Subject: Meeting Minutes of September 5, 2017
The monthly September meeting was called to order by President John KA9CAR at 7:01 p.m. on September 5, 2017 in the Crystal Lake Bank meeting room.
K9RUF led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
President John asked if any visitors were present and Dean, WD9FOO from Algonquin and Warren, KC9IL from Buffalo Grove were introduced to the group.
Introductions around the room followed. Thirty-eight people were in attendance for the meeting.
President John encouraged all to join the club Yahoo reflector, K9RN. Jerry N9AVY is the newsletter editor, who has announced his retirement from publishing in December. A replacement editor is being sought.
The minutes from the August meeting were published for review on the club website by Secretary Roger, KF9D. Dave, NT9E moved to accept the minutes as published, seconded by Kent, K9KMD. The motion passed by voice vote.
Treasurer Joe, N9OK reported a balance of $4575.72 in the club treasury, including $272.29 paid on field day expenses. Paid membership for 2017 stood at 90 at the beginning of the meeting. Jim, N7US made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Mike ND9G. The motion passed by voice vote.
Jeff, KC9WSJ, custodian of the club library, reported that the new books donated last month by K9JKM will be inventoried and made available for loan.
President John also reminded the group that a Program Chairman is still being sought, and encouraged members with program ideas to email them to a board member. Tom, W9NBG offered to co-chair if another member would assist.
The club constitution states that election of officers will be held at the September meeting. Jim, N7US is the appointed nominating committee chairman, and along with the 2 directors W9MU and K9EYE, comprise the nominating committee. Jim confirmed that a quorum of paid members were present to conduct elections. Jim presented a slate of candidates for the open positions: President WB8BZK, Vice-President ND9G, Secretary KD9AHQ, Treasurer N9OK, and Director KF9D. Jim then invited nominations from the floor for the positions. KD9FML was nominated for President, but declined the nomination. Since no other nominations were made, a vote was taken on all candidates at once. The vote was unanimous and the officers were declared elected by acclimation.
A VE test session held on August 15th at the Free Methodist Church in Woodstock yielded no licensees.
Dave, NT9E reported that the McHenry breakfast on the first Saturday of September at the Green Street Café was attended by 13 people.
The members were reminded of the weekly 6 meter net on Wednesday night at 7-9 pm on 50.180 MHz.
An upcoming contest summary was given by Mike, WB8BZK, with September being the unofficial start of the fall contest season. The major September contests include CQWW RTTY, WAE DX SSB, BARTG RTTY Sprint, State QSO Parties in 7 states, ARRL VHF 6 m and up, EME Weekend, ARRL 10 GHz and up, and the VHF Fall Sprints. See QST for full details.
President John reported that 3 QSLs for 6 meters Field Day contacts had been received for K9RN.
Former member Robert Tirk, KE9FG has donated a Kenwood TM221 2 meter radio and an Alinco DX70 HF radio to the club. President John suggested that the equipment be considered part of the library and be temporarily loaned out to members or new hams having a need for it.
Jack W9MU reminded members of the upcoming Contest University and DX University events to be held in conjunction with the W9DXCC Convention at the Schaumburg Hyatt Regency on Sept 15-16.
For Show and Tell, Paul W9DWP showed a Tytera dual band DMR radio. Paul also announced that the 2 meter VARA repeater has a new antenna and greatly improved coverage on 146.79 Mhz.
The club was reminded of upcoming hamfests at Belvedere on September 23rd and the Peoria Superfest on September 16-17.
Ed, K9TX has a Yaesu SWR and power meter and an MFJ 259 antenna analyzer as part of an estate sale.
Everyone was invited to enjoy pizza at the Cottage restaurant following the meeting.
A program is needed for next month. Following a suggestion from the members, Jack W9MU volunteered to do a program on RTTY and RTTY contesting.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by K9JK and seconded by K9KMD. The meeting was adjourned at 7:39 pm.
After a short break, the club heard a program on digital modes JT65 and FT8 from Dave NT9E and Gary KD9FML. Gary also gave a demonstration of the modes by operating his home station remotely and making several contacts.
Respectfully Submitted,
Roger Scott, KF9D, MCWA Secretary