The McHenry County Wireless Association Board of Directors has taken the action to cancel our April 7th MCWA meeting due to concerns with the COVID-19 situation that is unfolding. The Board members feel that this action is in the best interest and safety of our members and guests. It is a very disappointing turn of events since we had a fantastic presentation lined up for the meeting. The good news is that Sevim Ablay WB8BHN has agreed to reschedule his presentation on European SOTA & Friedrichshafen for another meeting later this year.
Event cancellations due to COVID-19 coronavirus
Canceled: Rockford Amateur Radio Association (RARA) March meeting – March 13, 2020
From Larry Schubert AC9GO: The Health Department has asked that all meetings of over 25 people be suspended because of the Corona Virus. While we don’t always have over 25 in attendance, we have a number of older members with health problems. Since so many of us fall into this category, I talked to a number of the board members, and we decided it was best to cancel the Friday night meeting. I am also canceling the board meeting for the month. I will get on the air with Jimmy Friday night on the Fun Net, and have an on the air fun meeting. Kurt will have Earthlink hooked up on the Internet, and he will be able to give us a demonstration of how that works, and how we will be able to use that in the near future. So join us Friday night on the “Fun Net”. Take care of yourself, be safe, and stay away from that virus. It’s nasty.
Canceled: Jefferson Swapfest – March 15, 2020
From Dennis Rybicke, K9LGU: Due to concerns with the Corona Virus and in consideration of advice from public health sources, the Annual Jefferson Swapfest (3/15) sponsored by the Tri-County Amateur Radio Club has been cancelled.
Canceled: MCWA April meeting – April 7, 2020
From the Mike Metroka, President, and the MCWA Board of Directors: The McHenry County Wireless Association Board of Directors has taken the action to cancel our April 7th MCWA meeting due to concerns with the COVID-19 situation that is unfolding. The Board members feel that this action is in the best interest and safety of our members and guests.
Canceled: IDXC 2020 – April 24-26, 2020
We send out our apologies to all our perspective patrons of the 2020 International DX Convention. Due to concerns, health and wellbeing of our amateur radio family, our age group and possible compromised health issues; we are taking the side of safety and cancelling the convention.
Even though the percentage of COVID-19 is low, there are person(s) who have the illness but mild form and have not seen a physician. It only takes 1 person to pass the virus to a person with a compromised illness.
We will be in close proximity of each other, yes the timing is bad, but all of your lives and families are more important.
Cathy Gardenias K6VC
Kris Jacob KC6TO
The IDXC 2020 Committee
Canceled: DeKalb Hamfest – May 3, 2020
From the KARC website – The DeKalb Hamfest has been officially cancelled. We were notified today by the Fairgrounds Manager that they were ordered to cancel all events until May 8. People that have purchased Advance Tickets or Vendor Tables will get their money refunded. We are working on the best method to make this happen. If you have any question please contact Bob Yurs or Tom Lower.
Canceled: Hamvention 2020 – May 15-17, 2020
The Hamvention Executive Committee has been monitoring the COVID19 pandemic. We have worked very closely with our local and state health Departments.
Field Day 2020 Planning Update
Planning has begun for Field Day 2020 to be held June 27 & 28 at the Rush Creek Conservation Area. The meetings have been productive, well attended, and things are coming together.
Field Day Planning Team
- Mike Metroka WB8BZK – Chairperson
- Roger Scott KF9D – CW Station Captain
- Dan Larson KD9M – SSB & Digital Station Captain
- Mike Metroka WB9BZK – VHF Station Captain
- Mike Ophus KD9DLL – Food & Refreshment Captain
- Dean Hettel WD9FOO
- Jack Hudson W9MU
- Joe Szczubelek K9DMV
Meeting Schedule Change
The team has altered the meeting schedule. Instead of meeting on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, meetings will now be held on the 4th Tuesday of each month at Panera, 6000 Northwest Highway, Crystal Lake. Gather at 6 pm with the meeting starting at 6:30. As Field Day approaches, the team will adjust its meeting schedule as needed.
Field Day 2020 Planning
The days are getting longer, the groundhog didn’t see his shadow, the temperatures are rising, and a young (at heart) ham’s fancy turns to thoughts of… Field Day!
This year’s ARRL Field Day is going to be held June 27–28, 2020, so it is time to start planning for MCWA’s Field Day activity. There is much to discuss including the selection of the site, equipment, antennas, modes, classification, number of stations and more. What do you want to get out of our Field Day?
Our Field Day chairperson, Mike Metroka, WB8BZK, has scheduled bi-weekly planning meetings on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month from 6:30–7:30 pm.
2nd Tuesday of the month: Panera , 6000 Northwest Highway, Crystal Lake.
4th Tuesday of the month: Panera, 730 Northwest Highway, Fox River Grove.
For more information, contact Mike.
Mike Metroka, WB8BZK