Minutes – July 2019

Subject: Meeting Minutes of July 2, 2019

The July meeting was called to order by President Mike, WB8BZK at 7:00 p.m. on July 2, 2019 in the Crystal Lake Bank meeting room.

The Pledge of Allegiance kicked off the meeting, led by Mike KC9Q.

President Mike, WB8BZK extended a welcome and asked if there were visitors or guests present. We had 3 guests: Steve Butski, George Lin KD9NLI, Karen KB9DGM.

President Mike, WB8BZK asked for any License Upgrades, New awards etc. issued since Last meeting. George KD9NLI passed tech and General.

Introductions around the room followed. 46 members and 3 guests were in attendance for the meeting.

Minutes from the May meeting were posted on the mcwa.org website for review at the meeting by Secretary Dan KD9M. John KA9CAR moved to accept the minutes, and the motion was seconded by Doug KD9PK. The motion passed by voice vote.

Treasurer Joe N9OK read the Treasurer’s May report:
Started with $6371.85, May Deposits ($20.00): Dues $20.00;
May Expenses ($220.74):Field Day Site Rental 210.00, reimbursement for May speaker dinner 10.74; May Interest $0.81.
Ending balance: $6171.92
Member count is now 117 Voting members, and 8 family members. VP Mike ND9G AC9RQ moved to accept the Treasurer report, and the motion was seconded by John K9JK. The motion passed by voice vote.

President Mike WB8BZK announced Officer & Director Elections September 3rd meeting. Nominating committee consist of Chairperson: Jim McDonald N7US and Directors-at-Large: Roger Scott KF9D & Gary Dembski KD9FML.

Several Ham Fests/Gatherings recently and upcoming.

    • Wheaton Hamfest June 16th, Several attended had great weather most things were gone by 11:00.
    • South Milwaukee Amateur Radio Club July 6th


Upcoming MCWA Presentations

    • August Show & Tell
    • September Auction + MCWA Elections
    • October TBD
    • November MCWA Dinner / Social

Other Announcements
Presdent Mike WB8BZK announced Save the date for November 5th Village Squire. In September will start taking reservations.
Pierre K9EYE thanked the club for all the emails and cards after the passing of Smokey.
Hank – Storm took down his antenna and needs help putting up a MFJ vertical.
Mike KC9Q – has microwave book if someone is interested in borrowing.
Ken KB9I – donated 2 handheld radios from Motorola.
John K9JK – CQ VHF contest Grid is the exchange on 2M and 6M only.
Motorola will be having special event celebrating 1st Man on the moon.
Pierre K9EYE suggested tables to be changed for the show and tell meeting allowing easier movement to see and touch items.

Old Business
None noted.

The business meeting was adjourned at 7:46 PM.
Doug KD9PK moved to adjourn, and the motion was seconded by John K9JK. The motion passed by voice vote.

Following a short break, President Mike WB8BZK gave a presentation on the survey results. The program wrapped up at 8:57 PM.

Minutes recorded by Secretary Dan, KD9M

Minutes – June 2019

Subject: Meeting Minutes of June 4, 2019

The June meeting was called to order by President Mike, WB8BZK at 7:00 p.m. on June 4, 2019 in the Crystal Lake Bank meeting room.

The Pledge of Allegiance kicked off the meeting, led by Dave K9AT.

President Mike, WB8BZK extended a welcome and asked if there were visitors or guests present. We had 4 guests: Ward W9XB, Mark K9MS, Jerry N9GGO, Christian W9LVI.

President Mike, WB8BZK asked for any License Upgrades, New awards etc. issued since Last meeting. Albert KD9MCC upgraded to General, Gary KD9FML upgraded to Extra.

Introductions around the room followed. 44 members and 4 guest were in attendance for the meeting.

Minutes from the May meeting were posted on the mcwa.org website for review at the meeting by VP Mike ND9G. Doug KD9PK moved to accept the minutes, and the motion was seconded by Fred AC9RQ. The motion passed by voice vote.

Treasurer Joe N9OK read the Treasurer’s May report:
Started with $6371.85, May Deposits ($20.00): Dues $20.00;
May Expenses ($220.74):Field Day Site Rental 210.00, reimbursement for May speaker dinner 10.74; May Interest $0.81.
Ending balance: $6171.92
Member count is now 117 Voting members, and 8 family members. Joe K9DMV moved to accept the Treasurer report, and the motion was seconded by Fred AC9RQ. The motion passed by voice vote.

President Mike WB8BZK announced Officer & Director Elections September 3rd meeting. Nominating committee consist of Chairperson: Jim McDonald N7US and Directors-at-Large: Roger Scott KF9D & Gary Dembski KD9FML.
President Mike WB8BZK announced to coordinate with John K9IK about Group purchase for Foxhunting VK3YNG sniffer.

Several Ham Fests/Gatherings recently and upcoming.

    • Hamvention May 17-19th, Several attended had great weather.
    • Starved Rock Hamfest June 2nd
    • Wheaton Hamfest June 16th
    • South Milwaukee Amateur Radio Club July 6th


Upcoming MCWA Presentations

    • July MCWA Survey Results
    • August Show & Tell
    • September Auction + MCWA Elections /li>
    • October TBD
    • November MCWA Dinner / Social

Other Announcements
Motorola Juy 20th Apollo 1st step @ Schaumburg Campus. John K9JK several sprints coming up for VHF single band 144 April 8th, 222 April 16th, 432 April 24th
Piere K9EYE will be hosting 2M SSB and 220 Nets on Tuesday. Crystal lake repeater is down K9EL allowed the use of the repeater 224.960 110PL

Old Business
President Mike WB8BZK anounced we had 76 responses to the MCWA 2019 Survey (great response) and will be going over the results in July
President Mike WB8BZK anounced MCWA is Working on a Member Expert List that will be posted to the MCWA web site. If you would like to be listed as expert for something please send an email to Mike WB8BZK wb8bzk@arrl.net
President Mike WB8BZK announced please be careful of the door stop it has been removed or bumped causing members to get locked out. We will get a sign with cell phone number to post on the door.
John KA9CAR talked about MCWA Field day. There will be 2 HF stations plus a VHF station. Members interested to have fun and learn about portable emergency operation Field day will be at Rush Creek Conservation Area Southeast side of Harvard.
Saturday 8AM Setup
Saturday 1PM Operation Begins
Sunday 1PM Operation Ends
Sunday 1PM – 3PM Teardown

The business meeting was adjourned at 7:41 PM.
Joe N9OK W9FY moved to adjourn, and the motion was seconded by Mike ND9G. The motion passed by voice vote.

Following a short break, John Kalenowsky K9JK KD9FMJ gave a presentation on 10 GHz + Up. The program wrapped up at 8:57 PM.

Minutes recorded by Secretary Dan, KD9M


Minutes – May 2019

Subject: Meeting Minutes of May 7, 2019

The May meeting was called to order by President Mike, WB8BZK at 7:00 p.m. on May 7, 2019 in the Crystal Lake Bank meeting room.

The Pledge of Allegiance kicked off the meeting, led by Dave K9AT.

President Mike, WB8BZK extended a welcome and asked if there were visitors or guests present. We had 1 guest: Pete K9PW.

President Mike, WB8BZK asked for any License Upgrades, New awards etc. issued since Last meeting. Dave (prev. K9RUF) is now K9AT, Joe KD9KTA worked all 10 US districts, Mike WB9BZK completed his 30m DXCC.

Introductions around the room followed. 40 members and 1 guest were in attendance for the meeting.

Minutes from the April meeting were posted on the mcwa.org website for review at the meeting by Secretary Dan KD9M. John KA9CAR moved to accept the minutes, and the motion was seconded by Doug KD9PK. The motion passed by voice vote.

Treasurer Joe N9OK read the Treasurer’s April report:
Started with $6291.02, April Deposits ($80.00): Dues $80.00;
April Expenses ($0.00); April Interest $0.83.
Ending balance: $6371.85
Member count is now 111 Voting members, and 10 family members. John K9JK moved to accept the Treasurer report, and the motion was seconded by Joe K9DMV. The motion passed by voice vote.

President Mike WB8BZK announced that Pierre K9EYE donated a laptop to the club.
Ray N9RWC discussed his and John’s KA9CAR involvement in search for missing child in Crystal Lake area as part of McHenry County Emergency Management.
John KA9CAR discussed details of the upcoming MCWA Field Day. It will be at Rush Creek again this year. Please see reflector or contact John for further details.
Mike WB9BZK handed out a few ARRL Grid Chase shirts that were left from the VHF conference the previous weekend.

Several Ham Fests/Gatherings recently and upcoming.

    • Hamvention (Dayton) May 17-19
    • Wheaton Hamfest June 16

HRO will be having a tailgate hamfest at their locations during Dayton Hamvention.


Upcoming MCWA Presentations

    • June John Kalenowsky K9JK 10 GHZ and Up
    • July Mike Metroka WB8BZK MCWA Survey Results
    • August Show & Tell Auction MCWA Survey Results
    • September Auction & MCWA Elections
    • October TBD
    • Nov MCWA Dinner / Social

Other Announcements
Fred AC9RQ suggested factory reps come in for presentation.
Tom W9NBG discussed his group’s upcoming model railroad event at Nippersink Library in Richmond.
John KA9CAR made some ham catalogs available to members that wanted them.
Fred AC9RQ mentioned his model railroad event and will post details to the reflector.
Harold W9HB brought in a box of items that were free to those that wanted them.
Bill KA9TVU asked if we will be doing the Woodstock Challenge communication this year. Mike WB8BZK will contact Ken KB9I for information.
Mike WB8BZK presented the beginnings of a mentor list. This will begin to fill in as the member survey results are reviewed and potential mentors contacted.

Old Business
President Mike WB8BZK reminded members to complete the survey. The survey will remain open for 1 more week.

The business meeting was adjourned at 7:44 PM.
Dave NT9E moved to adjourn, and the motion was seconded by Joe N9OK. The motion passed by voice vote.

Following a short break, Pete Walter K9PW gave a presentation and demo on fox hunting. The program wrapped up at 8:33 PM, with continued demos in the parking area..

Minutes recorded by Vice President Mike, ND9G


Minutes – April 2019

Subject: Meeting Minutes of April 2, 2019

The April meeting was called to order by President Mike, WB8BZK at 7:00 p.m. on April 2, 2019 in the Crystal Lake Bank meeting room.

The Pledge of Allegiance kicked off the meeting, led by Dave K9RUF.

President Mike, WB8BZK extended a welcome and asked if there were visitors or guests present. We had 6 guests: Rick W9XB, Rich WA0UIH, Mike AB3MM, Tom KC9VZS, Brad WB9QBW,  Jerry K9JFG.

President Mike, WB8BZK asked for any License Upgrades, New awards etc. issued since Last meeting. Jeff KD9LNH upgraded to General Class, Dale W9SZY upgraded to Extra.

Introductions around the room followed. 43 members and 6 guest were in attendance for the meeting.

Minutes from the January meeting were posted on the mcwa.org website for review at the meeting by Secretary Dan KD9M. Doug KD9PK moved to accept the minutes, and the motion was seconded by Dave NT9E. The motion passed by voice vote.

Treasurer Joe N9OK read the Treasurer’s January report:
Started with $6280.27, March Deposits ($10.00): Dues $10.00;
March Expenses ($0.0); March Interest $0.75.
Ending balance: $6291.02
Member count is now 110 Voting members, and 10 family members. John K9JK moved to accept the Treasurer report, and the motion was seconded by Mike ND9G. The motion passed by voice vote.

President Mike WB8BZK anounced KC9TVL’s family recently donated a nice TS-590S transceiver, power supply, microphone, some books and miscellaneous items to our club.
President Mike WB8BZK announced there will be a club auction at a future date.Meeting attendance growing, great financials, and Great Membership participation in activities.

Several Ham Fests/Gatherings recently and upcoming.

    • TriCunty Amateur Radio Club Hamfest (Jefferson, WI) March 17th,  Doug KD9PK said it was a good fest.
    • Sterling-Rockfalls ARS Hamfest March 17th
    • Milwaukee MRAC, MAARS Swapfest March 23rd
    • Madison Amateur Radio Association Hamfest April 13th
    • VHF Super Conference II April 25th ~ 28th


Upcoming MCWA Presentations

    • May Pete Walter K9PW Fox Hunting Demo & Presentation
    • June John Kalenowsky K9JK 10 GHZ and Up
    • TBD Show & Tell Auction MCWA Survey Results
    • Nov MCWA Dinner / Social

Other Announcements
Breakfast Algonquin the Last Saturday in April
John K9JK several sprints coming up for VHF single band 144 April 8th, 222 April 16th, 432 April 24th
Piere K9EYE will be hosting 2M SSB and 220 Nets on Tuesday.

Old Business
President Mike WB8BZK anounced there will be a MCWA 2019 Member Survey being sent out by email. If anyone needs to update their email please send Vice President Mike ND9G an email.
President Mike WB8BZK anounced MCWA is looking to create a Member Expert List. If you would like to be listed as expert for something please send an email to Mike WB8BZK wb8bzk@arrl.net
President Mike WB8BZK asked if there was any interest in doing an MCWA Field day.

The business meeting was adjourned at 7:39 PM.
Joe N9OK W9FY moved to adjourn, and the motion was seconded by Mike ND9G. The motion passed by voice vote.

Following a short break, Jen Van Zieleghem KD9FMJ gave a presentation on Parks, Picnic Tables, & Portable. The program wrapped up at 8:26 PM.

Minutes recorded by Secretary Dan, KD9M


Minutes – March 2019

Subject: Meeting Minutes of March 5, 2019

The March meeting was called to order by President Mike, WB8BZK at 7:00 p.m. on March 5, 2019 in the Crystal Lake Bank meeting room.

The Pledge of Allegiance kicked off the meeting, led by Dave K9RUF.

President Mike, WB8BZK extended a welcome and asked if there were visitors or guests present. We had 6 guests: Glen KD9MGH, Richard WA0UIH, Dale W9SZY, Christian KD9LKQ, Richard NQ9R, Kermit W9XA,

President Mike, WB8BZK asked for any License Upgrades, New awards etc. issued since Last meeting. Vice President Mike ND9G received DXCC 80 Meters and 5 Band.

Introductions around the room followed. 41 members and 6 guest were in attendance for the meeting.

Minutes from the January meeting were posted on the mcwa.org website for review at the meeting by Secretary Dan KD9M. Dave N9BSA moved to accept the minutes, and the motion was seconded by Mike KC9Q. The motion passed by voice vote.

Treasurer Joe N9OK read the Treasurer’s January report:
Started with $5986.94, December Deposits ($281.82): Dues $281.82;
December Expenses ($0.0); December Interest $0.79.
Ending balance: $6269.55
February report:
Started with $6269.55, December Deposits ($10.00): Dues $10.00;
December Expenses ($0.0); December Interest $0.72.
Ending balance: $6280.27
Member count is now 107 Voting members, and 10 family members. Mike ND9G moved to accept the Treasurer report, and the motion was seconded by Joe W9JCS. The motion passed by voice vote.

President Mike WB8BZK gave a “Review of the Health of MCWA showing trend of membership growing, Meeting attendance growing, great financials, and Great Membership participation in activities.
President Mike WB8BZK announced great feedback from last years, year end dinner and if the club would like to do something again we are looking for a chairperson for the social event.
President Mike WB8BZK announced if the club would like to do Field Day we need to have a committee chairperson and feedback of members that would like to participate.
President Mike WB8BZK announced there will be a MCWA 2019 Member Survey. Initial testing looks good and will be a great feedback to what people would like and other interest moving forward and allow to see if there are groups of members that would like to participate in.
President Mike WB8BZK gave thanks to the MCWA VE testing team and a special thanks to Steve KB9OLD for 15 years of being a VE.
President Mike WB8BZK gave thanks to VP Mike ND9G for all the work and updates to the MCWA Website. Also should anyone find any broken links or issues let VP Mike ND9G know.

Several Ham Fests/Gatherings recently and upcoming.

    • WCRA 2019 Mid-Winter Hamfest (Wheaton) January 20th, It was well attended litter fewer tables than last year.
    • La Porte County Amateur Radio Hamfest February 23rd
    • TriCunty Amateur Radio Club Hamfest (Jefferson, WI) March 17th
    • Sterling-Rockfalls ARS Hamfest March 17th
    • Milwaukee MRAC, MAARS Swapfest March 23rd
    • Madison Amateur Radio Association Hamfest April 13th
    • VHF Super Conference II April 25th ~ 28th


Other Announcements
Breakfast Algonquin the Last Saturday in March
Dave K9RUF’s wife passed her nurse practitioner test.
Piere K9EYE will be hosting 2M SSB and 220 Nets on Tuesday.

President Mike WB8BZK announced the February meeting show and tell will be scheduled for July / August.

The business meeting was adjourned at 7:54 PM.
Joe N9OK W9FY moved to adjourn, and the motion was seconded by Mike ND9G. The motion passed by voice vote.

Following a short break, Kermit W9XA gave a presentation on ARRL Update. The program wrapped up at 9:08 PM.

Minutes recorded by Secretary Dan, KD9M