Subject: Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2017
The monthly March meeting was called to order by President John KA9CAR at 7:00 p.m. on March 7, 2017 in the Crystal Lake Bank meeting room.
NT9E led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Jack W9MU introduced visitors Mike, K9AJ and XYL Sue, K9XYL to the group. Mike was the speaker for the evening presentation.
President John asked if there had been any license upgrades since last month, with no one responding. John mentioned that there were 2 new hams as a result of the recent testing session, although neither were present.
Pres. John reminded those in attendance that members not paying dues by the March meeting will be dropped from the roster. Treasurer Joe, N9OK was available to collect dues.
Introductions around the room followed. Thirty-five people were in attendance for the meeting.
President John encouraged all to join the club Yahoo reflector, K9RN. Jerry N9AVY is the newsletter editor, and members with newsletter input should submit to Jerry.
The minutes from the February meeting were published for review on the club website by Secretary Roger, KF9D. Jack, W9MU moved to accept the minutes as published, seconded by Ray, N9RWC. The motion passed by voice vote.
Treasurer Joe, N9OK reported a balance of $4995.80 in the club treasury. Paid membership for 2017 stood at 78 at the beginning of the meeting. John, K9JK made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Jim, N7US. The motion passed by voice vote.
Jeff, KC9WSJ is custodian of the club library and has several good books available to club members, including a new book on JT65 mode.
A short Field Day report was given by Chairman Dave, NT9E. President John said that a volunteer is being sought to run the meeting to be held at the FD location as well as coordinate the family picnic.
President John also asked for a volunteer to set up a winter dinner in early 2018.
Under the topic of general announcements, several contests scheduled for this month were mentioned. See the newsletter or QST for further details.
Dave NT9E announced that the Saturday breakfast held on March 4th at the Green St. Café in McHenry had 17 attendees.
It was announced that a ham radio breakfast will be held at the Golden Corral in Algonquin on March 25th at 8 A.M.
Under the topic of Hamfests, Paul W9DWP highlighted several upcoming hamfests in the extended area as well as advanced storm spotter training to be held at DuPage County on Saturday March 25th.
Webmaster Ken, KB9I asked members to notify him if items listed for sale have been sold so that he can remove the posting.
Several members had items for Show and Tell. President John showed a USB TV tuner that he has adapted to use as a Pan Adapter for his HF radio. Paul W9DWP showed a Tytera MD-380 DMR handheld that can be purchased for approximately $100. Mike KC9Q showed a pocket sized signal generator that covers 24 – 6000 Mhz that can be purchased on Amazon for $189.
Everyone was invited to enjoy pizza at the Cottage restaurant following the meeting.
A moment of silence was observed for Skip, K9SA who recently became a silent key.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:17 pm.
After a short break, the club was treated to a fantastic presentation by Mike K9AJ who was a member of the South Sandwich and South Georgia VP8 Dx-pedition team last year. The pictures and videos, along with Mike’s commentary were enjoyed by all.
Respectfully Submitted,
Roger Scott, KF9D, MCWA Secretary