Minutes – September 2024

MCWA Meeting Minutes of September 3rd, 2024




President Dan Larson (KD9M) called the September 2024 hybrid meeting (in-person and by Zoom) to order at 7:05 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance followed, led by Dave Holmgren (K9AT).

Board members present were:  Director – Glenn Otto (K9OK), Secretary – Andrew White (K9AJW), Treasurer – Bob Temes (KD9IDD), Vice President – Wendell Smith (N9REP), President – Dan Larson (KD9M) and Past President – Ralph Iden (WB9ICF)

There were 39 members in attendance with 3 guests.


Awards and license upgrades



Approval of Minutes

The meeting minutes from the August 2024 meeting were previously posted to the MCWA website for review. Sam Haldiman (KC9GPY) moved to accept the minutes and Bob Temes (KD9IDD) seconded the motion. Hearing no objections, the minutes were approved.


Membership and Financial Reports

Bob Temes (KD9IDD) presented the membership and financial reports for September. MCWA has a membership of 148 members including 12 family members and 2 associate members.

Opening Balance                                   $10,680.73      2024-8-1
Deposits/Interest/Credits              $0.08           (Interest)
Expenditures                                          $700.31         (DigitalOcean, Field Day
Final Balance                                         $9,980.50       2024-8-31

Gary Kaatz (W9TD) moved to accept the Treasurer’s report and Dave Whaley (NT9E) seconded the motion. Hearing no objections, the treasurer’s report was approved.


Old Business


 New Business

Sam Haldiman (KC9GPY) motioned that we accept by acclamation those positions that have been unopposed.  Dan Larson (K9DM) will be President, Wendell Smith (N9REP) will be Vice President and Gary Kaatz (W9TD) will be the Director.

Nomination Committee Report for next month will include nominees for Secretary and Treasurer.

The 2024 Committee Members are:
Glenn Otto – K9OK
Kent Dulaney – K9KMD
Chair to be appointed by President

 New Updates from Membership



Future Events

 Sam Haldiman (KC9GPY) mentioned that Route 66 on the Air is coming up soon and he suggests people participate as it is a good bit of fun.

JoAnne Maenpaa (K9JKM) printed off some spare parts for Ralph’s yagi antenna that he discussed last month.  Let her know if you are interested in 3D printed parts for that build.

Ralph Iden (WB9ICF) is starting to plan for the Lake County Maker Faire.  Please reach out to Ralph if you have any ideas or are interested in helping out.



 Racine Megacycle Club Freefest
Location: Racine, WI

ARANCI Hamfest
Location: Lake Village, IN

ORC Annual Regional Fall Swapfest
Location: Cedarburg, WI

HRO Superfest
Location: Milwaukee, WI
09/20/2024 – 09/21/2024

Midwest Superfest, ARRL Illinois Section Convention
Location: Chillicothe, IL
09/21/2024 – 09/22/2024

Radio Expo
Location: Belvidere, IL


Contests and Activities


WAE DX Contest, SSB                          0000Z, Sep 14 to 2359Z, Sep 15
ARRL September VHF Contest      1800Z, Sep 14 to 0300Z, Sep 16
ARRL 10 GHz and Up Contest         0600 local, Sep 21 to 2400 local, Sep 22
144 MHz Fall Sprint                               1900 local-2300 local, Sep 23
CQ Worldwide DX, RTTY                   0000Z, Sep 28 to 2400Z, Sep 29



California QSO Party                            1600Z, Oct 5 to 2159Z, Oct 6
Makrothen RTTY Contest                0000Z, Oct 12 to 1559Z, Oct 13


Wrap up

The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, October 1st, 2024, at the Algonquin Township meeting room. Open “eyeball” QSOs start at 6:30 PM, with the meeting starting at 7:00 PM. Formal program is TBD.

Sam Haldiman (KC9GPY) motioned to adjourn, and Gary Kaatz (W9TD) seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 7:41 PM.


Prepared by Andrew White (K9AJW), MCWA Secretary.