Minutes – January 2017

Subject: Meeting Minutes of Jan 3, 2017

The monthly January meeting was called to order by President John KA9CAR at 7:00 p.m. on January 3, 2017 in the Crystal Lake Bank meeting room.

President John asked if anyone in attendance had upgraded recently. Mike KD9DLL indicated he had upgraded his license to General class. President John also reminded members that dues for 2017 are being collected at this time.

Introductions around the room followed. Forty-one people were in attendance for the meeting including 2 guests.

President John encouraged all to join the club Yahoo reflector, K9RN. Jerry N9AVY is the newsletter editor, and members not receiving the newsletter via email should notify Jerry.

The minutes from the December meeting were published for review on the club website by Secretary Roger, KF9D. Dave, KD9ESL moved to accept the minutes as published, seconded by Dave, NT9E. The motion passed by voice vote.

Treasurer Joe, N9OK reported a balance of $4500.00 in the club treasury. Paid membership for 2017 stands at 59, while 41 from the 2016 roster remain outstanding. John, K9JK made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Kent, K9KMD. The motion passed by voice vote.

Jeff, KC9WSJ is custodian of the club library and has several good books available to club members.

Under the topic of general announcements, President John announced a VE test session to be held in February 21, 2017 at the Free Methodist Church in Woodstock. Contact Steve KB9OLD at KB9OLD@arrl.net for further information.

John mentioned hamfests coming up later this month, including Saturday January 7th at Waukesha, Wi. and Sunday January 22 at the Kane Co. Fairgrounds sponsored by the WCRA.

Dave, NT9E announced an upcoming ham breakfast in McHenry on Saturday January 7th at 8:30 am at the Green Street Café.

President John read a list of upcoming contest events for the month.

Under the topic of old business, Dave NT9E the club Field Day chairman for 2017 is still looking for a CW station captain and operators.

Jack, W9MU mentioned that the February program is scheduled to be Sanjay KG9FA discussing modulation techniques. Jack floated the idea of having an upcoming “Myth Busters” program covering amateur radio myths. Members should email myth ideas that they would find interesting to Jack.

Pierre, K9EYE reminded members of the 6 meter forum held each Wednesday night at 7 pm on 50.130 MHz.

Paul, W9DWP donated an Electro voice noise-cancelling dynamic microphone model 622 to the club to be raffled or given away at a future time.

Everyone was invited to enjoy pizza at the Cottage restaurant following the meeting.

Club badges are available by seeing Ken, KB9I for a cost of $10.

Desmond, KB3LKM announced that he has an old TV antenna available to anyone interested that could be used for construction of a VHF or UHF ham antenna.

Jack, W9MU discussed the idea of the club collecting antenna ordinance information from the various communities around and creating a data base of the information. This is envisioned as a long term project that members would probably find useful.

A motion to adjourn the business meeting by Pierre, K9EYE and seconded by Bob, KC9JBA was made and approved. The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 pm.

After a short break, Dave K9RUF presented a detailed program overview of Yaesu’s Fusion digital ham radio VHF/UHF system and operation, along with a demo including members Gary KD9FML and Al KB9EQ in Texas.

Respectfully Submitted,
Roger Scott, KF9D, MCWA Secretary

Minutes – December 2016

Subject: Meeting Minutes of Dec 6, 2016

The monthly December meeting was called to order by Vice-President Mike, WB8BZK at 7:00 p.m. on December 6, 2016 in the Crystal Lake Bank meeting room.

VP Mike led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.

VP Mike extended a welcome to all and asked if there were visitors or guests present. Bill W9DD from Woodstock, and Ben, son of K9RUF were visiting the group.

Introductions around the room followed. Forty people were in attendance for the meeting.

VP Mike encouraged all to join the club Yahoo reflector, K9RN, visit the club website at mcwa.org, and join the MCWA Facebook page to keep up on club news and information. Jerry N9AVY is the newsletter editor, and members not receiving the newsletter via email should notify Jerry. Dave NT9E keeps the Facebook page up to date while Ken KB9I is the webmaster.

The minutes from the November meeting were published for review on the club website by Secretary Roger, KF9D. Kent, K9KMD moved to accept the minutes as published, seconded by Jerry, N9AVY. The motion passed by voice vote.

Treasurer Joe, N9OK passed along a report of $4349.88 in the club treasury. Paid membership for 2016 is now up to 93 plus 1 associate member. Three new members had paid this evening. Dues for the year 2017 are being accepted at this time. Olaf, W9FY made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Ken, KB9I. The motion passed by voice vote.

Under the topic of announcements, VP Mike announced a VE test session to be held in February 2017 at the Free Methodist Church in Woodstock. Contact Steve KB9OLD at KB9OLD@arrl.net for further information.

Mike asked the group if anyone had upgraded in the past month. The group congratulated Dave, KD9ESL on his upgrade to general class.

Under the topic of hamfests, reports, and announcements, the group was reminded of the Waukesha hamfest on Saturday January 7th. The Wheaton hamfest will be Sunday January 22nd at the Kane Co. Fairgrounds in St. Charles.

Dave, NT9E gave a report on the recent ham breakfast in McHenry, with record attendance. The breakfast is held the first Saturday of each month at 8:30 am at the Green Street Café. VP Mike reported on the Algonquin ham breakfast that was held at the Golden Corral on November 5th.

Several members reported on their recent contest experiences and band conditions in ARRL Sweepstakes, CQWW CW and ARRL 160 contests.

Bob, K9FS told the group about the CW Operators Club and invited those interested in improving their CW skills to register and join SKYPE practice sessions. Bob will be running sessions beginning in January, 2 times per week. For more information see K9FS.cc or cwops.org.

VP Mike announced several contests and operating events coming up in December. See the newsletter or QST for further details.

Under the topic of old business, Roger, KF9D gave the group a briefing on the 2016 ARRL Field Day results, in which MCWA placed 34th overall in the 2A category, 6th in the Central Division, and 1st in Illinois. Thanks to all who participated.

Dave, NT9E is the club Field Day chairman for 2017 and gave an update on the plans for the upcoming year.

VP Mike asked again if the club was interested in having a flea market table at the Wheaton hamfest on January 22. Tables cost $30 and chairs are $2 each. It was determined that not enough interest existed to pursue further.

Under new business, webmaster Ken, KB9I asked members using the barter page on the website to send him a note when listed equipment has sold so the listing can be removed.

Jack, W9MU informed the group that next month’s program will be from Dave, K9RUF on System Fusion. Sanjay, KG9FA is scheduled to present a program on modulation techniques at the February meeting.

Everyone was invited to enjoy pizza at the Cottage restaurant following the meeting.

Dave, KD9ESL expressed thanks to John, KA9CAR and Pierre, K9EYE for their assistance in erecting Dave’s antenna. VP Mike reminded the group not to be shy in asking for help or advice from fellow club members.

Ken, KB9I informed the group about a 60 foot aluminum Heights tower for sale by W9OS.

A motion to adjourn the business meeting by Dave, NT9E and seconded by Ken, KB9I was made and approved. The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 pm.

After a short break, Kermit, W9XA gave a presentation on the ARRL. Kermit is the Central Division Director for the ARRL, and he gave the group insight into the faces, functions, and interworking of the staff at headquarters. He also explained the field organization and major concerns, initiatives, and changes within the League.

Respectfully Submitted,
Roger Scott, KF9D, MCWA Secretary

Minutes – November 2016

Subject: Meeting Minutes of November 1, 2016

The monthly November meeting was called to order by President John, KA9CAR at 7:00 p.m. on November 1, 2016 in the Crystal Lake Bank meeting room.

President John extended a welcome to all and asked if there were visitors or guests present. Paula K9IR, guest speaker, was introduced to the group. Also Francis, KC9ZSC from Huntley and Mark from Lakemoor, not licensed yet, were visiting.

Introductions around the room followed. Thirty-four people were in attendance for the meeting.

President John encouraged all to join the club Yahoo reflector, K9RN, visit the club website at mcwa.org, and join the MCWA Facebook page to keep up on club news and information. Jerry N9AVY is the newsletter editor, and members not receiving the newsletter via email should notify Jerry. Dave NT9E keeps the Facebook page up to date while Ken KB9I is the webmaster.

The minutes from the October meeting taken by Mike, WB8BZK were published for review on the club website by Secretary Roger, KF9D. Mike, KC9Q moved to accept the minutes as published, seconded by Dave, NT9E. The motion passed by voice vote.

Treasurer Joe, N9OK passed along a report of $4275.80 in the club treasury. Paid membership for 2016 is now up to 93 plus 1 associate member. John, K9JK made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Dave, KD9ESL. The motion passed by voice vote.

President John announced a VE test session to be held Tuesday November 15th at the Free Methodist Church in Woodstock. Contact Steve KB9OLD to reserve a spot.

Under the topic of hamfests, reports, and announcements, the group was reminded of a Milwaukee hamfest on Saturday Nov. 5th near the HRO store.

Paul, W9DWP told the group of the upcoming Ft. Wayne, In. hamfest on November 12 – 13. Also on Saturday Nov. 5th there will be a ham breakfast at the Golden Corral in Algonquin on Randall Road at 8:00 am for all to attend.

President John noted that contest season is underway and to check QST for contest details.

President John also announced that he will be unavailable for the December meeting and VP Mike, WB8BZK will be filling in.

Under Old Business, Dave NT9E volunteered to be Field Day Chairman for 2017. Mark, K9MS volunteered to champion the HF SSB station. A cw station captain is still being sought.

President John asked again if the club was interested in having a flea market table at the Wheaton hamfest on January 22. Tables cost $30 and chairs are $2 each. It was suggested to leave the final decision for the December meeting.

For show and tell, Dave, K9RUF brought his Elecraft KX3 all mode, 15 watt, 160 – 6 meter radio.

Mike KC9Q brought a 220 MHz Moxon, a 6 meter halo, and a 2 meter halo antenna which he had constructed and are for sale on his website.

The group was reminded of the club 6 meter SSB net every Wednesday night at 7:00 pm on 50.130 Mhz.

Everyone was invited to enjoy pizza at the Cottage restaurant following the meeting.

A motion to adjourn the business meeting by Jerry, N9AVY and seconded by John, KE9NDY was made and approved. The meeting was adjourned at 7:23 pm.

After a short break, Paula, K9IR gave a very interesting and informative program entitled “Before and After the Q”, which gave members great tips on preparing for, working, and following up on those DX contacts.

Respectfully Submitted,
Roger Scott, KF9D, MCWA Secretary

Minutes – October 2016

Subject: Meeting Minutes of October 4, 2016

The October meeting was called to order by Outgoing President Jim, N7US at 7:00 p.m. on October 4, 2016 in the Crystal Lake Bank meeting room.

The Pledge of Allegiance kicked off the meeting, led by Jim, N7US
Outgoing President Jim N7US introduced incoming President John Dewy KA9CAR and noted that the other three Officers (Mike WB8BZK Vice President, Roger KF9D Secretary and Joe N9OK Treasurer) were continuing for 2017. As the club’s new President, John took over the meeting.

President John extended a welcome and asked if there were visitors or guests present. Five guests were present: Mike Rockets KB9BIB, Dan Korba, Erin Stump, Jim Natonski and Benjamin Holmgren (K9RUF’s son).

Introductions around the room followed. Twenty-six people were in attendance for the meeting.

President John encouraged all to join the club Yahoo reflector, K9RN.
President John encouraged all members to send Jerry N9AVY any and all inputs for the monthly newsletter.

Minutes from the September meeting were published for review on the club website by Secretary Roger, KF9D. Dave K9RUF moved to accept the minutes as published, seconded by KC9Q. The motion passed by voice vote.

Jim N7US presented a short report from Treasurer Joe, N9OK who was not in attendance. Jim reported a balance of $4,272.56 in the treasury and a total paid membership of 92 full members and 1 associate member. Dave NT9E made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by KC9Q. The motion passed by voice vote.

Under Announcements,
Club Librarian Jeff Schmidt KC9WSJ announced that we have many good books in the club library that are available for members to check out including a new ARRL addition titled “Amateur Radio on the Move”.

Vice President Mike WB8BZK announced that the Board of Directors motioned and approved elevating long term club member Marty W9MLP to Honorary Member for Life. Mike read the announcement that was published in the club’s October Newsletter.

Dave NT9E stated that the next Algonquin Ham Breakfast will be held at the Golden Corral on Randall Road on Saturday November 5th. Although this breakfast is not sponsored by the MCWA, all MCWA members are very welcome to attend.

President John led a discussion to gauge the interest in the club paying for a table at the Annual Mid-Winter Hamfest that will be held in St. Charles. K9EYE said that he would be happy to sit at the table and greet visitors. Jerry N9AVY indicated that he will be placing a note in the club Newsletter on this hamfest.

Several upcoming operating activities, including contests, were highlighted. The Illinois QSO Party will be held on October 16. It was noted that there are no local hamfests occurring until January 2017. See QST for contest details. Up-to-date DX information can be obtained from DailyDX.com.

President John stated that VE exams are given every three month during the school year (November, February, May and August). Information is provided on the club website MCWA.org.
Pierre K9EYE invited everyone to join his new 6M net. The net meets every Wednesday between 7 and 8pm on 50.130 MHz.

Under the topic of old business,
Nominations & election of a new club Director (through 2017) to fill the slot vacated by John KA9CAR, who became the club’s President, were held. Two nominations were presented by the Nominating Committee: Dave NT9E and Pierre K9EYE. No additional nominations came from the floor. K9EYE won the vote 12 to 9 over NT9E by a hand vote.

Under the topic of new business,
President John opened a discussion on our club participating in the 2017 Field Day operating event. 10 to 15 members raised their hand indicating that they were interested in participating.
Jack Hudson discussed interest in the club holding amateur radio classes or maybe licensing classes in 2017. The proposal was to hold 4 or 5 Saturday classes.

Dave K9RUF volunteered to make a presentation on System Fusion for the November or December meeting.
John invited everyone for pizza and eyeball QSOs immediately after the meeting at The Cottage in downtown Crystal Lake at the corner of Crystal Lake Avenue and Walkup.

K9EYE motioned to adjourn the meeting and Dave NT9E seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
After a short break, Jim N7US presented a program on “Ham Radio Logging Software – Focusing on DXlab Suite”.

Minutes taken by Mike, WB8BZK for Secretary Roger, KF9D

Minutes – September 2016

Subject: Meeting Minutes of September 6, 2016

The September meeting was called to order by President Jim, N7US at 7:00 p.m. on September 6, 2016 in the Crystal Lake Bank meeting room.

The Pledge of Allegiance kicked off the meeting, led by Jim, N7US .

President Jim extended a welcome and asked if there were visitors or guests present. John Cankar N9GUU from Lake Villa, IL was a visitor.

Introductions around the room followed. 31 people were in attendance for the meeting.

President Jim encouraged all to join the club Yahoo reflector, K9RN.

Minutes from the August meeting were published for review on the club website by Secretary Roger, KF9D. Ken KB9I moved to accept the minutes as published, and the motion was seconded by Dave NT9E. The motion passed by voice vote.

Treasurer Joe, N9OK reported additional dues totaling $5.00 and the payment of the club’s ARRL liability insurance of $200.00 and bank interest of $0.40 for a balance of $4272.21 in the treasury. The new member brought the paid membership to 92 full members and 1 associate member. John KA9CAR made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report which was seconded by Jerry N9AVY. The motion passed by voice vote.

President Jim reminded the group of the club’s VE testing. He also displayed a few new books from our library collection that could be loaned out to any interested members.

President Jim reminded club members that the NIDXA & SMC sponsored W9DXCC event was coming up on September 16 & 17.

Jim, N7US advised club members that club callsign badges can be arranged through Ken, KB9I by sending him a check for $10.

Several upcoming operating activities, including contests, were highlighted. The ARRL September VHF Contest will be held this weekend starting on Saturday September 10th at 1 pm local time and continuing on through Sunday night at 10 pm. See QST for additional contest details. Up-to-date DX information can be obtained from DailyDX.com.
Program topic ideas and requests were briefly discussed. The October program is currently TBD.

Under the topic of old business,
Gary KD9FML presented very nice embroidered samples of MCWA clubwear and items that could now be purchased with the MCWA logo. Gary will provide ordering information to Jerry N9AVY for publication in the next Newsletter.

John KA9CAR presented a sample of a very nice heat transfer club logo T-shirt that can now be purchased through Think Ink, 890 Cog Circle, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 815-459-4565.

President Jim stated that the Board of Directors held an open meeting prior to the general membership meeting.

Under the topic of new business,
President Jim held a preliminary discussion to get a handle on membership interest in MCWA participation in the 2017 ARRL Field Day operating event.

Jack, W9MU, held a preliminary discussion to gather membership interest in a 2017 version of the “Introduction to Amateur Radio” class at MCC. It was noted that the club brought on several new very interested members as a result of the 2016 class earlier this year.

Club Officer Nominations/Elections for 2017 were held. President Jim kicked-off this session by reading the election guidelines from the MCWA constitution. Jim noted that the current Directors would continue in their posts for new full terms due to their late installation this year.

The Nomination Committee Chairman Dave KA9OZP presented a full slate of nominations: Treasurer – Joe N9OK, Secretary – Roger KF9D, Vice President – Mike WB8BZK, and President – John KA9CAR. There were no other nominations from the floor. Ken KB9I moved to close the nomination with Dave NT9E seconding the motion. All Officers for 2017 were then approved by voice acclamation.

Per the MCWA constitution, Jim N7US, the exiting President, will serve on the 2017 Board of Directors.

With the election of John KA9CAR to 2017 President, the club now will have an open Director position. Nominations for the open Director position will be taken at the October club meeting. Any interested members should contact Dave KA9OZP.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.

Following a short break, Joe N9OK presented an interesting program: “HF Power Amplifier Basics for Hams Who Are Not Engineers”. All members left the bank facility at approximately 9 pm.

Minutes recorded by Mike, WB8BZK in the absence of Club Secretary Roger, KF9D