Subject: Meeting Minutes of Aug 4, 2015
The August meeting was called to order by President Kent, K9KMD, at 7:00 pm on August 4, 2015 in the Crystal Lake Bank meeting room.
The Pledge of Allegiance kicked off the meeting, led by Kent, K9KMD.
Introductions around the room followed. Twenty-seven people were in attendance for the meeting. George Hellmann announced he recently passed his technician class exam and is awaiting his new license and call sign.
Minutes from the July meeting were published for review on the club website by Secretary Roger, KF9D. Dave, NT9E moved to accept the minutes as published, seconded by Mike, KC9Q. The motion passed by voice vote.
Treasurer Dave, N9ITE was not present at the meeting, but a balance of $5028.19 in the treasury was published in the club newsletter. Jerry, N9AVY made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Mike, KC9Q. The motion passed by voice vote.
President Kent, K9KMD informed the group that one of our active members Tom Schwar, WB9RFP, became a silent key on July 21. He was a member of MCWA, the VARA repeater group, and a former member of EARS. John, K9JK, moved that in Tom’s memory, a donation in the amount of $50 be made to the PKD (Polycyctic Kidney Disease) Foundation. The motion was seconded by John, KC9TCX and passed by voice vote.
VP Dave, KA9OZP was not present at the meeting for a report.
Secretary Roger, KF9D, reported sending a sympathy card to Tom’s family. Additionally, Roger reported sending a thank you to Bob, N9NIX for allowing us to use a tower at field day.
Webmaster Dave, NT9E will be revamping the club website after the first of next year.
Jerry, N9AVY, newsletter editor, had nothing new to report.
Jack, W9MU, informed the group that the club is again scheduled to present a 5 week class at MCC on Introduction to Amateur Radio beginning in February.
The VE test sessions are taking a summer break, but will resume in September.
Under new business, John, N9DJ, shared the frustrations of being the first person to attempt to get a tower permit under the new Unified Development Ordinance of McHenry County. Additional requirements and costs are being asked of him, after the initial application was placed.
Several area hamfests, upcoming contest activities, and special events stations were highlighted. See QST for details.
W9DXCC will be held on September 12, 2015 at the Hyatt Woodfield. It is preceded on Sept. 11 by Contest-U and DX-U at the same location. Google W9DXCC for details.
Mike, KC9Q, brought a lot of information on some of the intrusive things that are reportedly present in Windows 10. Jim, N7US will add links to the information on the club reflector.
The business meeting concluded at 7:38 pm.
After a short break, Dave K9RUF gave a very complete and enthusiastic presentation on the D-Star digital radio protocol found in Icom products.
Respectfully Submitted,
Roger Scott, KF9D, MCWA Secretary