Minutes – February 2022

MCWA Meeting Minutes of February 1, 2022

President Ralph Iden (WB9ICF) called the February 2022 meeting to order at 7:03 PM by Zoom. The Pledge of Allegiance followed, led by Dave Holmgren (K9AT). Ralph noted that the program will be recorded and that the approval of the minutes and treasurer’s reports will be streamlined without motions unless there are objections. Ralph reported the passing of Dave Stump (KD9ESL), a former member. Ralph also welcomed new member David Cushman (KC9CTI) and returning member JoAnne Maenpaa (K9JKM).

Board members present were Gary Dembski (W9GD), Dean Hettel (WC9C), Ralph Iden (WB9ICF), Gary Kaatz (W9TD), Dan Larson (KD9M), Mike Metroka (WB8BZK) and David Whiteside (N9BSA).

A total of 40 members were in attendance and four guests; Thomas Beebe (W9RY), John Zietlow (K9WIC), Sid Siddalingaiah (KC9JPJ) and our speaker for tonight, Tim Duffy (K3LR).

Approval of Minutes

The meeting minutes from the January 2022 meeting were previously posted to the MCWA website for review. Hearing no objections, the minutes were approved.

Membership and Financial Reports

Treasurer Dean Hettel (WC9C) presented the membership and financial reports for December. MCWA has a membership of 134 full members including 7 family members.

Opening Balance $10,838.94
Deposits $169.41 (dues)
Expenditures $162.00- (Field Day Pavillion Rental)
  $57.00- (Field Day Campsite Rental)
Interest $0.10
Final Balance $10,789.45

Dean reminded the membership to pay their 2022 dues by PayPal, check or cash tonight at the meeting. Hearing no objections, the treasurer’s report was approved.


Although some programs are in the works, a program is needed for the March meeting and possibly April.

Dave Whaley (NT9E) reminded everyone via chat of the monthly ham breakfast, this coming Saturday, February 5, 8 AM at Kim & Patty’s Café, 731 Ridgeview Dr, McHenry.

Hamfest and Event Update


Winterfest, ARRL Midwest Division Convention: Thomas Beebe (W9RY) noted that the attendance and presentations were good.


Orlando Hamcation, ARRL National Convention, February 10-13, 2022, Central Florida Fairgrounds & Convention Center, Orlando, FL

QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo, March 12-13, 2022, on-line

Jefferson Hamfest, March 30, Jefferson County Fairgrounds Activity Center, Jefferson, WI

Dayton Hamvention 2022, May 20-22, 2022, Greene County Fairgrounds & Expo Center, Xenia, OH

Contest Reports

ARRL RTTY Roundup: WB8BZK and W9TD reported good scores

North American QSO Party (CW): WB8BZK and W9TD participated

ARRL VHF Contest: K9JK in a couple of hours roving made 224 QSO’s on 5 bands and 66 on Sunday, all on SSB

North American QSO Party (SSB): KD9M participated in the last few hours

CQ 160-meter Contest (CW): WB8BZK reported 576 QSO’s and all states

Winter Field Day: W9GD reported that “The 415” group of 13 ops made 713 QSO’s on SSB. K9OK, KD9FMJ and K9AT all commented on how enjoyable it was.


10-10 International Winter Contest (SSB) – February 5-6

North American Sprint (CW) – February 5-6

CQ WW RTTY WPX Contest – February 12-13

ARRL School Club Roundup – February 14-18

ARRL International DX Contest (CW) – February 19-20

Russian PSK WW Contest – February 19-20

CQ 160-meter Contest (SSB) – February 25-27

North American QSO Party (RTTY) – February 26-27

ARRL International DX Contest (SSB) – March 5-6

Upcoming MCWA Presentations

None scheduled

A program coordinator is still needed since programs are an important part of our monthly meeting. Please contact Ralph (WB9ICF) or Mike (WB8BZK) for more information as to what is involved.

Awards and license upgrades

For the 2021 Illinois QSO party, K9RN (OP N7US) placed second in the fixed low power category, KA9OZP placed first for Iowa and Roger Scott (KF9D) placed first in the single county portable category.

Angelo Franzone (KD9QVW) upgraded to General in January.

Old Business

A picnic Committee needs to be formed now:

  • Volunteers needed
  • Select a date and secure/rent the location
  • Begin to plan the food and activities

Later, the menu needs to be finalized, budget made and approved and the activities planned in detail.

New Business

Dan Larson (KD9M) reported on the 2022 Field Day planning meeting held on January 27. We have the campground reserved for Saturday night and all are invited. The plan is to have three stations, CW, SSB and digital with free VHF, GOTA and satellite stations. The next meeting will be on February 15 at 8 PM using Zoom.

The board approved a Field Day budget of $750 at the October 2021 meeting. The MCWA Constitution requires membership approval for expenses above $300. Mike Metroka (WB8BZK) motioned to approve the Field Day budget and John Dewey (KA9CAR) seconded it. The motion passed by a unanimous voice vote.

Wrap up

Tim Duffy (K3LR) will be presenting “Antenna Construction” following the adjournment of tonight’s meeting.

The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, March 1, 2022 hopefully at the Algonquin Township meeting room. Open “eyeball” QSOs start at 6:30 PM, with the meeting starting at 7:00 PM. The program is TBD.

A motion to adjourn was made by Joe Robin (N9OK) and seconded by Dan Larson (KD9M). The motion was approved by voice vote and the meeting was adjourned at 7:35 PM.

Prepared by Gary Kaatz (W9TD), MCWA Secretary.

Minutes – January 2022

MCWA Meeting Minutes of January 4, 2022

President Ralph Iden (WB9ICF) called the January 2022 meeting to order at 7:04 PM by Zoom. The Pledge of Allegiance followed led by Dave Holmgren (K9AT). Ralph noted that the program will be recorded. Ralph welcomed new members Brad Shufelt (KD9UBK) and James Sarcia (KD9UBH). Ralph then went over the comments about 2/3 members present or 2/3 of a quorum being able to change the Constitution and said we are following the latter.

Board members present were Gary Dembski (W9GD), Dean Hettel (WC9C), Ralph Iden (WB9ICF), Gary Kaatz (W9TD), Dan Larson (KD9M), Mike Metroka (WB8BZK) and David Whiteside (N9BSA).

A total of 53 members were in attendance and two guests, John Zietlow (K9WIC) and Alex Geron.

Approval of Minutes

The meeting minutes from the December 2021 meeting were previously posted to the MCWA website for review. John Cankar (W9JM) motioned to approve the minutes with Dennis Ryan (KA9PUC) seconding the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous voice vote.

Membership and Financial Reports

Treasurer Dean Hettel (WC9C) presented the membership and financial reports for December. MCWA has a membership of 131 full members including 7 family members.

Opening Balance $10,769.44
Deposits $168.93 (dues)
Expenditures $76.52- (Pobox plus. club brochures)
  $23.00- (4 months Web hosting)
Interest $0.09
Final Balance $10,838.94

Dean reminded the membership to pay their 2022 dues by PayPal, check or cash tonight at the meeting. A motion to approve the financial report was made by Sam Haldiman (KC9GPY) with a second by John Cankar (W9JM). The motion was approved by unanimous voice vote. Jim McDonald (N7US) asked if all 131 members are current on their dues. Dean replied that as long as a member has paid by meeting’s end, he is current. John Kalenowsky (K9JK) asked about Pobox plus. Ralph explained that it is for more reliable email than Google provided.

Constitutional Amendment

Ralph reiterated the reasoning for needing the amendment. The proposed text is as follows:

ARTICLE VII – Meetings
The Bylaws shall provide for regular and special membership meetings, A minimum for a quorum to conduct club business is one-third one-fifth of the full members in good standing.

Ralph Iden (WB9ICF) moved to amend Article VII, Section 1 of the Constitution, replacing the words “one-third” to “one-fifth”. The motion was seconded by Mike Metroka (WB8BZK). Discussion followed. Sam Haldiman (KC9GPY) said that a percentage should be replaced with a fixed number. Tom Craner (KD6KHK) asked about the history of attendance. Ralph showed the chart and reiterated that around two-thirds of the membership never attends meetings. Ron Delpiere Smith (KD9IPO) and David Cooper (KA9OZP) also commented. John Kalenowsky (K9JK) said that on-fifth was too low. Mike Ricketts (ND9G) asked if any other part of the Constitution was affected by a change in the quorum. Ralph said only those two sections shown on the slide (Article VII, Section 1 and Article VIII, Section 1). Jim Bolm (N0RWL) asked about whether any notice was required to change the Constitution. Ralph answered that Article VIII, Section 1 required that it is proposed at one meeting and voted on at the next. The first proposal was made two meeting ago and could not be acted upon at the last meeting because there was not a quorum. Mike Metroka (WB8BZK) noted that a large effort was made to get a quorum for tonight’s meeting. Ron Delpiere Smith (KD9IPO) noted that even minimal business cannot be done without a quorum. John Cankar (W9JM) said let’s vote!

Since the current quorum requirements were met, a roll call vote was taken. There were 48 yeas, 2 nays and one abstention so the 2/3 of members present requirement was met and the amendment will be as stated above.


Field Day 2022

  • Rush Creek Conservation Area site has been reserved by Mike Metroka (WB8BZK)
  • Planning will begin soon – See Dan KD9M for details or watch for announcement on reflector

Ron Delpiere Smith (KD9IPO) said that the ARRL has not yet determined about home stations for the 2022 Field Day.

Summer Picnic volunteers are needed for planning.

We need programs for our meetings beginning in March and a program coordinator

Hamfest and Event Update




WCRA 55th Annual Mid-Winter Hamfest,   January 16, 2022, Kane County Fairgrounds
Scott DeSantis (KB9VRW) noted that a decision on whether the fest would be held will be made tomorrow, January 5. (subsequently, the decision was made to cancel)

Winterfest, ARRL Midwest Division Convention, January 27, 2022, Gateway Convention Center, Collinsville, IL
Also deciding on whether or not to hold it soon

Orlando Hamcation, ARRL National Convention, February 10-13, 2022, Central Florida Fairgrounds & Convention Center, Orlando, FL

QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo, March 12-13, 2022, on-line

Dayton Hamvention 2022, May 20-22, 2022, Greene County Fairgrounds & Expo Center, Xenia, OH

Ron Delpiere Smith (KD9IPO) noted that the Sandwich hamfest is also in May

Contest Reports

ARRL 10-meter Contest: no reports

OK DX RTTY Contest: no reports

RAC Winter Contest: no reports

Stew Perry Top-band Challenge: no reports

ARRL Rookie Roundup (CW): no reports

ARRL Straight Key Night (CW): Ralph Iden (WB9ICF) pounded out a few QSOs.

ARRL Kid’s Day: no reports


ARRL RTTY Roundup – January 8-9

North American QSO Party (CW) – January 15-16

ARRL VHF Contest – January 15-17

North American QSO Party (SSB) – January 22-23

CQ 160-meter Contest (CW) – January 28-30

Winter Field Day – January 29

10-10 International Winter Contest (SSB) – February 5-6

North American Sprint (CW) – February 5-6

Upcoming MCWA Presentations

February 1      Antenna Construction
Tim Duffy (K3LR) of DXEngineering

A program coordinator is still needed since programs are an important part of our monthly meeting. Please contact Ralph (WB9ICF) or Mike (WB8BZK) for more information as to what is involved.

Awards and license upgrades

none reported

Old Business

A picnic Committee needs to be formed now:

  • Volunteers needed
  • Select a date and secure/rent the location
  • Begin to plan the food and activities

Later, the menu needs to be finalized, budget made and approved and the activities planned in detail.

Harold Burt (W9HB) asked about the picnic time frame. Ralph replied that it was either June or July on either a Saturday or Sunday afternoon.

New Business

None proposed

Wrap up

Ralph Iden (WB9ICF) will be presenting “3D Printing for Radio Amateurs” following the adjournment of tonight’s meeting.

The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at the Algonquin Township meeting room. Open “eyeball” QSOs start at 6:30 PM, with the meeting starting at 7:00 PM. The program is “Antenna Construction” by Tim Duffy (K3LR).

A motion to adjourn was made by Sam Haldiman (KC9GPY) and seconded by Dennis Ryan (KA9PUC). The motion was approved by voice vote and the meeting was adjourned at 7:52 PM.

Prepared by Gary Kaatz (W9TD), MCWA Secretary.

Minutes – December 2021

MCWA Meeting Minutes of December 7, 2021

President Ralph Iden (WB9ICF) called the December 2021 meeting to order at 7:04 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance followed led by Dave Holmgren (K9AT). Ralph noted that the meeting will be recorded. Ralph welcomed new members Jesse Bowen (WM0Y) and Mike Kana (AA9IL).

Board members present were Gary Dembski (W9GD), Dean Hettel (WC9C), Ralph Iden (WB9ICF), Gary Kaatz (W9TD), Dan Larson (KD9M), Mike Metroka (WB8BZK) and David Whiteside (N9BSA).

A total of 40 members were in attendance and three guests, Dave Cushman (KC9CTI), James Spence (KO9A) and our presenter Bill Engelke (AB4EJ).

Approval of Minutes

The meeting minutes from the November 2021 meeting were previously posted to the MCWA website for review. Sam Haldiman (KC9GPY) motioned to approve the minutes with David Whiteside (N9BSA) seconding the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous voice vote.

Membership and Financial Reports

Treasurer Dean Hettel (WC9C) presented the membership and financial reports for December. MCWA has a membership of 129 full members including 7 family members.

Opening Balance $10,589.35
Deposits $180.00 (dues)
Expenditures $0.00-
Interest $0.09
Final Balance $10,769.44

Dean reminded the membership to pay their 2022 dues by PayPal, check or cash tonight at the meeting. A motion to approve the financial report was made by David Whiteside (N9BSA) with a second by Sam Haldiman (KC9GPY). The motion was approved by unanimous voice vote.


The McHenry monthly Ham breakfast is held the first Saturday of every month at Buddyz, 1138 Green Street, at 8 AM. Contact Dave Whaley (NT9E) for more information. It was reported that 16 attended the December event.

Hamfest and Event Update


John Dewey (KA9CAR) reported that at the last VE session there were three new Technicians and one upgrade to General.


WCRA 55th Annual Mid-Winter Hamfest,   January 16, 2022, Kane County Fairgrounds

Winterfest, ARRL Midwest Division Convention, January 27, 2022, Gateway Convention Center, Collinsville, IL

Orlando Hamcation, ARRL National Convention, February 10-13, 2022, Central Florida Fairgrounds & Convention Center, Orlando, FL

QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo, March 12-13, 2022, on-line

Dayton Hamvention 2022, May 20-22, 2022, Greene County Fairgrounds & Expo Center, Xenia, OH

Contest Reports

ARRL Sweepstakes Contest (CW): Joe Robin (N9OK) participated

WAE DX Contest (RTTY): no reports

ARRL Sweepstakes Contest (SSB): Joe Robin (N9OK) operated QRP

CQ WW DX Contest (CW): No reports

ARRL 160-meter Contest: Joe Robin (N9OK) participated, John Dewey (KA9CAR) made 75 QSOs, Mike Metroka (WB8BZK) made 450 QSOs over 10 hours of operating with 10 countries and Fred Sanborn (KG9X) made more than 1000 QSOs for second place, low power.

2021 Field Day Final Scores: Dan Larson (KD9M) reviewed the results. K9RN had 8,848 points (includes 1350 bonus points) and 2020 QSOs. In class 2A, K9RN was 6th in USA. No 2A 9-area station scored higher. The aggregate McHenry County Wireless Association score was 16,172.


ARRL 10-meter Contest – December 11-12

OK DX RTTY Contest – December 18

RAC Winter Contest – December 18-19

Stew Perry Top-band Challenge – December 18-19

ARRL Rookie Roundup (CW) – December 19

ARRL Straight Key Night (CW) – January 1, 2022

ARRL Kid’s Day – January 1, 2022

Upcoming MCWA Presentations

January 4         3D Printing for Amateur Radio
Ralph Iden (WB9ICF)

February 1      Antenna Building

A program coordinator is still needed since programs are an important part of our monthly meeting. Please contact Ralph (WB9ICF) or Mike (WB8BZK) for more information as to what is involved.

Awards and license upgrades

Mike Metroka (WB9BZK) achieved 12-meter DXCC and SOTA Shack Sloth for 1000 QSOs with SOTA activators.

Old Business


The summer picnic survey received 23 responses representing 32 people who might attend. The preference is for June or July on a Saturday early or late afternoon or on a Sunday late afternoon. The pig roast was the most popular food choice with vegetarian and gluten-free options requested. There was a suggestion to make it potluck. As far as activities, just sharing a meal and fellowship was enough for most although a POTA station or two was equally chosen. Fox hunting was not as popular. A suggestion was made to combine Field Day and the picnic.

Next steps are to decide on dates and select a location. In early January we will need to secure or rent the location. From January to April a picnic committee (need to form) will need to plan food and activities and finalize a budget.

Constitutional Amendment

Ralph reiterated the reasoning for needing the amendment. The proposed text is as follows:

ARTICLE VII – Meetings


The Bylaws shall provide for regular and special membership meetings, A minimum for a quorum to conduct club business is one-third one-fifth of the full members in good standing.

Due to not having a quorum, no vote was taken. John Dewey (KA9CAR) proposed a quorum as being those members present in-person or online. John Kalenowsky (K9JK) inquired as to the possibility of proxies. It was also suggested that since some members never attend meetings, they should be excluded from the membership count in order to determine a quorum. David Whiteside (N9BSA) said that his interpretation of the constitution is that we need a quorum to conduct business but that we only need 2/3 of those present at a meeting to change the constitution. President Ralph Iden (WB9ICF) tabled the discussion for a later date.

New Business

The Algonquin Township meeting room will not be available for the regularly scheduled June 7, 2022 meeting. Options for the Board to consider are to meet in the garage area, meet on a different day, or meet via Zoom or not at all.

Wrap up

Bill Engelke (AB4EJ) will be presenting “HamSCI Personal Space Weather project” following the adjournment of tonight’s meeting.

The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, January 4, 2022 at the Algonquin Township meeting room. Open “eyeball” QSOs start at 6:30 PM, with the meeting starting at 7:00 PM. The program is “3D Printing for Radio Amateurs” by Ralph Iden (WB9ICF).

A motion to adjourn was made by John Kalenowsky (K9JK) and seconded by David Whiteside (N9BSA). The motion was approved by voice vote and the meeting was adjourned at 7:57 PM.

Prepared by Gary Kaatz (W9TD), MCWA Secretary.

Minutes – November 2021

MCWA Meeting Minutes of November 2, 2021

President Ralph Iden (WB9ICF) called the November 2021 meeting to order at 7:03 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance followed led by Dave Holmgren (K9AT). Ralph noted that the program will be recorded. Ralph welcomed new members Christopher Burke (N9YH) and Eric Lanzi (WB9JNZ).

Board members present were Gary Dembski (W9GD), Dean Hettel (WC9C), Ralph Iden (WB9ICF), Gary Kaatz (W9TD), Dan Larson (KD9M), Mike Metroka (WB8BZK) via Zoom and David Whiteside (N9BSA).

A total of 35 members were in attendance and 1 guest, our speaker for tonight, Ron Delpiere-Smith (KD9IPO).

Approval of Minutes

The meeting minutes from the October 2021 meeting were previously posted to the MCWA website for review. Dave Whiteside (N9BSA) motioned to approve the minutes with Sam Haldiman (KC9GPY) seconding the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous voice vote.

Membership and Financial Reports

Treasurer Dean Hettel (WC9C) presented the membership and financial reports for October. MCWA has a membership of 127 full members including 7 family members.

Opening Balance $10,080.05
Deposits $259.22 (dues)
  $250.00 (sale of Drake twins)
Expenditures $0.00-
Interest $0.08
Final Balance $10,589.35

Dean reminded the membership to pay their 2022 dues by PayPal, check or cash tonight at the meeting. A motion to approve the financial report was made by John Kalenowsky (K9JK) with a second by Mike Salak (KC9Q). The motion was approved by unanimous voice vote.


The McHenry monthly Ham breakfast is held the first Saturday of every month at Buddyz, 1138 Green Street, at 8 AM. Contact Dave Whaley (NT9E) for more information.

Hamfest and Event Update




WARAC Midwinter Swapfest, January 9, 2022, Waukesha County Expo Center

WCRA 55th Annual Mid-Winter Hamfest,   January 16, 2022, Kane County Fairgrounds

Winterfest, ARRL Midwest Division Convention, January 27, 2022, Gateway Convention Center, Collinsville, IL

Orlando Hamcation, ARRL National Convention, February 10-13, 2022, Central Florida Fairgrounds & Convention Center, Orlando, FL

Dayton Hamvention 2022, May 20-22, 2022, Greene County Fairgrounds & Expo Center, Xenia, OH

Contest Reports

Illinois QSO Party: Ralph Iden (WB9ICF) participated a little and Jim Mc Donald (N7US) participated using the club call, K9RN.

10-10 Intl. Fall Contest (CW): No reports

Stew Perry Topband Challenge: No reports

CQ WW DX Contest (SSB): No reports


ARRL Sweepstakes Contest (CW) – November 6-8

WAE DX Contest (RTTY) – November 13-14

ARRL Sweepstakes Contest (SSB) – November 20-22

CQ WW DX Contest (CW) – November 27-28

ARRL 160-meter Contest – December 3-5

Upcoming MCWA Presentations

November 2      RF Exposure Calculations
Ron Delpiere-Smith (KD9IPO)

December 7     HamSCI Personal Space Weather project
Bill Engelke (AB4EJ)

January 4         3D Printing for Amateur Radio
Ralph Iden (WB9ICF)

February 1      Antenna Building

Awards and license upgrades

None reported.

Board of Directors Meeting Recap

Ralph reviewed the BOD meeting starting with the health of the club. Membership is strong and stable with meeting attendance lower during the pandemic but recovering. Finances are strong due to revenue from the equipment auction and spending that is well under budget as shown in the difference between budgeted and spent numbers below.

Budget vs Actual (2020-2021)

Item Budgeted Spent
Field Day $750.00 $396.96
Liability Insurance $225.00 $200.00
Domain name renewal $12.00 $12.00
Dinner social $299.00 $0
Outreach $299.00 $0
Zoom Subscription $150.00 $149.90
Website hosting $66.00 $65.28
Misc. $0 $224.24
Totals $1,801.00 $1,048.38

The proposed budget for the coming year is shown below.

Budget (2021-2022)
Item Budgeted Notes
Field Day $750.00 Requires club ratification if over $300
Liability Insurance $225.00
Website (MCWA.org) $115.00 DigitalOcean, Google Domains, Pobox
Picnic / Dinner social $750.00 Requires club ratification if over $300
Outreach $300.00
Zoom Subscription $150.00 Renewed early for a 20% discount
Meeting Room Enhancements $300.00
Misc. $200.00 There will be unbudgeted expenses
Totals $2,790.00

 Other items covered at the BOD meeting included a review of progress on action items from the previous BOD meeting. This included the new meeting space, nominating committee process change, documentation of club roles and processes and an inventory of club property on location of said items.

New business included a discussion of whether to revise the quorum number in the constitution and finding a long term place to store club property.

A program coordinator is still needed since programs are an important part of our monthly meeting. Please contact Ralph (WB9ICF) or Mike (WB8BZK) for more information as to what is involved.

Old Business

The Scout Camporee was a success with over 20 club members participating either at the site or providing contacts for the scouts. Approximately 300 scouts came through the demo. Bill (KD9WEW) provided an introduction to the recap, Gary Dembski (W9GD) discussed the activity at the FT8 station, Dave Holmgren (K9AT) talked about his demo using Morse code and Allstar, Jen Van Zieleghem (KD9FMJ) told a scary story to the scouts at her portable station in the back of her car and Sam Haldiman (KC9GPY) talked about the 6 and 2-meter station. David Whiteside (N9BSA), representing the Blackhawk Area Council, Sycamore District of the BSA, presented certificates of thanks to all the participants at the meeting tonight as well as to the MCWA and the 415.

New Business

Ralph presented a slide on possible ideas for the summer picnic. There is an immediate need for an organizing committee to plan it. Ralph will create a survey for the membership’s preferences. It was mentioned that is the distant past, MCWA held a picnic concurrent with Field Day and it was well attended.

As discussed at the BOD meeting, the Board is proposing an amendment to the constitution regarding a change in the determination of a quorum. After the membership has a chance to review the proposal, there will be a vote at the next general meeting. Ralph explained the reason why we have a quorum requirement and the need to change it. He also related what options the board had considered. The proposed amendment is as follows:

ARTICLE VII – Meetings

The Bylaws shall provide for regular and special membership meetings, A minimum for a quorum to conduct club business is one-third one-fifth of the full members in good standing.

Wrap up

Ron Delpiere-Smith (KD9IPO) will be presenting “RF Exposure Calculations” following the adjournment of tonight’s meeting.

The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, December 7, 2021 at the Algonquin Township meeting room. Open “eyeball” QSOs start at 6:30 PM, with the meeting starting at 7:00 PM. The program is “Personal Space Weather Station project” by Bill Engelke (AB4EJ).

A motion to adjourn was made by John Kalenowsky (K9JK) and seconded by Bill Wacaser (KD9WEW). The motion was approved by voice vote and the meeting was adjourned at 7:47 PM.

Prepared by Gary Kaatz (W9TD), MCWA Secretary.

Minutes – October 2021

MCWA Meeting Minutes of October 7, 2021

President Ralph Iden (WB9ICF) called the October 2021 meeting to order at 7:02 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance followed led by Dave Holmgren (K9AT). Ralph noted that the meeting will be recorded. Ralph welcomed new member Ron Smith (W9OF).

Board members present were Gary Dembski (W9GD), Dean Hettel (WC9C), Ralph Iden (WB9ICF), Gary Kaatz (W9TD), Dan Larson (KD9M), Mike Metroka (WB8BZK) and Mike Salak (KC9Q).

A total of 37 members were in attendance and two guests; Will Nelson (KD9PRK) and our speaker for tonight, Mike Walker (VA3MW).

Approval of Minutes

The meeting minutes from the September 2021 meeting were previously posted to the MCWA website for review. Dave Whiteside (N9BSA) motioned to approve the minutes with Dave Holmgren (K9AT) seconding the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous voice vote.

Membership and Financial Reports

Treasurer Dean Hettel (WC9C) presented the membership and financial reports for September. MCWA has a membership of 125 full members including 7 family members.

Opening Balance $10,374.90
Deposits $40.00 (dues)
Expenditures $200.00- (ARRL club liability insurance)
  $112.94- (Zoom renewal)
  $22.00- (Quarterly web hosting fee)
Interest $0.09
Final Balance $10,080.05

Ralph noted that membership is January to December and you can renew now for 2022. A motion to approve the financial report was made by John Dewey (KA9CAR) with a second by Dave Whiteside (N9BSA). The motion was approved by voice vote.


The MCWA annual board of directors meeting will be via Zoom on Tuesday, October 19 at 6:30 PM. The meeting is open to all members in good standing.

Jamboree on the air: Dave Whiteside (N9BSA) will be running the event from the park behind his house on October 16-17. The Cub Scounts will be there from 12 to 3 on Saturday. They will try to contact K2BSA the headquarters station.

Hamfest and Event Update


W9DXCC Convention: Joe Robin (N9OK) attended and said it was fun.

Peoria Superfest: no reports

Radio Expo: Quite a few members attended. The weather was very good.

Illinois ARES Simulated Emergency Test: John Dewey (KA9CAR) and others participated.


WARAC Midwinter Swapfest, January 9, 2022, Waukesha County Expo Center

WCRA 55th Annual Mid-Winter Hamfest,   January 16, 2022, Kane County Fairgrounds

Peoria Superfest September 18/19

Winterfest, ARRL Midwest Division Convention, January 27, 2022, Gateway Convention Center, Collinsville, IL

Contest Reports

ARRL September VHF Contest: John Kalenowsky (K9JK) operated 10 bands over 8 grids and made 176 contacts from his rover.

ARRL 10 GHz and Up Contest: John Kalenowsky (K9JK) also participated and he made 20 contacts.

CQ WW DX Contest (RTTY): No reports, although I know some members participated.


Illinois QSO Party – October 17-18 Jim McDonald (N7US) will be operating as K9RN. Other MCWA members participating should use the full club name (McHenry County Wireless Association) when submitting their logs.

10-10 Intl. Fall Contest (CW) – October 16-17

Stew Perry Topband Challenge – October 23-24

CQ WW DX Contest (SSB) – October 30-31

Upcoming MCWA Presentations

October 5       SDR Performance Advantages
Michael Walker (VA3MW)

November 2  RF Exposure Calculations
Ron Delpiere-Smith (KD9IPO)

December 7    HamSCI Personal Space Weather project
Bill Engelke (AB4EJ)

January 4      3D Printing for Amateur Radio
Ralph Iden (WB9ICF)

February 1      Antenna Building

Awards and license upgrades

No reports.

Old Business

Ralph thanked the outgoing board members for their service, noting that Mike Salak (KC9Q) completed his two-year term as director. He welcomed David Whiteside (N9BSA) as a new two-year term director. He then welcomed the new board of directors.

The Scout Camporee will be held Friday to Sunday but most activity will be on October 23 from the McHenry County Fairgrounds, Woodstock. Gary Dembski (W9GD), Bill Wacaser (KD9WEW) and Doug Tucker (KD9PQI) have been planning the activities. They have 20 minutes for 7 tech presentations, 5 directed towards youths. The expectation is 100 to 200 Scouts. They are looking for stations that can be ready to talk to the scouts when they get on the air on 50.180 and 146.415 between 9 and 4.

A program coordinator is still needed since programs are an important part of our monthly meeting. Please contact Ralph (WB9ICF) or Mike (WB8BZK) for more information as to what is involved.

New Business


Wrap up

Michael Walker (VA3MW) will be presenting “SDR Performance Advantages” following the adjournment of tonight’s meeting.

The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, November 2, 2021 at the Algonquin Township meeting room. Open “eyeball” QSOs start at 6:30 PM, with the meeting starting at 7:00 PM. The program is “RF Exposure Calculations” by Ron Delpiere-Smith (KD9IPO).

A motion to adjourn was made by Sam Haldiman (KC9GPY) and seconded by Dave Holmgren (K9AT). The motion was approved by voice vote and the meeting was adjourned at 7:29 PM.

Prepared by Gary Kaatz (W9TD), MCWA Secretary.