Minutes – May 2017
Subject: Meeting Minutes of May 2, 2017
The monthly May meeting was called to order by President John KA9CAR at 7:01 p.m. on May 2, 2017 in the Crystal Lake Bank meeting room.
NT9E led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
President John asked if any visitors were present and JoAnne K9JKM, who is actually a member but has been unable to attend meetings, was introduced to the group.
Introductions around the room followed. Twenty-nine people were in attendance for the meeting.
President John encouraged all to join the club Yahoo reflector, K9RN. Jerry N9AVY is the newsletter editor, and members with newsletter input should submit to Jerry.
The minutes from the April meeting were published for review on the club website by Secretary Roger, KF9D. Jim, N7US moved to accept the minutes as published, seconded by Joe, K9DMV. The motion passed by voice vote.
Treasurer Joe, N9OK reported a balance of $4998.81 in the club treasury. Paid membership for 2017 stood at 83 at the beginning of the meeting. Olaf, W9FY made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Mike, ND9G. The motion passed by voice vote.
Jeff, KC9WSJ, custodian of the club library, was not present for a report.
President John reminded the club that the July regular meeting will be at Field Day on June 24th. President John said that a volunteer is still being sought to coordinate the meeting to be held at the FD location as well as coordinate the family picnic.
Dave, NT9E is Field Day Chairman and gave members an update. Screen tents have been purchased and additional FD banners are being ordered.
A replacement Program Director is being sought. Please send candidate ideas to President John.
Under the topic of general announcements, President John reminded members that a VE test session will be held on May 16th at the Woodstock Free Methodist Church. Contact Steve KB9OLD@arrl.net for details or see the club website. Equipment from former club member and silent key Tom, WB9RFP will be on sale May 19th and 20th at his former home in East Dundee according to a letter received from his XYL.
President John has been in contact with her and shared a list of available equipment with the group.
The DeKalb hamfest held at Sandwich, IL will be held on Sunday May 7th. Paul, W9DWP has tickets available for sale.
An update on the program at the Fermi Lab in Batavia sponsored by the Chicago Chapter of the IEEE-EMC Society on April 19th was given. The topic was “Man-made Noise and the Impact to Radio Communications – The Changing Environment”. Attendees described the program as a 2 pronged approach: defining what the problem is and how to control it through regulations, as well as how to control it from a technical viewpoint.
Dave NT9E announced that the Saturday breakfast will be held on May 6th at the Green St. Cafe in McHenry.
President John reminded the group that we are being allowed use of the field day site for no charge in exchange for providing communications for the Woodstock Challenge Run to be held on June 17th at 8 a.m. Dave NT9E will coordinate volunteers for the event.
Mike, WB8BZK informed the group on contests coming up in May. See the newsletter and QST for details. The group was reminded of the 6 meter net on Wednesday nights from 7-8 p.m. on 50.130 MHz.
Hank, KB9ASC requested help with LOTW from a club member.
Paul W9DWP attended the IL Repeater Association meeting in Champaign on April 22 and reported no big immediate changes occurring. In the future, the group plans to look into using RF modelling to assess frequency assignments in hopes that this may make more repeater pairs available for use.
Everyone was invited to enjoy pizza at the Cottage restaurant following the meeting.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by N7US and seconded by N9OK. The meeting was adjourned at 7:22 pm.
After a short break, the club saw a presentation by Mike, WB8BZK, entitled Introduction to Radio Sport, with an interesting tribute to “Gil” Gildersleeve, W1CJD and his classic cartoons featured in QST over the years.
Respectfully Submitted, Roger Scott, KF9D, MCWA Secretary
MCWA News – May 2017
Minutes – April 2017
Subject: Meeting Minutes of May 2, 2017
The monthly May meeting was called to order by President John KA9CAR at 7:01 p.m. on May 2, 2017 in the Crystal Lake Bank meeting room.
NT9E led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
President John asked if any visitors were present and JoAnne K9JKM, who is actually a member but has been unable to attend meetings, was introduced to the group.
Introductions around the room followed. Twenty-nine people were in attendance for the meeting.
President John encouraged all to join the club Yahoo reflector, K9RN. Jerry N9AVY is the newsletter editor, and members with newsletter input should submit to Jerry.
The minutes from the April meeting were published for review on the club website by Secretary Roger, KF9D. Jim, N7US moved to accept the minutes as published, seconded by Joe, K9DMV. The motion passed by voice vote.
Treasurer Joe, N9OK reported a balance of $4998.81 in the club treasury. Paid membership for 2017 stood at 83 at the beginning of the meeting. Olaf, W9FY made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Mike, ND9G. The motion passed by voice vote.
Jeff, KC9WSJ, custodian of the club library, was not present for a report.
President John reminded the club that the July regular meeting will be at Field Day on June 24th. President John said that a volunteer is still being sought to coordinate the meeting to be held at the FD location as well as coordinate the family picnic.
Dave, NT9E is Field Day Chairman and gave members an update. Screen tents have been purchased and additional FD banners are being ordered.
A replacement Program Director is being sought. Please send candidate ideas to President John.
Under the topic of general announcements, President John reminded members that a VE test session will be held on May 16th at the Woodstock Free Methodist Church. Contact Steve KB9OLD@arrl.net for details or see the club website. Equipment from former club member and silent key Tom, WB9RFP will be on sale May 19th and 20th at his former home in East Dundee according to a letter received from his XYL.
President John has been in contact with her and shared a list of available equipment with the group.
The DeKalb hamfest held at Sandwich, IL will be held on Sunday May 7th. Paul, W9DWP has tickets available for sale.
An update on the program at the Fermi Lab in Batavia sponsored by the Chicago Chapter of the IEEE-EMC Society on April 19th was given. The topic was “Man-made Noise and the Impact to Radio Communications – The Changing Environment”. Attendees described the program as a 2 pronged approach: defining what the problem is and how to control it through regulations, as well as how to control it from a technical viewpoint.
Dave NT9E announced that the Saturday breakfast will be held on May 6th at the Green St. Cafe in McHenry.
President John reminded the group that we are being allowed use of the field day site for no charge in exchange for providing communications for the Woodstock Challenge Run to be held on June 17th at 8 a.m. Dave NT9E will coordinate volunteers for the event.
Mike, WB8BZK informed the group on contests coming up in May. See the newsletter and QST for details. The group was reminded of the 6 meter net on Wednesday nights from 7-8 p.m. on 50.130 Mhz.
Hank, KB9ASC requested help with LOTW from a club member.
Paul W9DWP attended the Il Repeater Association meeting in Champaign on April 22 and reported no big immediate changes occurring. In the future, the group plans to look into using RF modelling to assess frequency assignments in hopes that this may make more repeater pairs available for use.
Everyone was invited to enjoy pizza at the Cottage restaurant following the meeting.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by N7US and seconded by N9OK. The meeting was adjourned at 7:22 pm.
After a short break, the club saw a presentation by Mike, WB8BZK, entitled Introduction to Radio Sport, with an interesting tribute to “Gil” Gildersleeve, W1CJD and his classic cartoons featured in QST over the years.
Respectfully Submitted, Roger Scott, KF9D, MCWA Secretary