Minutes – November 2022

MCWA Meeting Minutes of November 1, 2022


President Dan Larson (KD9M) called the November 2022 hybrid meeting (in-person and by Zoom) to order at 7:01 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance followed. Dan announced that Jerry Heinen (N9AVY) passed away on October 2, 2022. Dan recalled that Jerry was one of Dan’s first contacts and a new ham. Jerry was a founding member of MCWA and its newsletter editor for many years. An avid DX-er, he loved contesting and was a member of the Northern Illinois DX Association (NIDXA). Dan asked for a moment of silence in remembrance of Jerry. Dan welcomed new member Sean Park (KD9VWL). Dan then asked everyone to introduce themselves.

Board members present were Kent Dulaney (K9KMD), Ralph Iden (WB9ICF), Dan Larson (KD9M), Mike Metroka (WB8BZK) and David Whiteside (N9BSA).

A total of 35 members were in attendance and no guests.

Approval of Minutes

The meeting minutes from the October 2022 meeting were previously posted to the MCWA website for review. Sam Haldiman (KC9GPY) moved to accept the minutes and Kent Dulaney (K9KMD) seconded the motion. Hearing no objections, the minutes were approved.

Membership and Financial Reports

Treasurer Dean Hettel (WC9C) was not in attendance, so Dan presented the membership and financial reports for October. MCWA has a membership of 127 full members including 8 family members and no Associate members.

Opening Balance $10,712.37
Deposits $396.00 ($30 dues and $366 donation)
Expenditures $164.31- (Flag – Mike Metroka (WB8BZK))
  $5.00- (Digital Ocean)
  $35.90- (POBox subscription)
Interest $0.00
Final Balance $10,588.06

The reported deposits are the same as last month’s and the numbers don’t add up, so Dean will have to amend and report these at the next meeting. Dan reminded the membership to pay their 2023 dues by PayPal, check or cash tonight at the meeting. Kent Dulaney (K9KMD) moved to accept the treasurer’s report and John Kalenowsky (K9JK) seconded the motion. Hearing no objections, the treasurer’s report was approved.


The first Saturday of the month is the McHenry Monthly Ham Breakfast held at Buddyz at 1138 N. Green Street, McHenry. People gather at 8:00 AM and recent breakfasts have had over 20 attendees.

Chicago Marathon Report

Mike Metroka (WB8BZK) provided a recap of the Chicago Marathon that has held on October 9th. Several months back, MCWA was given the opportunity to assist with radio communications for the event.

Although MCWA didn’t participate as a group, several of our members were part of the 130 plus radio amateurs participating in the event.

Mike (WB8BZK), Roger Scott (KF9D), John Cankar (W9JM), and marathon veteran, George Slominski (W9AUM) were part of the Course Medical Team – 4, located at mile-marker 6.  Setup started at 5 AM, with net check-ins beginning at 6:30 AM. The first of the wheelchair racers appeared 18 minutes after the start of the race, followed by the elite runners at the 27-minute mark, and a near ending stream of runners and walkers for the next two hours. The last walker passed by at 10:30 AM followed by the pace car and Streets & Sanitation cleanup crew.

Consider volunteering as a radio operator at the next Marathon, which will be held on Sunday, October 8, 2023. Sign-up will be in August, with announcements made at meetings. Mike would like to put together a team from MCWA next year, so our club call can be put on the list at being at a station.

Hamfest and Event Update




Friendly Fest, November 5, Elks Lodge, Milwaukee

Fort Wayne Hamfest & Computer Expo, November 19-20, Allen County War Memorial Coliseum

Winterfest, ARRL Midwest Division Convention, January 28, 2023, Gateway Convention Center, Collinsville, IL

Starved Rock Radio Club Hamfest, June 4, 2023, Mendota Tri-County Fairgrounds

Contest Reports

There were several reports of participation, but I could not discern who was speaking from the recording.

432 MHz Fall Sprint:

Microwave Fall Sprint:

Oceania DX Contest (CW):

10-10 International Fall Contest (CW):

Illinois QSO Party:

ARRL School Club Roundup:

Stew Perry Topband Challenge:

CQ Worldwide DX Contest (SSB):


ARRL Sweepstakes (CW) – November 5-7

WAE DX Contest (RTTY) – November 11-13

10-10 Intl Fall Contest (Digital) – November 11-13

ARRL Sweepstakes (SSB) – November 19-21

CQ WW DX Contest (CW) – November 25- 27

Upcoming MCWA Presentations

December 6 QRP Showcase and Show & Tell

January 3, 2023 TBD

Awards and license upgrades

Sean Park (KD9VWL) recently earned his Technician license.

Board of Directors Meeting Recap

 President Dan Larson (KD9M) reported on the October 18 Board of Director’s meeting. He reported the club was healthy with a strong and stable membership number. Meeting attendance was lower during the pandemic but is rebounding including more in-person attendance. Finances are also strong due to revenue from equipment auction and under budget spending. The budget and expenses were presented showing that we were $1,200.88 under budget:


Item Budgeted Spent
Field Day $750.00 $694.32
Liability Insurance $225.00 $200
Picnic/Dinner social $750.00 $0
Outreach (Makers Faire) $300.00 $246.90
Meeting Room Enhancements $300.00 $0
Zoom Subscription $150.00 $149.90
Website $115.00 $79.00
Misc. $200.00 $219.00
Totals $2,790.00 $1,589.12

The proposed 2022-2023 budget is:


Expense Notes
Field Day $750.00 May need to increase based on food and facility ($694 in 2022)
Liability Insurance $200.00
Pizza Party $500.00 For Dec, need motion in Nov meeting
Dinner Social $300.00
Outreach $300.00 Scouts, Maker Faire…
Zoom $150.00
Website $130.00 35+80+12
Meeting Enhancements $500.00 Webcam, tripod, cables, microphones
Misc. $50.00

Dan noted that we still need a Program Chair and a person to handle the Zoom meeting, so Dean can focus on Treasurer duties. David Whiteside (N9BSA) is handling the Zoom meeting tonight.

Other items for consideration include possibly holding a Fox Hunt and that September 18, 2023 is the 45th anniversary of the club’s founding. We intend to do something special for the September 2023 meeting.

Old Business

A new flag and stand was purchased by Mike Metroka (WB8BZK) for use at our meeting location. The cost was $164.31 for the flag, flagpole, base, tassel, and perched eagle. The flag will be offered as a donation to Algonquin Township as a small token of our appreciation for the use of the meeting area.

New Business

The December meeting will be a Pizza Social for our members and their guests. Pizza and drinks will be provided with a program following: “QRP Showcase & Show-and-Tell”. Look for more information on the K9RN reflector later this month.

John Dewey (KA9CAR) said that a team took down Jerry’s (N9AVY) antennas and has two tri-banders available: a Mosley tribander and Force 12 C3. If there are no MCWA members interested in these items, they will be put on e-Bay or QRZ. Please contact John (KA9CAR) if you are interested in these items.

Wrap up

Ron Delpiere-Smith (KD9IPO) will be presenting “Working the Pileup”, following the adjournment of tonight’s meeting. Dan solicited more presentations from the membership.

The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, December 6, 2022 at the Algonquin Township meeting room. Open “eyeball” QSOs start at 6:30 PM, with the meeting starting at 7:00 PM. The program is “QRP Showcase and Show & Tell”.

A motion to adjourn was made by Roger Scott (KF9D) and seconded by Sam Haldiman (KC9GPY). The motion was approved by voice vote and the meeting was adjourned at 7:37 PM.

Prepared by Gary Kaatz (W9TD), MCWA Secretary.