Minutes – October 2023

MCWA Meeting Minutes of October 3, 2023

President Dan Larson (KD9M) called the October 2023 hybrid meeting (in-person and by Zoom) to order at 7:00 PM. Dan noted that the program may be recorded. The Pledge of Allegiance followed, led by Sam Haldiman (KC9GPY). Dan welcomed a new member to MCWA, Kevin Potter (KD9YYO).

Board members present were: Secretary – Andrew White (K9AJW), Treasurer – Bob Temes (KD9IDD), Vice President – Wendell Smith (N9REP), President – Dan Larson (KD9M) and Past-President – Ralph Iden (WB9ICF).

Dan (KD9M) thanked the outgoing board for their hard work and dedication to MCWA. He also introduced the new board:

Vice President – Wendell Smith (N9REP)
President – Dan Larson (KD9M)
Secretary – Andrew White (K9AJW)
Treasurer – Bob Temes (KD9IDD)
Director – Glenn Otto (K9OK)
Director – Kent Dulaney (K9KMD)
Past-President – Ralph Iden (WB9ICF)

A total of 41 members were in attendance and 2 guests: Ken Neilsen and Kelly Bochniak (KD9YHT) (New Member).

Approval of Minutes

The meeting minutes from the September 2023 meeting were previously posted to the MCWA website for review. John Cankar (W9JM) moved to approve the minutes and David Whiteside (N9BSA) seconded the motion. Hearing no objections, the minutes were approved.

Membership and Financial Reports

Past-Treasurer Dean Hettel (WC9C) presented the membership and financial reports for September. MCWA has a membership of 140 full members including 11 family members and no Associate members.

Opening Balance $11,483.86
Deposits $135.00 (Dues)
Expenditures $880.08- ($6.53 Digital Ocean, $661.77 Field Day, $61.88 4th Anniversary Expeneses, 149.90 Zoom Renewal)
Interest $0.09
Final Balance $10,738.69

Dean reminded the membership to pay their 2023 dues by PayPal, check or cash tonight at the meeting. John Dewey (KA9CAR) moved to accept the treasurer’s report and Roger Scott (KF9D) seconded the motion. Hearing no objections, the treasurer’s report was approved.


The monthly McHenry Ham Breakfast is held the first Saturday of every month at Buddyz in McHenry at 8:00 AM. The next one will be October 7th. Contact Dave Holmgren (K9AT) for more information.

Hamfest and Event Update


ORC Annual Regional Fall Swapfest: No reports.

Midwest Superfest: Sean Park (K9SJP) attended the fest and said it was well attended.

HRO Milwaukee Superfest and ARRL Central Division Convention: Dave Peterson (KD9VEJ) reported that there were many radio deals to be had.  He spoke about a “Ham Radio Bootcamp” and suggested that the club put on such a program for new hams.

Radio Expo: No reports.


Friendly Fest, November 4th, Milwaukee, WI

Contest Reports

ARRL September VHF: Wendell Smith (N9REP) had a 6m loop up in the air and a 2m vertical.  There was not much voice activity and he had a total of 12 contacts during the contest.

CQ Worldwide Teletype Contest: Gary Kaatz (W9TD) mentioned that he participated in this contest.

Route 66 on the Air Special Event: Gary Kaatz (W9TD) and Sam Haldiman (KC9GPY) had clean sweeps during the special event.

ARRL EME – 2.3 GHz & Up: No reports.

WAE DX Contest – SSB: No reports.

ARRL 10 GHz & Up: John Kalenowsky (K9JK) made a 10GHz contact from the roof of the parking garage and had 100+ contacts in total.

Wisconsin Parks on the Air: No reports.

North American Sprint: No reports.

CQ WW DX Contest: No reports.

ARRL VOTA: Bob Temes (KD9IDD) is ranked 3rd in Illinois and asks for everyone’s help in making contacts to increase his score. You can contact him once per day and both parties will get points through the VOTA program. With help from MCWA, Bob hopes to break through into the top 2 in the state.


ARRL/LIMARC October School Club Roundup, October 16-20

Illinois QSO Party, October 22: Roger Scott (KF9D) gave an overview of the upcoming Illinois QSO Party on October 22, 2023. More information can be found at https://w9awe.org/ilqp

International EME Contest, October 28-29

November CW Sweepstakes, November 4-6

November Phone Sweepstakes, November 18-20

VOTA, all year long

Upcoming MCWA Presentations

November 7 – Pico Balloons and Youth in Ham Radio by the Northern Illinois  Bottlecap Balloon Brigade

Awards and license upgrades

Gil Etheridge (KD9YUN)  received his vanity call, WW9GIL

Old Business

No old business.

New Business

Sam Haldiman (KC9GPY) reminded everyone that Winter Field Day is Jan 27th and 28th and requests that everyone add to their calendar.  The 415 will be doing operations out at Gary Dembski’s (W9GD) farm and encourages everyone to stop by.

Keith Schreiter (N9QDS) discussed Canadian Trading Consortium’s proposed usage of the HF spectrum and the impact on Chicago area amateurs on the following frequencies: 7510, 10306, 14592, 16301, 18190, 18322, 19230, 20152, 23861. More info is available on www.eibispace.de. He suggests keeping an eye on these frequencies to make sure that the transmissions do not cause interference to local hams.  He also reminded us that the United States Emergency Alert System tests are scheduled to occur tomorrow at 1:20 PM Central.

John Dewey(KA9CAR) asks if there are other club members from Algonquin Township that can renew the room contract for next year in case he is not available to make the renewal. A few other members were identified as Algonquin Township residents that can renew the room, if needed.

Wrap up

The MCWA Annual Board Meeting will take place on October 12th at 6:30 PM at Nick’s Pizza in Crystal Lake.  Members are encouraged to attend, but should contact Dan Larson (KD9M) to let him know you are coming.

The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, November 7, 2023 at the Algonquin Township meeting room. Open “eyeball” QSOs start at 6:30 PM, with the meeting starting at 7:00 PM. The program is “Pico Balloons and Youth in Ham Radio.”

Mike Metroka (WB8BZK) will present our program tonight on his Canadian VHF Adventures.

Sam Haldiman (KC9GPY) motioned to adjourn and the meeting was adjourned at 7:59 PM.

Prepared by Andrew White (K9AJW), MCWA Secretary.

Minutes – September 2023

MCWA Meeting Minutes of September 5, 2023


President Dan Larson (KD9M) called the September 2023 hybrid meeting (in-person and by Zoom) to order at 7:00 PM. Dan noted that the program may be recorded. The Pledge of Allegiance followed, led by Keith Schreiter (N9QDS). A photograph of the members in attendance was taken to commemorate the 45th anniversary of MCWA’s founding. Dan welcomed new and returning members, Don Bryant (N9NLE), James Ferree (KD9NZL), Paul Anderson (KD9YNR), Gil Etheridge (KD9YUN) and Richard Kittredge (KB9EJZ). Dan then asked everyone to introduce themselves.

Board members present were Kent Dulaney (K9KMD), Dean Hettel (WC9C), Ralph Iden (WB9ICF), Gary Kaatz (W9TD), Dan Larson (KD9M) and David Whiteside (N9BSA).

A total of 49 members were in attendance and 4 guests: Mark Thomas (N9UM), Chris Danneil (KD2ADG), Lawrence Lea (KD9FLL),  and Harold Tellefsen.

Approval of Minutes

The meeting minutes from the August 2023 meeting were previously posted to the MCWA website for review. Sam Haldiman (KC9GPY) moved to accept the minutes and Dave Whaley (NT9E) seconded the motion. Hearing no objections, the minutes were approved.

Membership and Financial Reports

Treasurer Dean Hettel (WC9C) presented the membership and financial reports for August. MCWA has a membership of 138 full members including 11 family members and no Associate members.

Opening Balance $11,555.12  
Deposits $135.00 ($35.00 Dues, $100.00 donation)
Expenditures $206.53- ($6.53 Digital Ocean, $200.00 MCWA liability insurance)
Interest $0.09  
Final Balance $11,483.68  

Dean reminded the membership to pay their 2023 dues by PayPal, check or cash tonight at the meeting. David Whiteside (N9BSA) moved to accept the treasurer’s report and John Kalenowsky (K9JK) seconded the motion. Hearing no objections, the treasurer’s report was approved.


The monthly McHenry Ham Breakfast is held the first Saturday of every month at Buddyz in McHenry at 8:00 AM. The next one will be October 7th. Contact Dave (K9AT) for more information.

Hamfest and Event Update


Elkhart East Hamfest: no reports

Riverland ARC Swapfest: no reports

Hamfesters 88th Annual Hamfest: no reports

Circus City Swapfest: no reports

ORC Annual Regional Fall Swapfest: no reports


Peoria Superfest, September 16-17, Three Sisters Park, Chillicothe, IL

HRO Milwaukee Superfest and ARRL Central Division Convention, September 23, HRO Milwaukee, WI

Radio Expo, September 24, Boone County Fairgrounds, Belvidere, IL

Contest Reports

ARRL June VHF Contest: no reports

 ARRL Kids Day: no reports

 Stew Perry Topband Challenge: no reports

 ARRL Field Day: reported above

 13 Colonies Special Event: a number of members participated

 CQ WW VHF Contest: no reports

 NAQP – RTTY: no reports

Lewis & Clark Special Event: a number of members participated

 VOTA, all year long: no reports


Route 66 on the Air Special Event, September 9-17

ARRL September VHF Contest, September 9-11

ARRL EME – 2.3 GHz & Up, September 9-10

WAE DX Contest – SSB, September 9-10

ARRL 10 GHz & Up, September 16-17

Wisconsin Parks on the Air, September 16

North American Sprint – RTTY, September 17

CQ WW DX Contest – RTTY, September 23-24

VOTA, all year long

Upcoming MCWA Presentations

October 3 – Tentative: Pico Balloons and Youth in Ham Radio by the Northern Illinois  Bottlecap Balloon Brigade

Awards and license upgrades

Ron Rogers (KC0ZN) became VEC qualified.

Old Business


Ralph Iden (WB9ICF) reported on the Nominating Committee’s (WB9ICF, K9KMD and N9BSA) activity. A full slate of nominees up for election was presented including short bio’s for each.

Director – Glenn Otto (K9OK)
Secretary – Andrew White (K9AJW)
Treasurer – Bob Temes (KD9IDD)
Vice President – Wendell Smith (N9REP)
President – Dan Larson (KD9M)

President Dal Larson (KD9M) then opened the floor for additional nominations. None were heard.

A motion to close nominations was made by Sam Haldiman (KC9GPY) and seconded by David Whiteside (N9BSA). The motion was approved by unanimous voice vote. The nominees as presented were elected by acclamation.

New Business


Wrap up

Following the adjournment of tonight’s meeting, cake will be served in celebration of MCWA’s 45th anniversary. Following cake, Lyle Giese (W9LRG) will be presenting “Introduction to Remote Operations and the W9LRG Shack”.

The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, October 3, 2023 at the Algonquin Township meeting room. Open “eyeball” QSOs start at 6:30 PM, with the meeting starting at 7:00 PM. The program is tentatively: Pico Balloons and Youth in Ham Radio by the Northern Illinois  Bottlecap Balloon Brigade. A motion to adjourn was made by David Whiteside (N9BSA) and seconded by John Cankar (W9JM). The motion was approved by voice vote and the meeting was adjourned at 7:37 PM.

Prepared by Gary Kaatz (W9TD), MCWA Secretary.

Minutes – August 2023

MCWA Meeting Minutes of August 1, 2023

President Dan Larson (KD9M) called the August 2023 hybrid meeting (in-person and by Zoom) to order at 7:00 PM. Dan noted that the program may be recorded. The Pledge of Allegiance followed, led by Dave Holmgren (K9AT). Dan then asked everyone to introduce themselves.

Board members present were Dean Hettel (WC9C), Ralph Iden (WB9ICF), Gary Kaatz (W9TD), Dan Larson (KD9M), Mike Metroka (WB8BZK) and David Whiteside (N9BSA).

A total of 40 members were in attendance and 4 guests: Our speaker for tonight, Ed Picha (N9EP), Richard Kittredge (KB9EJZ), Paul Anderson (KD9YNR) and Gil Etheridge.

Approval of Minutes

The meeting minutes from the June 2023 meeting were previously posted to the MCWA website for review. Roger Scott (KF9D) moved to accept the minutes and John Cankar (W9JM) seconded the motion. Hearing no objections, the minutes were approved.

Membership and Financial Reports

Treasurer Dean Hettel (WC9C) presented the membership and financial reports for June, July and the May interest. MCWA has a membership of 133 full members including 11 family members and no Associate members.

Opening Balance $11,954.43
Deposits $128.00 ($70.00 Dues, $50.00 misc.)
Expenditures $527.62- ($13.06 Digital Ocean, $406.56 Ralph Iden – Maker Faire receivers, $108.00 Domain renewal)
Interest $0.31 (May, June & July)
Final Balance $11,555.12

Dean reminded the membership to pay their 2023 dues by PayPal, check or cash tonight at the meeting. Nick Bebout (W9NB) moved to accept the treasurer’s report and Erich Kramer (KC9CUK) seconded the motion. Hearing no objections, the treasurer’s report was approved.


The next VEC testing will be on August 15.

The monthly McHenry Ham Breakfast is held the first Saturday of every month at Buddyz in McHenry at 8:00 AM. The next will be August 5th. Contact Dave (K9AT) for more information.

John Cankar (W9JM) reported on the TREK 100 held on June 10. There were over 1800 riders and more than $1,118,000 was raised for the MACC Fund. He noted that tere was 219 miles of course to patrol by SAG vehicles. He thanked those MCWA members who helped. The next Trek 100 will be on June 8, 2024.

Dan Larson (KD9M) reported on the MCWA Field Day events and results. It was estimated that we scored about 8524 points the exact value is unknown due to differences in reports. He also noted that the GOTA tent blew away during the overnight storms and the stations were idle for a number of hours due to lightning.

Dan noted that Bob Heil (K9EID) was having health issues. He also reminded the membership that next month is the 45th anniversary of MCWA. We will have cake and pictures will be taken.

Sam Haldiman (KC9GPY) reported on the “415” Field Day events and results. He noted that the 415 does not compete with MCWA as they operate 3A. He reported that 19 licensed hams participated and an estimated 6328 points were earned. Sam also reported that five hours of operating were lost due to the overnight storms and lightning.

Gary Dembski (W9GD) commented on an email that he and Sam Haldiman (KC9GPY) received from Director Kent Dulaney (K9KMD) before Field Day. The gist of the letter was complaining about the use of the MCWA email reflector to solicit participation in a different Field Day activity than MCWA’s. Gary then spoke at length about his ham saga and about new ideas not being accepted by the “old timers”. He said that they formed the 415 club in order to get a call sign to be used on Field Day.

Hamfest and Event Update


Six Meter Club of Chicago Hamfest – Cancelled

South Milwaukee ARC Swapfest: W9JM, W9TD, K9EYE and others attended. It rained.

Karsfest: no reports


Elkhart East Hamfest, August 5, Elkhart, IN

Riverland ARC Swapfest, August 5, LA Crosse, WI

Hamfesters 88th Annual Hamfset, August 6, Peotone, IL

Circus City Swapfest, August 26, Baraboo, WI

ORC Annual Regional Fall Sawpfset, September 9, Cedarburg, WI

Peoria Superfest, September 16-17, Three Sisters Park, Chillicothe, IL

HRO Milwaukee Superfest and ARRL Central Division Convention, September 23, HRO Milwaukee, WI

Radio Expo, September 24, Boone County Fairgrounds, Belvidere, IL

Contest Reports

ARRL June VHF Contest: no reports

 ARRL Kids Day: no reports

 Stew Perry Topband Challenge: no reports

 ARRL Field Day: reported above

 13 Colonies Special Event: a number of members participated

 CQ WW VHF Contest: no reports

 NAQP – RTTY: no reports

Lewis & Clark Special Event: a number of members participated

 VOTA, all year long: no reports


ARRL 222 MHz and Up Distance Contest, August 5-6

NAQP – CW, August 5-6

WAE DX Contest – CW, August 12-13

ARRL EME Contest, August 12-13

ARRL 10GHz and Up Contest, August 19-20

NAQP – SSB, August 19-20

ARRL Rookie Roundup – RTTY, August 20

World Wide Digi DX Contest, August 26-27

VOTA, all year long

Upcoming MCWA Presentations

September 5 – TBD

Future – Pico Balloons and Youth in Ham Radio by the Northern Illinois Bottlecap Balloon Brigade

Awards and license upgrades

A number of members got Clean Sweep certificates for the 13 Colonies Special Event.

Old Business

 Dan reported that work is being done on the MCWA website to update it.

Sam Haldiman (KC9GPY) asked if anything had been done about investing the club’s excess funds in a CD. Dan said no, because we do not have a tax ID.

New Business

Ralph Iden (WB9ICF) reported on the Nominating Committee’s (WB9ICF, K9KMD and N9BSA) activity. Currently, Dan Larson (KD9M) has indicated he will be willing to continue as President and that Glenn Otto (K9OK) and Mike Metroka (WB8BZK) have agreed to run for the open director position currently held by David Whiteside (N9BSA). At the September meeting, the committee will be presenting the slate of one director and all four officers for the vote at the November meeting.

Wrap up

Following the adjournment of tonight’s meeting, Ed Picha (N9EP) will be presenting, “EME”.

The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, September 5, 2023 at the Algonquin Township meeting room. Open “eyeball” QSOs start at 6:30 PM, with the meeting starting at 7:00 PM. The program is TBD. A motion to adjourn was made by Sam Haldiman (KC9GPY) and seconded by Dave Holmgren (K9AT). The motion was approved by voice vote and the meeting was adjourned at 8:33 PM.

Prepared by Gary Kaatz (W9TD), MCWA Secretary.

Minutes – June 2023

MCWA Meeting Minutes of June 6, 2023

Past President Ralph Iden (WB9ICF) called the June 2023 hybrid meeting (in-person and by Zoom) to order at 7:04 PM. Ralph noted that the program may be recorded. The Pledge of Allegiance followed, led by Dave Holmgren (K9AT). Ralph then asked everyone to introduce themselves.

Board members present were Kent Dulaney (K9KMD), Ralph Iden (WB9ICF), Gary Kaatz (W9TD) and David Whiteside (N9BSA).

A total of 33 members were in attendance and 3 guests: Charles Powe, who just passed his General, Rich Kittredge (nee KB9EJZ) and Doug Tucker (KD9PQI), an out-of-town member.

Approval of Minutes

The meeting minutes from the May 2023 meeting were previously posted to the MCWA website for review. Dennis Ryan (KA9PUC) moved to accept the minutes and Kent Dulaney (K9KMD) seconded the motion. Hearing no objections, the minutes were approved.

Membership and Financial Reports

Ralph presented the membership and financial reports for May in Treasurer Dean Hettel’s (WC9C) absence. MCWA has a membership of 132 full members including 11 family members and no Associate members.

Opening Balance $11,266.52
Deposits $694.44 ($59.10 Dues, $635.34 donation)
Expenditures $6.53- (Digital Ocean)
Interest $0.00 (TBD)
Final Balance $11,954.43 (not final)

Ralph reminded the membership to pay their 2023 dues by PayPal, check or cash tonight at the meeting. John Cankar (W9JM) moved to accept the treasurer’s report and Jeff Pennoyer (KD9LNH) seconded the motion. Hearing no objections, the treasurer’s report was approved.


The monthly McHenry Ham Breakfast is held the first Saturday of every month at Buddyz in McHenry at 8:00 AM. The next will be July 1st. Contact Dave (K9AT) for more information.

MCWA Field Day 2023 will be at Rush Creek June 24-25. We plan on operation class 2A with GOTA, CW, SSB + Digital, VHF and Satellite. The GOTA station is for anyone new to the hobby, coming back to the hobby or inactive on HF. The next (and last) planning meeting will be on June 14. Ralph noted that there are three other Field Day operations in the vicinity including the 415, about which Sam Haldiman (KC9GPY) spoke.

The McHenry County Century Ride was held on May 28 in Lake in the Hills. It was reported that there were 450 riders. The ride benefits two organizations, True Blue Dogs and People for Parks Foundation of Lake in the Hills. Of over 60 volunteers, the amateur radio involvement was more than 16. Wendell Smith (N9REP) thanked those volunteers from MCWA.

Ralph noted that well-known Amateur Charles Margelli (K7JA) passed recently. He also noted that the officer elections will be here soon and the nominating committee will be preparing a slate of nominees.

Hamfest and Event Update


ORC 43rd Annual Spring Indoor Swapfest: no reports

DeKalb Hamfest: K9AT attended

Hamvention 2023: reports in post meeting program

Starved Rock Radio Club Hamfest: no reports


Six Meter Club of Chicago Hamfest, June 11, DuPage County Fairgrounds
Ron (KD9IPO) and John (K9JK) have advance tickets (cancelled)

South Milwaukee ARC Swapfest, July 9, American Legion Post #434, Oak Creek, WI

Karsfest, July 16, Will County Fairgrounds, Peotone, IL

Peoria Superfest, September 16-17, Three Sisters Park, Chillicothe, IL

Radio Expo, September 24, Boone County Fairgrounds, Belvidere, IL

Contest Reports

Microwave Spring Sprint: no reports

 Indiana / Delaware / 7th call area QSO Party: no reports

 VOLTA WW RTTY Contest: no reports

 50 MHz Spring Sprint: no reports

 CQ WW WPX Contest (CW): W9TD reported participation with almost 400 QSO’s

 ARRL International Digital Contest: no reports

 VOTA, all year long: no reports


ARRL June VHF Contest, June 10-12

ARRL Kids Day, June 17

Stew Perry Topband Challenge, June 17-18

ARRL Field Day, June 24-25

13 Colonies Special Event, July 1-7

CQ WW VHF Contest, July 15-16

VOTA, all year long

Upcoming MCWA Presentations

August 1 – TBD

Future – Pico Balloons and Youth in Ham Radio by the Northern Illinois Bottlecap Balloon Brigade

Awards and license upgrades

Glenn Learnahan (KD9SQK) passed his General.

Old Business

 Note that at the April meeting we voted to skip the July meeting as it would fall on the 4th.

New Business

John Cankar (W9JM) noted that the MCWA web site is out of date as the News and Updates section only shows 2022 activity.

Wrap up

Following the adjournment of tonight’s meeting, MCWA members will be sharing their experiences at HamVention.

The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, August 1, 2023 at the Algonquin Township meeting room. Open “eyeball” QSOs start at 6:30 PM, with the meeting starting at 7:00 PM. The program is TBD. A motion to adjourn was made by Roger Scott (KF9D) and seconded by Sam Haldiman (KC9GPY). The motion was approved by voice vote and the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM.

Prepared by Gary Kaatz (W9TD), MCWA Secretary.

Minutes – May 2023

MCWA Meeting Minutes of May 2, 2023


President Dan Larson (KD9M) called the May 2023 hybrid meeting (in-person and by Zoom) to order at 7:02 PM. Dan noted that the program would be recorded. The Pledge of Allegiance followed, led by Dave Holmgren (K9AT). Dan then asked everyone to introduce themselves.

Board members present were Kent Dulaney (K9KMD), Dean Hettel (WC9C), Ralph Iden (WB9ICF), Gary Kaatz (W9TD), Dan Larson (KD9M) and Mike Metroka (WB8BZK).

A total of 44 members were in attendance and 1 guest: Craig Peterson (KD9FOU).

Approval of Minutes

The meeting minutes from the April 2023 meeting were previously posted to the MCWA website for review. John Cankar (W9JM) moved to accept the minutes and Keith Schreiter (N9QDS) seconded the motion. Hearing no objections, the minutes were approved.

Membership and Financial Reports

Treasurer Dean Hettel (WC9C) presented the membership and financial reports for December. MCWA has a membership of 131 full members including 11 family members and no Associate members.

Opening Balance $11,202.97  
Deposits $70.00 ($20 Dues, $50 rotor donation)
Expenditures $6.53- (Digital Ocean)
Interest $0.08  
Final Balance $11,266.52  

Dean reminded the membership to pay their 2023 dues by PayPal, check or cash tonight at the meeting. Ron Delpiere-Smith (KD9IPO) moved to accept the treasurer’s report and Kent Dulaney (K9KMD) seconded the motion. Hearing no objections, the treasurer’s report was approved.


The monthly McHenry Ham Breakfast is held the first Saturday of every month at Buddyz in McHenry at 8:00 AM. The next will be May 6th. Contact Dave (K9AT) for more information.

The ARRL is conducting a survey on a dues increase this month. All members are encouraged to participate at www.arrl.org/take-dues-survey. This is a member-only page. Members need to be logged into the ARRL website to take the survey. Members who are not logged in may select the Login button on the top of the web page, and they will be prompted to enter their ARRL website username and password. If they have not logged in since April 2022, they should use these Login Instructions www.arrl.org/login-instructions.

Ralph Iden (WB9ICF) reported on the recent Maker Faire at College of Lake County – 6 members participated plus ARRL Central Division Director Carl Luetzelschwab, our affiliated club coordinator Jim Hull (W9JGH) and his wife Dawn (KA9ERS).

MCWA Field Day 2023 will be at Rush Creek June 24-25. We plan on operation class 2A with GOTA, CW, SSB + Digital, VHF and Satellite. The GOTA station is for anyone new to the hobby, coming back to the hobby or inactive on HF. The next planning meeting will be on May 16.

Wendell Smith (N9REP) is coordinating the McHenry County Century Ride to be held on May 28 in Lake in the Hills. He is looking for volunteers to help.

Sam Haldiman (KC9GPY) reported on the 415 Winter Field Day results and noted that they finished 18th worldwide, 5th in 2O and 1st in Illinois.

Hamfest and Event Update


Madison Area Repeater Assn Hamfest: no reports


ORC 43rd Annual Spring Indoor Swapfest, May 6, Cedarburg, WI

DeKalb Hamfest, May 7, Sandwich, IL

Hamvention 2023, May 19-21, Greene County Fair & Expo Center, Xenia, OH

Starved Rock Radio Club Hamfest, June 4, Mendota Tri-County Fairgrounds

Six Meter Club of Chicago Hamfest, June 11, DuPage County Fairgrounds

Ron (KD9IPO) and John (K9JK) have advance tickets

South Milwaukee ARC Swapfest, July 9, American Legion Post #434, Oak Creek, WI

Karsfest, July 16, Northern Indiana Event Center, Elkhart, IN

Peoria Superfest, September 16-17, Three Sisters Park, Chillicothe, IL

Radio Expo, September ?, Boone County Fairgrounds, Belvidere, IL

Contest Reports

UHF/VHF FT8 Activity Contest: no reports

 IG-RY World Wide RTTY Contest: no reports

 Michigan / Nebraska / North Dakota QSO Party: no reports

Rookie Roundup (SSB): no reports

 10-10 Intl Spring Contest (digital): no reports


Microwave Spring Sprint, May 6

Indiana / Delaware / 7th call area QSO Party, May 6-7

VOLTA WW RTTY Contest, May 13-14

50 MHz Spring Sprint, May 13-14

CQ WW WPX Contest (CW), May 27-28

VOTA, all year long: WB8BZK, W9JM and W9TD all are hunting for VOTA QSOs

Upcoming MCWA Presentations

June 6 – TBD

Future – Pico Balloons and Youth in Ham Radio by the Northern Illinois Bottlecap Balloon Brigade

Awards and license upgrades

Angelo Cusinato (KD9WZB) received his Technician license, Scott Desantis (KB9VRW) received his General and Ron Rogers (KC0ZN) received his Extra.

Old Business

 Note that at the April meeting we voted to skip the July meeting as it would fall on the 4th.

New Business

Gary Dembski (W9GD) noted the low interest received from our bank and suggested that the Board investigate putting some of our funds into certificates of deposit. John Cankar (W9JM) made a motion for the Board to do such, and Mike Metroka (WB9BZK) seconded it. The motion passed unanimously.

Wrap up

Following the adjournment of tonight’s meeting, Dan Larson (KD9M) will be presenting “Node-Red and How it Works With Ham Radio”. Dan solicited more presentations from the membership.

The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, June 6, 2023 at the Algonquin Township meeting room. Open “eyeball” QSOs start at 6:30 PM, with the meeting starting at 7:00 PM. The program is TBD. A motion to adjourn was made by Ralph Iden (WB9ICF) and seconded by John Cankar (W9JM). The motion was approved by voice vote and the meeting was adjourned at 7:58 PM.

Prepared by Gary Kaatz (W9TD), MCWA Secretary.