Minutes – April 2016

Subject: McHenry County Wireless Association
Regular Meeting minutes – April 5, 2016

The April meeting was called to order by President Jim, N7US at 7:00 p.m. on April 5, 2016 in the Crystal Lake Bank meeting room.

The Pledge of Allegiance kicked off the meeting, led by Jim, N7US.

President Jim extended a welcome to all and asked if there were visitors or guests present. Visitors and guests included Mark, WB9MRB from Streamwood, Joe, KD9FHT from Crystal Lake, John from our MCC class, and Jonathan son of Dave KD9ESL.

Introductions around the room followed. Thirty-six people were in attendance for the meeting.

President Jim encouraged all to join the club Yahoo reflector, K9RN, visit the club website at mcwa.org, and join the MCWA Facebook page to keep up on club news and information. Jerry N9AVY is the newsletter editor, Dave NT9E keeps the Facebook page up to date while Ken KB9I is the webmaster.

The minutes from the March meeting were published for review on the club website by Secretary Roger, KF9D. Dave NT9E moved to accept the minutes as published, seconded by Dave, KD9ESL. The motion passed by voice vote.

Treasurer Joe, N9OK reported a balance of $4507.45 in the club treasury. Expenses for the past month included $744 previously authorized by the membership for a new projector. Paid membership for 2016 is now up to 85 members. John, KA9CAR made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Mike, KC9Q. The motion passed by voice vote.

Jack, W9MU gave the members a wrap-up report on the “Introduction to Amateur Radio” class at McHenry County Community College. The 5 members enrolled attended all sessions to the final class. A demonstration night at Jack’s shack took place the week following the final class.
Dave, K9RUF gave a report on the AES Superfest in Milwaukee, saying it was well attended and featured representatives from the big 3 manufacturers. Dave, KD9ESL added that as a ham gathering it seemed small, but the forum speakers were impressive.

President Jim reminded new members that club call sign badges can be obtained through Ken, KB9I at a cost of $10.

On the subject of public service, Al KB9YMD told the group of upcoming ARES training sessions to be held on April 12 and April 16 at the Mental Health Center in Crystal Lake.

Operating activities and upcoming hamfests, contests, and DX-peditions, are well covered in the club newsletter. Two big DX-peditions are on the horizon, VK0EK and FT4JA to keep members occupied. Jeff, KC9WSJ, has previously volunteered to take over the position of club librarian. The material has been cataloged and a list of available material is on the club website. Members wishing to check out material should contact Jeff in advance so he can bring the requested material to the monthly meeting.

President Jim turned the floor over to Vice-President Mike, WB8BZK who give an overview to the membership of the changes to the club constitution that were proposed and distributed last month. Both the current and proposed constitution have also been viewable on the club website. Following the procedure outlined for change given in the current constitution, a quorum, consisting of one-third of current paid members, was necessary to amend the constitution. Thirty-three of the current 85 paid members were present to satisfy the quorum requirement. Ballots were handed out to each paid member present. Thirty-one ballots were collected resulting in unanimous approval for the new constitution.

Ray, N9RWC spoke on behalf of the membership, thanking the officers for their hard work on the new club constitution.

A short Field Day planning update was given by Roger, KF9D.

President Jim invited everyone to join the club member group that meets at the Cottage in Crystal Lake immediately after the club meeting for pizza and camaraderie.

There was no additional new business.

After a short break, Jack W9MU presented a very informative program on non-resonant HF antennas. Using the antenna analysis application EZNEC, Jack showed comparisons of various commonly used non-resonant antennas.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:47 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted, Roger Scott, KF9D, MCWA Secretary

Minutes – March 2016

MCWA March 2016 Minutes

The March meeting was called to order by President Jim, N7US at 7:05 p.m. on March 1, 2016 in the Crystal Lake Bank meeting room.

The Pledge of Allegiance kicked off the meeting, led by Jim, N7US.

President Jim extended a welcome to all and asked if there were visitors or guests present. New licensees Gary, KD9FML and Craig, KD9FOU introduced themselves to the group.

Introductions around the room followed. Thirty-three people were in attendance for the meeting. Treasurer Joe, N9OK was asked to read a list of unpaid members for the year 2016.

President Jim encouraged all to join the club Yahoo reflector, K9RN, visit the club website at mcwa.org, and join the MCWA Facebook page to keep up on club news and information. Jerry, N9AVY is the newsletter editor and Dave, NT9E keeps the website and Facebook page up to date.

The minutes from the February meeting were published for review on the club website by Secretary Roger, KF9D. Kent, K9KMD moved to accept the minutes as published, seconded by Dave, KD9ESL. The motion passed by voice vote, with one abstention.

Treasurer Joe, N9OK reported a balance of $4426.62 in the club treasury. Expenses for the past month included $744 previously authorized by the membership for a new projector. Paid membership for 2016 is now up to 75 members with 25 remaining unpaid from last year. John, K9JK made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Dave, NT9E. The motion passed by voice vote.

Jack, W9MU informed the club that the  “Introduction to Amateur Radio” class at McHenry County Community College has begun in room A241 on Thursday nights at 7 pm with 5 people enrolled in the class. Three class enrollees were present at the March club meeting.

President Jim announced that a ham breakfast will be held on Saturday March 19th at 8 am at the Golden Corral in Algonquin on Randall Road. Anyone with an interest in ham radio is invited to attend along with their family.

President Jim reminded new members that club call sign badges can be obtained through Ken, KB9I at a cost of $10.

Operating activities and upcoming hamfests, including upcoming contests and DX-peditions, are covered in the club newsletter.

Jack, W9MU stated that the program for next month will be on the topic of non-resonant antennas. He also asked the club if there was interest in a program on the incoming QSL bureau. He will contact K9QVB and try to arrange this for a future program.

Tom, W9NBG moved that the club offer a free one year membership to anyone giving a program during 2016 or 2017. Ed, K9TX seconded the motion. Following much discussion on the topic, the motion failed to pass in a show-of-hands vote.

Jeff, KC9WSJ volunteered to take over the position of club librarian. John, KA9CAR suggested cataloging the material and putting a list of available material on the club website. Members wishing to check out material should contact Jeff in advance so he can bring it to the monthly meeting.

On the topic of Field Day, as announced at the previous meeting, a new site is likely needed for this year. Members were asked to give suggestions, and several were received. Roger, KF9D told members that a group has looked at sites and decided that the Hilltop shelter at Emricson Park in Woodstock is a good candidate. A site map and pictures of the area were shown at the meeting. Ken, KB9I has reserved the shelter with the Parks and Recreation organization for the Friday through Sunday of Field Day weekend. The site is offered free to the club in exchange for providing communications to the Woodstock Challenge Run on June 11th.

President Jim informed the group that the officers have been working on rewriting the club constitution during the previous month. Jim turned the floor over to Vice-President Mike, WB8BZK who give an overview to the membership of the suggested changes. Both the current and proposed constitution can be viewed on the club website. Following the procedure outlined for change given in the current constitution, the proposed constitution was submitted in writing at the March 1st regular meeting by the officers. Copies of the proposal were distributed to all members who desired a hard copy at the meeting. President Jim took the assignment to email copies of the proposed constitution to all club members soon after the March meeting. Members are allowed to vote by mail in advance of the vote that will take place at the April 5th, 2016 meeting. Mailed votes should be sent to the Secretary, Roger, KF9D.

President Jim invited everyone to join the club member group that meets at the Cottage in Crystal Lake immediately after the club meeting for pizza and camaraderie.

There was no additional new business.

After a short break, Roger, KF9D presented a very informative program on resonant HF antennas. Using the antenna analysis application EZNEC, Roger showed comparisons of various resonant antenna types at different heights.

Minutes – February 2016

Subject: Meeting Minutes of February 2, 2016

The February meeting was called to order by President Jim, N7US at 7:00 p.m. on February 2, 2016 in the Crystal Lake Bank meeting room.

The Pledge of Allegiance kicked off the meeting, led by Jim, N7US.

President Jim extended a welcome and asked if there were visitors or guests present. Mike KC9TCW from Woodstock and Craig (no call) from Woodstock were visitors.

Introductions around the room followed. Thirty-three people were in attendance for the meeting.

President Jim encouraged all to join the club Yahoo reflector, K9RN, visit the club website at mcwa.org, and join the MCWA Facebook page to keep up on club news and information.

The minutes from the January meeting were published for review on the club website by Secretary Roger, KF9D. Dave, N9ITE moved to accept the minutes as published, seconded by Dave, KD9ESL. The motion passed by voice vote.

Treasurer Joe, N9OK reported a balance of roughly $5,000 in the club treasury. Paid membership for 2016 is now up to 60 members. Dues for the calendar year 2016 are now being accepted. John, K9JK made a motion to accept the treasurer�s report, seconded by Dave, NT9E. The motion passed by voice vote.

Jack, W9MU, reminded the club that the �Introduction to Amateur Radio� class at McHenry County Community College will begin February 18 and continue for 5 consecutive Thursday evenings. Twenty general information amateur radio topics will be presented in the course. Jack has contacted 20 northern Illinois radio clubs to gain publicity for the classes, as well as putting a notice in the NW Herald events section. Cost is $49 for an adult and $15 for a student.

Ray, N9RWC informed the club that the K9ESV emergency services group had recently sponsored a �ham cram� course with 13 people participating. A testing session followed the course with 12 of the attendees successfully passing the licensing test.

President Jim noted that the club has a collection of radio library information, and will contact Marty, W9MLP to confirm that he is in possession of the material.

On the topic of Field Day, a new site is likely needed for this year as most of the area where the club operated the previous 2 years has been turned into farm fields. Club members should research any appropriate sites and discuss these at the March meeting. Ideas can be floated on the club email reflector for comments.

Dave, K9RUF commented that he was given a tour of WB9Z�s impressive station. Dave also noted the great website maintained by WB9Z.

On the topic of operating activities, it was noted that the South Georgia Island Dxpedition, VP8SGI is currently underway. The DXpedition to Palmyra Island, K5P, has recently concluded. Up-to-date DX information can be obtained from DailyDX.com.

Upcoming hamfests were discussed, including Radio Expo at Belvidere on Sept. 24th. See QST for further hamfest details.

Under old business, Mike, WB8BZK inquired about who held the file for the club brochure. Dave, N9ITE offered that he has the master file. Mike offered to print some brochures and take them to future radio events that he will attend in order to gain club publicity.

President Jim invited everyone to join the club member group that meets at the Cottage in Crystal Lake immediately after the club meeting for pizza and camaraderie.

There was no new business.

After a short break, Jack, W9MU presented a very informative program on VSWR. Using the computer application SIM Smith, Jack demonstrated how much loss is possible in various transmission lines under certain antenna mismatch conditions.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Roger Scott, KF9D, MCWA Secretary

Minutes – January 2016

Subject: Meeting Minutes of January 5, 2016

The January meeting was called to order by President Jim, N7US at 7:00 p.m. on January 5, 2016 in the Crystal Lake Bank meeting room.

The Pledge of Allegiance kicked off the meeting, led by Jim, N7US.

President Jim extended a welcome and asked if there were visitors or guests present. Fred from Prairie Grove, Andy, Bill and Mark K9PRZ were all visitors.

President Jim stressed that many club members are interested and available to help whoever needs ham radio help. Please contact Jim to help set up a connection.

Introductions around the room followed. 32 people were in attendance for the meeting.

President Jim encouraged all to join the club Yahoo reflector, K9RN.

President Jim encouraged members to send Jerry N9AVY, our newsletter editor, more club-specific input for the monthly newsletter.

The minutes from the December meeting were published for review on the club website by Secretary Roger, KF9D. Jerry N9AVY moved to accept the minutes as published, seconded by John KA9CAR. The motion passed by voice vote.

Treasurer Joe, N9OK reported a balance of roughly $4,700 in the club treasury. 2016 paid membership is now up to 46 members. Dues for the calendar year 2016 are now being accepted. Send dues checks to Joe N9OK. John K9JK made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by John K5JRD. The motion passed by voice vote.

Dave KB9OLD announced that 2016 VE testing sessions will be held in Woodstock on the third Tuesday of each quarter (Feb, May, Aug & Nov). There is the required $15 fee. No advanced appointment is required.

Jack, W9MU, reminded the club that the “Introduction to Amateur Radio” class at McHenry County Community College will begin February 18 and continue for 5 consecutive Thursday evenings. Twenty general information amateur radio topics will be presented in the course.

Upcoming hamfests were announced for the Waukesha Swapfest this Saturday January 9th and for the WCRA hamfest that will be held at the Kane county fair grounds on January 17th.

Jim, N7US advised club members that club callsign badges can be arranged through Ken, KB9I by sending him a check for $10.

The February program “Standing Wave Ratio” will be the first installation of a three part series to be presented by Jack, W9MU.

Several upcoming operating activities, including contests, were highlighted. See QST for contest details. Up-to-date DX information can be obtained from DailyDX.com.

President Jim invited everyone to join the club member group that meets at the Cottage in Crystal Lake immediately after the club meeting for pizza and camaraderie.

Under the topic of old business, John KA9CAR asked about progress in procuring a new projector for use at club meetings. KB9JP offered his personal projector for club use for the foreseeable future.

There was no new business.

After a short break at 7:30 p.m., Vice President Mike WB8BZK led an interesting panel session with fellow MCWA members Jim N7US, Cornell KK9DX, John K9JK & Dave K9RUF. The program included discussions on a wide variety of ham radio experiences, knowledge and skills. There was something for just about everyone!

The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Meeting minutes were recorded by WB8BZK and N9ITE in KF9D’s absence.

Respectfully Submitted,

Roger Scott, KF9D, MCWA Secretary

Minutes – December 2015

Subject: Meeting Minutes of Dec. 1, 2015

The December meeting was called to order by President Jim, N7US at 7:00 p.m. on December 1, 2015 in the Crystal Lake Bank meeting room.

The Pledge of Allegiance kicked off the meeting, led by Jim, N7US.

President Jim extended a welcome and asked if there were visitors or guests present. Ed, KC9FBN and Todd, N9GY were introduced as a guest. Ed, Mark, KD9FBL and Michael, KD9FBM were new licensees from the November testing session.

Introductions around the room followed. Thirty-two people were in attendance for the meeting.

President Jim encouraged all to join the club Yahoo reflector, K9RN.

Newsletter editor N9AVY was not in attendance, but Jim encouraged members to send Jerry more club-specific input for the monthly newsletter.

Minutes from the November meeting were published for review on the club website by Secretary Roger, KF9D. John, K9JK moved to accept the minutes as published, seconded by Ed, K9ECF. The motion passed by voice vote.

Treasurer Joe, N9OK reported additional dues totaling $170 for a balance of $4717 in the treasury, and bringing the paid membership to 89 members. Dues for the calendar year 2016 are now being gladly accepted. Roger, KF9D made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Dave, NT9E. The motion passed by voice vote.

Under the heading of public service announcements, John W9ZE informed the group of McHenry county ARES/RACES developments, including the ARES ID expirations at the end of December. Additionally, Scott, KB9VRW will be running a “ham cram” class for licensing preparation on January 30, 2016, at the Mental Health Building in Crystal Lake. Contact Scott for more information.

Jack, W9MU, reminded the club that the “Introduction to Amateur Radio” class at MCC will begin February 18 and continue for 5 consecutive Thursday evenings. Twenty general information amateur radio topics will be presented in the course. Ideas are welcomed on ways to get publicity for the class.

Jim, N7US advised club members that club callsign badges can be arranged through Ken, KB9I by sending him a check for $10.

The 145.41 repeater is back on the air for with a new trustee callsign and a new PL of 114.8. There has been no visible FCC action to date on the interference issues.

Program topic ideas and requests should be submitted to W9MU or N7US. January program will be a panel discussion lead by Mike, WB8BZK. The planned February program will be presented by Jack, W9MU on Standing Wave Ratio.

Several upcoming operating activities, including contests, were highlighted. See QST for contest details. Up-to-date DX information can be obtained from DailyDX.com.

Under the topic of new business, the current club projector is broken beyond reasonable repair and a new reliable unit is needed for use in future program presentations. Joe, N9OK, moved to authorize the officers to buy a new club projector which includes modern interfaces, remote, audio, etc. Ed, K9ECF amended the motion to include expenditure up to a $1000 limit. Kent, K9KMD, seconded the motion. Following member discussion, the motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

After a short break, Tom, W9NBG presented a program entitled “How Receivers Work”. The program included developments from early designs to modern super-heterodyne receivers, with advantages and disadvantages presented on each type.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Roger Scott, KF9D, MCWA Secretary