Minutes – November 2020

Meeting Minutes of November 3, 2020

President Ralph Iden (WB9ICF) called the November 2020  meeting to order at 7:00 PM by Zoom meetings. The Pledge of Allegiance followed led by Dave Holmgren (K9AT).

Board members present were Gary Dembski (W9GD), Dean Hettel (WD9FOO), Ralph Iden (WB9ICF),  Gary Kaatz (W9TD),  Dan Larson (KD9M), Mike Metroka (WB8BZK), and Mike Salak (KC9Q).

A total of 36 people were in attendance, including two guests, a new licensee, Angelo Franzone (KB9QVW) and a past member, Bob Sepot (KC9JBA). Pierre Berube (K9EYE) suggested Angelo read the ARRL publication, “Now You’re Talking!”

Approval of Minutes

The meeting minutes from the October 2020 meeting were previously posted to the MCWA website for review. John Cankar (W9JM) motioned to approve the minutes with Bill Wacaser (KD9GIU) seconding the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.

Membership and Financial Reports

Treasurer Dean Hettel (WD9FOO) presented the membership and financial reports for October. MCWA has a membership of 119 full members, 8 family members and 2 associate members for a total of 129. Dean reminded the membership to pay their dues for the upcoming year.

Opening Balance $6,164.80
Deposits $40.00 (dues)
$235.00 (K9DMV antenna donation)
Expenditures $149.90 (Zoom 12-month subscription)
Interest $0.05
Final Balance $6,289.95

A motion to approve the financial report was made by John Kalenowsky (K9JK) with a second by Dave Whaley (NT9E). The motion was approved by voice vote. Pierre Berube (K9EYE) asked about the possibility of a lifetime membership.


FCC Amateur Radio Fees NPRM (20-270) comments close on November 16. As of 11/3, 2,918 comments have been posted out of over 750,000 U.S. Amateurs. Links to submit and view comments can be found on the MCWA website under “News”.

Hamfest/Conference Reports

CQ Worldwide DX Contest – SSB: John Cankar (W9JM) reported he made 180 contacts. John Lund (N9DJ) commented that 15 & 20-meters were good with VE’s on 80. Joe Robin (N9OK) commented that it was fun, with band conditions improving.


November Sweepstakes – CW on November 7-9
November Sweepstakes – SSB on November 21-23
CQ Worldwide DX Contest – CW on November 28-29
ARRL 160-meter CW Contest – December 4-6
ARRL 10-meter SSB/CW Contest – December 12-13

Upcoming MCWA Presentations

December 1      Introduction to getting on 472 and 136 kHz, Lloyd Berg N9LB
January 5, 2021 Inexpensive Test Equipment for Hams, Part 2, Gary Kaatz W9TD
February 2      European SOTA & Friedrichshafen, Sevim Ablay WB8BHN

Ralph encouraged the membership to consider making a presentation since these are all that are currently scheduled.

Awards and license upgrades

No members reported any new awards. Our guest Angelo Franzone (KD9QVW) was recently licensed.

Old Business

Bill Wacaser (KD9GIU) and Doug Tucker (KD9PQI) organized an afternoon of amateur radio with a small group of scouts on Sunday, October 18 at the Crystal Lake Nature Center. Bill and Doug reached out to us to help make the event meaningful for the scouts. Attendance was capped at 12 unlike previous scouting events where 100+ scouts waited their turn to get on the air. The actual count was 9 scouts. The small number and extended time gave the scouts the opportunity to explore amateur radio without being rushed. The experience included a classroom session, six and two-meter communication, amateur radio and the internet, portable HF operations and AllStarLink communications. Fourteen club members participated, 7 on-site and 7 providing contacts. The event was covered by Northwest Herald reporter, Sam Lounsberry. The subsequent article spread worldwide. Bill said that the classroom session he ran was one hour and covered the basics of ham radio. He also said that 3 of the 9 scouts plus one parent are planning to get their licenses. He hopes that next year it can be an all-day affair. Dave Holmgren (K9AT) described his experience with the AllStarLink exhibit that he ran for the scouts.

New Business

The membership survey was sent out following last month’s meeting. A total of 44 responses were received, a 34% response rate. Survey will remain open until approximately November 15. Ralph presented graphs of the responses to a number of survey questions. The remainder will be shared at the next meeting.

The Board of Directors held a planning meeting on October 20. Mike Metroka (WB8BZK) volunteered to continue as program Chairperson. The board also reviewed the current list of possible meeting venues. Ralph Iden (WB9ICF) presented a preliminary analysis of the membership survey and historical statistics of membership, meeting attendance and finances were shared. He reported that the health of the club was excellent. The board voted to keep the annual membership dues at $10. The budget for the upcoming year was finalized considering a desire to maintain programs and activities, raise awareness in the community and make prudent investments to support new amateurs.

MCWA Budget for 2020-2021

Operating expenses
Club liability insurance                       $225 ($200)
MCWA website hosting                    $75  ($66)
MCWA.org domain registration    $12  ($12)
Zoom Pro account                               $200 (149.90)

Program expenses
Field Day                                                  $750 (need membership approval after planning has started)
Dinner Social                                         $299 (appetizers and door prizes)
Outreach                                                 $299 (scouting and incentives)

Total Budgeted                                   $1860

Projected revenue from dues     $1190 (projected revenues from eBay sales and auction not shown)

Net over                                                 $670

No other new business was proposed.

Wrap up

John Cankar W9JM will be presenting “QSLing” following the adjournment of tonight’s meeting.

The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, December 1, 2020 by Zoom meetings. Open “eyeball” QSOs start at 6:30 PM, with the meeting starting at 7:00 PM.

A motion to adjourn was made by Mike Metroka (WB8BZK) and seconded by Harold Burt (W9HB). The motion was approved by voice vote and the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.

Prepared by Gary Kaatz (W9TD), MCWA Secretary