MCWA Meeting Minutes of May 3, 2022
President Ralph Iden (WB9ICF) called the May 2022 hybrid meeting (in-person and by Zoom) to order at 7:09 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance followed, led by Dave Holmgren (K9AT).
Board members present were Gary Dembski (W9GD), Dean Hettel (WC9C), Ralph Iden (WB9ICF), Gary Kaatz (W9TD), Dan Larson (KD9M), Mike Metroka (WB8BZK) and Dave Whiteside (N9BSA).
A total of 37 members were in attendance and one guest, our speaker for tonight, Dave Cripe (NM0S).
Approval of Minutes
The meeting minutes from the April 2022 meeting were previously posted to the MCWA website for review. Hearing no objections, the minutes were approved.
Membership and Financial Reports
Treasurer Dean Hettel (WC9C) presented the membership and financial reports for December. MCWA has a membership of 113 full members including 6 family members and one Associate member.
Opening Balance |
$11,255.93 |
Deposits |
$20.00 |
(dues) |
Expenditures |
$22.00- |
(3 mo. website hosting) |
Interest |
$0.09 |
Final Balance |
$11,254.02 |
Dean reminded the membership to pay their 2022 dues by PayPal, check or cash tonight at the meeting. Those that haven’t yet paid have been dropped from the roster. A motion to approve was made by Dave Whiteside (N9BSA) and seconded by John Kalenowsky (K9JK). Hearing no objections, the treasurer’s report was approved.
Due to a known conflict, the meeting room is not available for our use next month. We had the option of meeting in the large garage. But it isn’t ideal for out purposes. Consequently, the June meeting will be held virtually.
The next VE testing session will be held on May 17 at 7 PM by appointment only. It will be held at the Woodstock Free Methodist Church at 934 N. Seminary. Contact Steve (KB9OLD) at 847-477-3518 to reserve your spot.
Volunteers are needed for the McHenry County Century Ride which will be held on Sunday, May 29 from 6:30 AM to 3:00 PM. It starts in Lake in the Hills, to Union and then 4 loops. Volunteers will supply rider and logistics support and be reimbursed for mileage. For more information, contact Wendell Smith (N9REP) at or 815-245-9325.
John Cankar (W9JM) asked for volunteers for the Trek 100 Ride for Hope. It starts at the Trek Corporate headquarters in Waterloo, WI at 7:30 AM on Saturday July 30. He explained that it is a “Classic” type cycling event, the largest in the Midwest, attracting national participants. It consists of four loops of different length. He also made the point that it is a charity event benefitting the Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer (MACC). He needs 33 volunteers; 10 to man the rest areas, 20 for SAG drivers (must be able to transport a bike and rider) and 3 for pickup vehicle. Please contact John if interested in helping.
Hamfest and Event Update
QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo, March 12-13, on-line: NT9E and W9TD attended
OzarkCon 2022 (QRP Conference): no reports
DeKalb Hamfest: John (KA9CAR) attended
Dayton Hamvention 2022, May 20-22, 2022, Greene County Fairgrounds & Expo Center, Xenia, OH
Starved Rock Radio Club Hamfest, June 5, Mendota Tri-County Fairgrounds, Mendota, IL
Lyons “Freefest”, June 11, Riverside Park, Lyons, WI
Contest Reports
ARRL Rookie Roundup (SSB): no reports
Ftx DX Contest: no reports
144 MHz Spring Sprint: K9JK made 15 contacts
220 MHz Spring Sprint: K9JK made 64 contacts
10-10 International Spring Contest (Digital): no reports
432 MHz Spring Sprint: K9JK made 43 contacts
Microwave Spring Sprint – May 7
Indiana QSO Party – May 7-8
50 MHz Spring Sprint – May 14-15
VOLTA WW RTTY Contest – May 14-16
CQ WW WPX Contest (CW) – May 28-29
ARRL June VHF Contest – June 11-13
Stew Perry Topband Challenge – June 18-19
ARRL Field Day – June 25-26
Upcoming MCWA Presentations
June 7 Working the Pileup
Ron Delpiere-Smith (KD9IPO)
July 5 QRP Showcase & Show-and-Tell
August 2 Propagation and Amateur Radio
Carl Luetzelschwab (K9LA)
September 6 Small Antennas for HF
Jack Hudson (W9MU)
October 4 Youth in Amateur Radio
Anthony Luscre (K8ZT)
November 1 TBD
December 6 TBD
Awards and license upgrades
Joe Witkins (KD9KTA) achieved WAS on 40 meter FT8.
Old Business
The Lake County Maker Faire was held Saturday, April 9. MCWA had an exhibit titled “Morse Code: The “New” old technology”. The exhibit included three tables; an IC-705 plus iPad decoding CW by Dave (K9AT), two Morse Tutors (straight key and paddle), Morseinos and QRP radios by Andy (WB7DKZ) and Ralph (WB9ICF); an FT8 on-air demonstration by Gary (W9GD) and Sam (KC9GPY); and Code Practice Oscillators that were given to people who showed an interest in amateur radio and Morse code. Dan (KD9M) supplied the Morseinos and Cricket QRP transceiver.
Dan Larson (KD9M) reported on the 2022 Field Day planning meeting held on April 12. This year Field Day is on June 24-26. We have the Rush Creek campground reserved for Saturday night and all are invited. The plan is to operate CW, SSB and digital with free VHF, GOTA and satellite stations. Dan noted that the rules limit all stations to 100 W PEP. There is a need for both GOTA and food captains as well as operators for SSB/Digital. If you can’t participate in the in-person event, then get on the air individually and report under the McHenry County Wireless Association. The next meeting will be on May 10 at 8 PM using Zoom.
New Business
Wrap up
David Cripe (NM0S) will be presenting “QRP Radios” following the adjournment of tonight’s meeting.
The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, June 7, 2022 by Zoom meetings. Open “eyeball” QSOs start at 6:30 PM, with the meeting starting at 7:00 PM. The program is “Working the Pileup” by Ron Delpiere-Smith (KD9IPO).
A motion to adjourn was made by Dave Holmgren (K9AT) and seconded by Kent Dulaney (K9KMD). The motion was approved by voice vote and the meeting was adjourned at 7:54 PM.
Prepared by Gary Kaatz (W9TD), MCWA Secretary.