John K9JK moved to accept the minutes with emailed updates, and the motion was seconded by Mike KC9Q. The motion passed by voice vote.

Treasurer Joe N9OK read the Treasurer’s September report:
Started with $5566.72, Deposits $40.00: Dues $40.00;
Expenses ($220.00):ARRL Insrance for 2019-2020 $200.00, Interest $0.22.
Ending balance: $5406.94
Member count is now 122 Voting members, 114 full members and 8 family members. Joe W9JCS moved to accept the Treasurer report, and the motion was seconded by Mike ND9G. The motion passed by voice vote.

President Mike WB8BZK anounced Gary’s KD9FML mother passed August 23rd, President Mike’s WB8BZK Father-in-law passed away. President Mike asked for a moment of silence.

Several Ham Fests/Gatherings recently and upcoming.

Quincy IL Hamfest Paloma, IL Aug 11th
Racine Megacycle Freefest – Racine, WI Aug 11th.  nt alot of stuff.
Ozaukee RC’s Fall Swapfest – Cedarburg, WI September 8th
W9DXCC Convention- St. Charles September 14th
Peoria Superfest – Peoria September 15th
CFMC Radio Expo – Belvidere September 29th
Superfest HRO – Milwaukee September 27th/28th


See the contest calendar …

Upcoming MCWA Presentations

October Arduino and ESP-8266 in the ham shack Ralph WB9ICF
November MCWA Dinner / Social
December Ham Radio in the mid-1950s Tom W9NBG
January TBD TBD
February TBD TBD
March ARRL Update Kermit W9XA

Other Announcements
Kirk KD9KPA If you are interested in some old QSTs contact him.
Pierre K9EYE anounced Dave KD9ESL returned from Florida and is listening on the repeater but still not able to speak after the stroke. Reach out and say hi.

New Business
Scout Camporee October 5th. Jurassic Island theme. Would like us to setup communications to the outside world “if something went wrong”
Requesting 2 Amateur Radio Stations, Morse Code Demo & Activity
Activity will be on 2 Meters and 6 Meters
Need Volunteers for the following

Projet Co-Leader
Bring & Setup two stations & Antennas
Station Operators
Morse Code Demo & Activity
Quick Introduction to our Activity
Provide ready Local Home / Mobile QSOs
Ham Related Video for 60 inch monitor
Tear Down

Dave K9AT is building a resource list. Please send Dave where you get parts for Ham radio projects and other needs. This will be posted to the web site when finished.

Election of new Officers & Director
Nominating committe:
Chairperson: Kent Dulaney K9KMD
Directors-at-large: Roger KF9D & Gary KD9FML

2 Officers have agreed to serve again if elected:

President – Mike Metroka WB8BZK
Vice President – Dan Larson KD9M (move over from Secretary)

Nominating committee has selected these additinoal canidates:
Secretary – Ralph Iden WB9ICF
Treasurer – Dean Hettel WD9FOO
Director (2-year term) – Mike Salak KC9Q

Nominations from the floor
Pierre K9EYE nominated Ralph Iden WB9ICF for President
Ralph declined this nomination to keep the nomination for Secretary
Pierre K9EYE nominated Dave K9AT for Vice President
Dave declined this nomination at this time
Pierre K9EYE nominated Ken KO9H for Director
Ken declined this nomination at this time
President Mike WB8BZK asked for a voice vote of acclamation for the nominations. 1 abstain, 41 Voted Yes

The business meeting was adjourned at 7:52 PM.
Loren K3RFC moved to adjourn, and the motion was seconded by Dean WD9FOO. The motion passed by voice vote.

Following a short break, President Mike WB8BZK Started the Auction The program wrapped up at 8:52 PM.

Minutes recorded by Secretary Dan, KD9M